SCMQT API Developer Reference


global with sharing class CustomerQuotationLineExtended

This class is used as wrapper for customer quotation lines.


Financial Force, Inc.


Name Type Description
selected Boolean
newGroupHeader Boolean
itemName String
itemDesc String
line SCMC__Customer_Quotation_Line__c
groupInformation SCMC__Quote_Line_Group__c
totalQTY Double
recordTypeName String
billOfMaterialsList List<SCMC__Bill_of_Material__c>
hasBillOfMaterials Boolean
hasNewGroupTitle Boolean
sectionOpen Boolean
hasOptions Boolean
optionSelected List<SCMC__Customer_Quotation_Line__c>
hasSelectedOptions Boolean
optionSectionOpen Boolean
hasMoreThanOneSupplier Boolean
priceBy String
canEditLine Boolean
lineOptions List<scmqt.CustomerQuotationLineExtended>



global CustomerQuotationLineExtended()

Class constructor.

Exceptions Thrown

Value Description
noException This method does not throw an exception.

Return Value

Does not return a value.


global CustomerQuotationLineExtended(SCMC__Customer_Quotation_Line__c line, Boolean ideaOptions)

Class constructor.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
line SCMC__Customer_Quotation_Line__c The customer quotation line.
ideaOptions Boolean The boolean tells the system that it is an option.

Exceptions Thrown

Value Description
noException This method does not throw an exception.

Return Value

Does not return a value.


global CustomerQuotationLineExtended(SCMC__Customer_Quotation_Line__c line)

Class constructor.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
line SCMC__Customer_Quotation_Line__c The customer quotation line.

Exceptions Thrown

Value Description
noException This method does not throw an exception.

Return Value

Does not return a value.


global CustomerQuotationLineExtended(SCMC__Customer_Quotation_Line__c line, SCMC__Quote_Line_Group__c groupDetail, Boolean displayHeader)

Class constructor.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
line SCMC__Customer_Quotation_Line__c The customer quotation line.
groupDetail SCMC__Quote_Line_Group__c The quote line group detail tie to the customer quotation line.
displayHeader Boolean Telling the system to display group detail.

Exceptions Thrown

Value Description
noException This method does not throw an exception.

Return Value

Does not return a value.


global CustomerQuotationLineExtended(SCMC__Customer_Quotation_Line__c line, SCMC__Quote_Line_Group__c groupDetail, Boolean displayHeader, List<scmqt.CustomerQuotationLineExtended> options)

Class constructor.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
line SCMC__Customer_Quotation_Line__c The customer quotation line.
groupDetail SCMC__Quote_Line_Group__c The quote line group detail tie to the customer quotation line.
displayHeader Boolean Telling the system to display group detail.
options List<scmqt.CustomerQuotationLineExtended> An array on CustomerQuotationLineExtended that holds the options for the customer quotation line.

Exceptions Thrown

Value Description
noException This method does not throw an exception.

Return Value

Does not return a value.