Billing Central API Developer Reference


global with sharing class BillingSchedulesService

EARLY ADOPTERS: The Billing Schedule object is currently for FinancialForce internal use only and is likely to be significantly changed or replaced in a future release. We recommend that you do not build any custom functionality around this object that you still require after upgrading to a future version of Billing Central. Scheduling of future billing will be retained, but may use a different solution.
This class provides the basic functionality to generate billing schedules.



global static Integer getNumberOfMonthsToGenerateBillingSchedules()

Returns the default number of future months for which to generate billing schedules. This is determined by the Billing Schedule Number of Months field in the Billing Central Settings custom setting. If the custom field does not contain a value, the default value of 12 is used.

Exceptions Thrown

Value Description
BillingCentralException An exception is thrown if the value of the custom setting is negative.

Return Value

The default number of months for which to generate billing schedules.


global static ffbc.BillingSchedulesService.GenerateResponse generate(ffbc.BillingSchedulesService.GenerateRequest request)

Generates billing schedules for active contracts.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
request ffbc.BillingSchedulesService.GenerateRequest A wrapper object containing the list of contracts and the criteria for billing schedule generation.

Exceptions Thrown

Value Description
BillingCentralException An exception is thrown if no generation End Date is provided, or if the generation End Date is before the generation Start Date.

Return Value

A response containing information about the billing schedules that were generated and the errors that occurred.


global static ffbc.BillingSchedulesService.GenerateResponse generateForLines(ffbc.BillingSchedulesService.GenerateForLineRequest request)

Generates billing schedules for the contract lines specified.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
request ffbc.BillingSchedulesService.GenerateForLineRequest A wrapper object containing the list of contract line items and the criteria for billing schedule generation.

Exceptions Thrown

Value Description
BillingCentralException An exception is thrown if no generation End Date is provided, or if the generation End Date is before the generation Start Date.

Return Value

A response containing information about the billing schedules that were generated and the errors that occurred.


global static Id generateAsync(ffbc.BillingSchedulesService.GenerateRequest request)

Generates billing schedules for active contracts. The billing schedules are generated asynchronously by queueable apex.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
request ffbc.BillingSchedulesService.GenerateRequest A GenerateRequest object containing the list of contracts and criteria for which to generate billing schedules.

Return Value

The ID of the asynchronous process that will generate the billing schedules.


global abstract class BaseGenerateRequest


Name Type Description
GenerationStartDate Date Generates billing schedules for each contract line item from the GenerationStartDate if provided. If the GenerationStartDate is not provided, billing schedules are generated from whichever of these is the latest:
- contract line item start date
- period end date of the latest billing schedule for the line
GenerationEndDate Date Billing schedules for each contract line item will be generated up to the latest period where the billing date is before this date.
SchedulesPerLine Integer Determines the maximum number of billing schedules per line. This property is only used by the generate and generateForLines methods.


global class GenerateRequest extends BaseGenerateRequest

This class provides the criteria for generating billing schedules from contracts. The equals and hashcode methods have been overridden to use all object properties.

This class extends ffbc.BillingSchedulesService.BaseGenerateRequest


Name Type Description
ContractIds Set<Id> Holds the list of contracts for which to generate billing schedules.



global GenerateRequest()

The default constuctor for a GenerateRequest object.


global class GenerateForLineRequest extends BaseGenerateRequest

This class provides the criteria for generating billing schedules from contract line items.
Use this class to provide:
- GenerationStartDate The date to generate billing schedules from.
- GenerationEndDate The date to generate billing schedules to.
- ContractLineItemIds The list of Contract Line Item Ids for which to generate billing schedules.
- SchedulesPerLine The maximum number of billing schedules to generate for each line item.

This class extends ffbc.BillingSchedulesService.BaseGenerateRequest


Name Type Description
ContractLineItemIds Set<Id> The set of contract line items for which to generate billing schedules.



global GenerateForLineRequest()

The default constructor for a GenerateForLineRequest object.


global class GenerateResponse extends Response

Returned by the service methods. Contains the Ids of the billing schedules generated and errors that occurred.

This class extends ffbc.Response


Name Type Description
GeneratedBillingScheduleIdsByContractId Map<Id, Set<Id>> Read only. The IDs of the billing schedules that were generated. These are mapped by the ID of the contract to which they are associated.