PSA Data Dictionary


Label: Backlog Detail

Contains projected billings for a single project, region, practice, or group over a single time period. Revenue data can come from billable assignments or milestones. Information on the backlog calculation job is contained in a parent backlog calculation record.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Assignment__c Assignment Pre-Spring 2018 Related assignment - applies only if Resource is also set

Looks up to: Assignment__c
Backlog_Calculation__c Backlog Calculation Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Backlog_Calculation__c
Billings__c Billings Pre-Spring 2018 Currency(18,2) 0
Bookings__c Bookings Pre-Spring 2018 Currency(18,2) 0
End_Date__c End Date Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
External_Time_Cost__c External Time Cost Pre-Spring 2018 Currency(18,2)
Group__c Group Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Grp__c
Held_Resource_Request_External_Cost__c Held Resource Request External Cost Pre-Spring 2018 Currency(18,2)
Held_Resource_Request_Hours__c Held Resource Request Hours Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,2)
Held_Resource_Request_Internal_Cost__c Held Resource Request Internal Cost Pre-Spring 2018 Currency(18,2)
Held_Resource_Request_Revenue__c Held Resource Request Revenue Pre-Spring 2018 Currency(18,2)
Inactive_Project_Backlog__c Inactive Project Backlog Pre-Spring 2018 Currency(18,2)
Internal_Time_Cost__c Internal Time Cost Pre-Spring 2018 Currency(18,2)
Is_Reusable__c Is Reusable Pre-Spring 2018 Internal PSE field not intended for display

Checkbox false
Milestone_Cost__c Milestone Cost Pre-Spring 2018 Currency(18,2)
Milestone_Revenue__c Milestone Revenue Pre-Spring 2018 Currency(18,2) 0
Practice__c Practice Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Practice__c
Project__c Project Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Proj__c
Region__c Region Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Region__c
Resource__c Resource Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Contact

Scheduled_Days__c Scheduled Days Pre-Spring 2018 Total number of days scheduled based on assignment schedules and schedule exceptions. For example, if an assignment has a schedule of 4 hours M-W and the calculation period is an inclusive period of 2 weeks, the value would be 6 days (3 days/week * 2)

Number(18,6) 0
Scheduled_Hours__c Scheduled Hours Pre-Spring 2018 The number of hours scheduled based on assignment schedules and schedule exceptions during the calculation time range.

Number(18,2) 0
Start_Date__c Start Date Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
Time_Period__c Time Period Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Time_Period__c
Time_Revenue__c Time Revenue Pre-Spring 2018 Billable revenue from scheduled assignments. For hourly assignments, this is the number of scheduled hours * bill rate. For assignments with a daily bill rate, this is the number of scheduled days * bill rate.

Currency(18,2) 0
Unheld_Resource_Request_Cost__c Unheld Resource Request Cost Pre-Spring 2018 Currency(18,2)
Unheld_Resource_Request_Hours__c Unheld Resource Request Hours Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,2)
Unheld_Resource_Request_Revenue__c Unheld Resource Request Revenue Pre-Spring 2018 Currency(18,2)
Unscheduled_Revenue__c Unscheduled Revenue Pre-Spring 2018 Currency(18,2)

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