Customer Success Cloud Permissions

CSC - Customer Success

API Name: CSCCustomerSuccess

View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.

Permissions Available on Permission Set

The table lists the permissions available for this permission set.

Application Access Customer_Success Visible View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Apex Class Permission AsyncApexJobProgressController Enabled View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
FieldsetController Enabled View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
LookupSearchController Enabled View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
ObjectiveController Enabled View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
ObjectiveCreationController Enabled View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
PlaybookController Enabled View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
PlaybookCreationController Enabled View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
PlaybookTaskController Enabled View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
ResourceController Enabled View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
SessionController Enabled View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
SuccessPlanController Enabled View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
SuccessPlanCreationController Enabled View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
TeamController Enabled View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
fferpcore__ContextSensitiveHelpController Enabled View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
fferpcore__exp_configurationItemController Enabled View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
fferpcore__wksp_customAlertController Enabled View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
fferpcore__wksp_navigation Enabled View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
fferpcore__wksp_schemaUtils Enabled View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Field Permission Objective__c.Account__c Read View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Objective__c.Category__c Edit, Read View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Objective__c.End_Date__c Edit, Read View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Objective__c.Is_Current_User__c Read View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Objective__c.Is_Template__c Edit, Read View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Objective__c.Objective_Owner__c Edit, Read View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Objective__c.Objective_Type__c Edit, Read View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Objective__c.Priority__c Edit, Read View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Objective__c.Start_Date__c Edit, Read View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Objective__c.Status__c Edit, Read View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Objective__c.Success_Criteria__c Edit, Read View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Objective__c.Success_Plan__c Edit, Read View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Objective__c.Summary__c Edit, Read View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Playbook_Task__c.Assigned_Resources__c Read View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Playbook_Task__c.Description__c Edit, Read View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Playbook_Task__c.Duration_Days__c Read View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Playbook_Task__c.End_Date_Time__c Edit, Read View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Playbook_Task__c.End_Date__c Edit, Read View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Playbook_Task__c.Flagged__c Edit, Read View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Playbook_Task__c.Name Edit, Read View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Playbook_Task__c.Playbook__c Edit, Read View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Playbook_Task__c.Start_Date_Time__c Edit, Read View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Playbook_Task__c.Start_Date__c Edit, Read View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Playbook_Task__c.Status__c Edit, Read View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Playbook__c.Account__c Edit, Read View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Playbook__c.Description__c Edit, Read View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Playbook__c.Duration_Days__c Read View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Playbook__c.End_Date__c Edit, Read View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Playbook__c.Is_Active__c Edit, Read View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Playbook__c.Is_Current_User__c Read View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Playbook__c.Is_Template__c Edit, Read View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Playbook__c.Name Edit, Read View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Playbook__c.Objective__c Edit, Read View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Playbook__c.Playbook_Owner__c Edit, Read View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Playbook__c.Playbook_Status__c Edit, Read View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Playbook__c.Stage__c Edit, Read View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Playbook__c.Start_Date__c Edit, Read View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Playbook__c.Status_Visual__c Read View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Playbook__c.Success_Plan__c Read View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Playbook__c.Team__c Edit, Read View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Resource__c.Email__c Edit, Read View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Resource__c.First_Name__c Edit, Read View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Resource__c.Is_Active__c Edit, Read View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Resource__c.Role__c Edit, Read View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Resource__c.Salesforce_User__c Edit, Read View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Success_Plan__c.Account__c Edit, Read View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Success_Plan__c.Annual_Revenue__c Read View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Success_Plan__c.Challenges_and_Risks__c Edit, Read View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Success_Plan__c.Effective_Date__c Edit, Read View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Success_Plan__c.Is_Current_User__c Read View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Success_Plan__c.Is_Template__c Edit, Read View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Success_Plan__c.Last_Business_Review__c Edit, Read View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Success_Plan__c.Next_Business_Review__c Edit, Read View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Success_Plan__c.Status__c Edit, Read View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Success_Plan__c.Success_Plan_Owner__c Edit, Read View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Success_Plan__c.Summary__c Edit, Read View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Object Permission Objective__c Create, Read, Edit, Delete View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Playbook_Task_Assignment__c Create, Read, Edit, Delete View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Playbook_Task__c Create, Read, Edit, Delete View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Playbook__c Create, Read, Edit, Delete View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Resource__c Create, Read, Edit, Delete View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Success_Plan__c Create, Read, Edit, Delete View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Team_Membership__c Create, Read, Edit, Delete View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Team__c Create, Read, Edit, Delete View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Apex Page Permission fferpcore__wksp_api Enabled View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Tab Permission Customer_Success_Workspace Visible View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Objective__c Visible View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Playbook_Task__c Visible View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Playbook__c Visible View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Resource__c Visible View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Success_Plan__c Visible View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.
Team__c Visible View the Customer Success app, manage CS Cloud records, and use the CS Cloud components.

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