Reporting API Documentation


global with sharing class ActionViewsService

The service class relating to Online Inquiries.





The type of status message returned by the action.

Value Description
ERROR Status message of error.
SUCCESS Status message of success.
WARNING Status message of warning.



global static Boolean hasPrompts(ffr.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplate template)

Returns a Boolean indicating whether or not the specified action view template has criteria set to prompt.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
template ffr.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplate The action view template you are interested in.

Return Value

True if there are any prompts to perform at run-time.


global static ffr.SelectionService.Result getData(ffr.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplate template)

Retrieves the data that is returned when you run an Action View using the specified template.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
template ffr.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplate The action view template providing details of the query to perform.

Return Value

The selected data.


global static ffr.SelectionService.Result getData(Id dataviewId, String basePeriod, List<Id> fieldList, List<ffr.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplateFilter> filterList)

Retrieves the data that is returned when you run an Action View using the specified parameters.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
dataviewId Id Identifies the dataview used by this Action View.
basePeriod String The base period for soft period calculations.
fieldList List<Id> Identifies the fields that you want to be returned.
filterList List<ffr.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplateFilter> The filters (selection rule) that determine what data is retrieved.

Return Value

The selected data.


global static ffr.SelectionService.Result getData(Id dataviewId, String basePeriod, List<Id> fieldList, List<ffr.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplateFilter> filterList, Map<Id, List<ffr.DataViewService.DataViewJoinFilter>> joinFilterMap)

Retrieves the data that is returned when you run an Action View using the specified parameters.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
dataviewId Id Identifies the dataview used by this Action View.
basePeriod String The base period for soft period calculations.
fieldList List<Id> Identifies the fields that you want to be returned.
filterList List<ffr.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplateFilter> The filters (selection rule) that determine what data is retrieved.
joinFilterMap Map<Id, List<ffr.DataViewService.DataViewJoinFilter>> The join filters (selection rule) that determine what data is retrieved.

Return Value

The selected data.


global static ffr.ActionViewsService.DrillData getDrillData(ID sourceTemplateID, ID destinationTemplateID, String basePeriod, List<ffr.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplateFilter> currentfilterList, List<ffr.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplateFilter> columnFilters, List<ffr.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplateFilter> summarizationTemplateFilterList, Map<String, String> drillContext)

Applies column filters, when doing a drill, to ensure that the drill results are specific to the value in the filtered column, rather than including values across the whole row.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
sourceTemplateID ID The dataview used by the initial online inquiry.
destinationTemplateID ID The action view template you want to use to display the drill data.
basePeriod String The basePeriod to use to resolve soft-periods.
currentfilterList List<ffr.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplateFilter> The filters (selection rule) that determine what data is retrieved.
columnFilters List<ffr.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplateFilter> The column filters, if any, that determine what data is displayed in a particular column.
summarizationTemplateFilterList List<ffr.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplateFilter> The filter, if any, taken from the summarization template
drillContext Map<String, String> The selection context that determines the drill data results. This is a list of common names and values. For example, if the common names are Account and Currency the drill context string could be: Account, OfficeSuppliesUK, Currency, GBP

Return Value

This data from the drill operation along with it's action view template.


global static ffr.ActionViewsService.ActionViewsPersonalSetting getPersonalSettingsForTemplateAndUser(Id templateId)

Retrieves the personal settings that have been saved by the current user for the specified action view template.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
templateId Id Identifies the action view template that the personal settings have been saved for.

Return Value

Personal settings for the current user and the specified template.


global static ffr.ActionViewsService.ActionViewsPersonalSetting savePersonalSettings(ffr.ActionViewsService.ActionViewsPersonalSetting settingsDTO)

Saves the specified personal settings.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
settingsDTO ffr.ActionViewsService.ActionViewsPersonalSetting Holds the personal settings that will be saved.

Return Value

New personal settings for the current user.


global static void deletePersonalSetting(Id templateId)

Deletes the personal settings that have been saved by the current user for the specified action view template.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
templateId Id Identifies the action view template that the personal settings were saved for.


global static ffr.ActionViewsService.ActionResult invokeAction(Id dataviewId, Id actionId, ffr.SelectionService.Result selectedData, Map<String, String> promptValues)

Invokes an Action Views action using the specified parameters.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
dataviewId Id The dataview where the action is defined.
actionId Id The action that will be invoked.
selectedData ffr.SelectionService.Result Identifies the rows that the action is going to be performed on.
promptValues Map<String, String> A list of label-value pairs that need to be supplied for the action to run.

Return Value

This service returns a ffr.ActionViewsService.ActionResult object.


global static ffr.ActionViewsService.ValidationResult Validate(Id dataviewId, Id actionId, ffr.SelectionService.Result selectedData)

Verifies whether the specified action is valid for the selected data.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
dataviewId Id Identifies the dataview used by the Action View.
actionId Id Identifies the action being validated.
selectedData ffr.SelectionService.Result Identifies the rows that the action is being validated for.

Return Value

This service returns a ffr.ActionViewsService.ValidationResult object.


global class DrillData

Holds information used when drilling within Online Inquiries.


Name Type Description
Result ffr.SelectionService.Result The drill results.
Template ffr.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplate The action view template used to display the drill results.
FilterUsed List<ffr.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplateFilter> The selection query used to retrieve the drill results.


global class ActionViewsPersonalSetting


Name Type Description
Id Id Globally unique string that identifies the record.
InquiryTemplateId Id Identifies the action view template that these settings relate to.
Settings List<ffr.ActionViewsService.ActionViewsSetting> Holds key-value pairs of the personal settings that have been saved.



global ActionViewsPersonalSetting()

Creates an API version of an empty online inquiries personal setting object.

Return Value

This constructor does not return a value.


global ActionViewsPersonalSetting(ffr__ActionViewsPersonalSetting__c sObj, List<ffr.ActionViewsService.ActionViewsSetting> settingsList)

Creates an API version of an empty online inquiries personal setting object.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
sObj ffr__ActionViewsPersonalSetting__c Contains the SObject version of the personal setting object.
settingsList List<ffr.ActionViewsService.ActionViewsSetting> A list of key-value pairs for the personal settings to be held by the object.

Return Value

This constructor does not return a value.


global ffr__ActionViewsPersonalSetting__c createSObject(String settingResult)

Creates an SObject version of the online inquiry personal setting instance from its API version.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
settingResult String The string that contains the setting as one or more key-value pairs.

Return Value

This service returns an ActionViewsPersonalSetting__c object.


global class ActionViewsSetting

Holds a key-value pair storing a personal setting that has been saved by a user choosing Remember My Settings from within Online Inquiries.


Name Type Description
Key String A key that identifies the personal setting that has been saved.
Value String The value saved for this key.


global class ActionResult

The result of running an action within Online Inquiries.


Name Type Description
StatusMessage String The message returned by the action.
StatusCategory ffr.ActionViewsService.MessageLevel The type of message returned by the action: Success, Error, Warning.
RequiresRefresh Boolean Indicates whether a screen refresh is required.


global class ValidationResult

The result (success or failure) of validating an action within Online Inquiries.


Name Type Description
StatusMessage String
StatusCategory ffr.ActionViewsService.MessageLevel
parameterMetaData List<ffr.DataViewService.ParameterMetadataType>
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