PSA Data Dictionary


Label: Backlog

Configuration for scheduled backlog

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Assignment_Batch_Size__c Assignment Batch Size Pre-Spring 2018 The number of assignments to process in a single batch

Number(5,0) 200
Backlog_Details_CorporateCurrencies__c Backlog Details Corporate Currencies Pre-Spring 2018 A comma-delimited list of valid ISO codes used in backlog reporting.

Copy_Fields_Default__c Copy Fields Default Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
Default_Time_Period_Types__c Default Time Period Types Pre-Spring 2018 A semicolon delimited list of the default time period types to process

Text(255) "Month;Quarter;Year;Perpetual"
Delete_Details_on_Calc_Deletion__c Delete Details on Calc Deletion Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
Include_Sublevels_Default__c Include Sublevels Default Pre-Spring 2018 The default value for the Include Sublevels option

Checkbox true
Milestone_Statuses__c Milestone Statuses Pre-Spring 2018 A comma-delimited list of valid milestone status values for backlog calculation.

Text(255) "Open,Planned"
Post_Process_Milestone_Batch_Size__c Post Process Milestone Batch Size Pre-Spring 2018 The number of milestones to process in a single batch if the backlog remainder is processed in a separate batch.

Number(5,0) 200
Post_Process_Project_Batch_Size__c Post Process Project Batch Size Pre-Spring 2018 The number of projects to process in a single batch if the backlog remainder is processed in a separate batch.

Number(5,0) 100
Post_Process_RPG_Batch_Size__c Post Process RPG Batch Size Pre-Spring 2018 The number of regions, practices, or groups to process in a single batch if the backlog remainder is processed in a separate batch. The default value is 50. Contact customer support before changing this value.

Number(5,0) 50
Post_Process_Resource_Request_Batch_Size__c Post Process Resource Request Batch Size Pre-Spring 2018 Number(5,0) 100
Resource_Request_Bill_Currency_Field__c Resource Request Bill Currency Field Pre-Spring 2018 Defines the field to use to specify the billing currency for resource request backlog calculations.

Resource_Request_Bill_Rate_Field__c Resource Request Bill Rate Field Pre-Spring 2018 Defines the field to use as a bill rate for resource request backlog calculations.

Resource_Request_Cost_Currency_Field__c Resource Request Cost Currency Field Pre-Spring 2018 Defines the field to use as the cost currency for resource request backlog calculations.

Resource_Request_Cost_Rate_Field__c Resource Request Cost Rate Field Pre-Spring 2018 Defines the field to use as the cost rate for resource request backlog calculations.

Reuse_Detail_Objects_Default__c Reuse Detail Objects Default Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false

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