PSA Data Dictionary


Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
API_Resource_Correlation_Id__c API Resource Correlation ID Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
Action_Calculate_Utilization__c Action: Calculate Utilization Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox true
Action_Update_Current_Time_Period__c Action: Update Current Time Period Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox true
Actuals_Last_Update_Date__c Actuals: Last Update Date Pre-Spring 2018 DateTime
Actuals_Last_Updated_By__c Actuals: Last Updated By Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: User

Allow_Timecards_Without_Assignment__c Allow Timecards Without Assignment Pre-Spring 2018 Check this if resource should be treated as 'Global' Resources. 'Global' Resources can enter time for any Project, even if that Project normally requires Assignments for Time Entry.

Checkbox false
Billable_External_Hours__c Billable Hours (External) Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,2) 0.00
Billable_Internal_Hours__c Billable Hours (Internal) Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,2) 0.00
Billed__c Billed Pre-Spring 2018 Currency(18,2) 0.00
Billings__c Billings Pre-Spring 2018 Currency(18,2) 0.00
Bookings__c Bookings Pre-Spring 2018 Currency(18,2) 0.00
Credited_Non_Billable_Internal_Hours__c Credited Hours Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,2) 0.00
Current_Time_Period_End_Date__c Current Time Period End Date Pre-Spring 2018 Date TODAY()
Current_Time_Period__c Current Time Period Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Time_Period__c
Daily_Default_Cost_Rate__c Default Cost Rate is Daily Rate Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
Default_Cost_Rate__c Default Cost Rate Pre-Spring 2018 Currency(18,2) 0.00
ERP_Worker_Correlation_Id__c Foundations Worker Correlation Pre-Spring 2018 This records the worker correlation key used within the Foundations system.

Employment_Status_Effective_Date__c Employment Status Effective Date Pre-Spring 2018 Date
Employment_Status__c Employment Status Pre-Spring 2018 Picklist:
Exclude_From_Missing_Timecards__c Exclude From Missing Timecards Pre-Spring 2018 Whether to exclude this resource from missing timecard reports

Checkbox false
Exclude_From_Time_Calculations__c Exclude from Time Calculations Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
Exclude_From_Time_Variance__c Exclude From Time Variance Calculations Pre-Spring 2018 If true, the resource is excluded from Time Variance calculations.

Checkbox false
Exclude_from_Resource_Planner__c Exclude from Resource Planner Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
Excluded_Hours__c Excluded Hours Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,2) 0.00
Expense_Budget__c Expense Budget Pre-Spring 2018 Currency(18,2) 0.00
Expense_Costs__c Expense Costs Pre-Spring 2018 Currency(18,2) 0.00
External_Costs__c External Costs Pre-Spring 2018 Currency(18,2) 0.00
External_Resource__c External Resource Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
Group__c Group Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Grp__c
Hist_Sch_Utilization_Billable_Hours__c Hist Sch Utilization Billable Hours Pre-Spring 2018 The historical scheduled utilization billable hours total for the current time period. This value has been copied from the associated Utilization Detail object for this time period.

Hist_Sch_Utilization_Credited_Hours__c Hist Sch Utilization Credited Hours Pre-Spring 2018 The historical scheduled utilization credited hours total for the current time period. This value has been copied from the associated Utilization Detail object for this time period.

Hist_Sch_Utilization_Excluded_Hours__c Hist Sch Utilization Excluded Hours Pre-Spring 2018 The historical scheduled utilization excluded hours total for the current time period. This value has been copied from the associated Utilization Detail object for this time period.

Hist_Sch_Utilization_Held_Hours__c Hist Sch Utilization Held Hours Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,2)
Hist_Sch_Utilization_Non_Billable_Hrs__c Hist Sch Utilization Non Billable Hrs Pre-Spring 2018 The historical scheduled utilization non-billable hours total for the current time period. This value has been copied from the associated Utilization Detail object for this time period.

Historical_Utilization_Billable_Hours__c Historical Utilization Billable Hours Pre-Spring 2018 The historical utilization billable hours total for the current time period. This value has been copied from the associated Utilization Detail object for this time period.

Historical_Utilization_Calendar_Hours__c Historical Utilization Calendar Hours Pre-Spring 2018 The historical utilization calendar hours for the current time period. This value has been copied from the associated Utilization Detail object for this time period.

Historical_Utilization_Credited_Hours__c Historical Utilization Credited Hours Pre-Spring 2018 The historical utilization credited hours total for the current time period. This value has been copied from the associated Utilization Detail object for this time period.

Historical_Utilization_Excluded_Hours__c Historical Utilization Excluded Hours Pre-Spring 2018 The historical utilization excluded hours total for the current time period. This value has been copied from the associated Utilization Detail object for this time period.

Historical_Utilization_Non_Billable_Hrs__c Historical Utilization Non Billable Hrs Pre-Spring 2018 The historical utilization non-billable hours total for the current time period. This value has been copied from the associated Utilization Detail object for this time period.

Historical_Utilization_Target_Attainment__c Historical Utilization Target Attainment Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
IF(Historical_Utilization_Target__c = 0, IF(Historical_Utilization__c <= 0,0,1), Historical_Utilization__c / Historical_Utilization_Target__c )
Historical_Utilization_Target_Hours__c Historical Utilization Target Hours Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,2)
Historical_Utilization_Target__c Historical Utilization Target Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
IF(Historical_Utilization_Calendar_Hours__c = 0, 0, Historical_Utilization_Target_Hours__c / Historical_Utilization_Calendar_Hours__c )
Historical_Utilization__c Historical Utilization Pre-Spring 2018 The historical utilization percentage for the current time period. This value has been copied from the associated Utilization Detail object for this time period.

Internal_Budget__c Internal Budget Pre-Spring 2018 Currency(18,2) 0.00
Internal_Costs__c Internal Costs Pre-Spring 2018 Currency(18,2) 0.00
Invoiced__c Invoiced Pre-Spring 2018 Currency(18,2) 0.00
Is_Resource_Active__c Is Resource Active Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
Is_Resource__c Is Resource Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
Jira_Correlation_Username__c Jira Correlation ID Fall 2019 Unique ID of the related user in Jira. Used for synchronization.

Last_Date__c Last Date Pre-Spring 2018 A Resource's last day of employment.

Latitude_PSA__c Latitude (PSA) Pre-Spring 2018 Number(10,8)
Longitude_PSA__c Longitude (PSA) Pre-Spring 2018 Number(11,8)
Margin__c Margin Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
Billings__c + Pass_Through_Billings__c - Internal_Costs__c - External_Costs__c - Expense_Costs__c - Other_Costs__c
Non_Billable_External_Hours__c Non-Billable Hours (External) Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,2) 0.00
Non_Billable_Internal_Hours__c Non-Billable Hours (Internal) Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,2) 0.00
Other_Costs__c Other Costs Pre-Spring 2018 Currency(18,2) 0.00
Pass_Through_Billings__c Pass-Through Billings Pre-Spring 2018 Currency(18,2) 0.00
Practice__c Practice Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Practice__c
Pre_Billed__c Pre-Billed Pre-Spring 2018 Currency(18,2) 0.00
Region__c Region Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Region__c
Resource_Role__c Resource Role Pre-Spring 2018 Picklist:
Business Analyst
Client Manager
Project Manager
Senior Consultant
Revenue__c Revenue Pre-Spring 2018 Currency(18,2) 0.00
Salesforce_User__c Salesforce User Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: User

Scheduled_Utilization_Billable_Hours__c Scheduled Utilization Billable Hours Pre-Spring 2018 The scheduled utilization billable hours total for the current time period. This value has been copied from the associated Utilization Detail object for this time period.

Scheduled_Utilization_Calendar_Hours__c Scheduled Utilization Calendar Hours Pre-Spring 2018 The scheduled utilization calendar hours total for the current time period. This value has been copied from the associated Utilization Detail object for this time period.

Scheduled_Utilization_Credited_Hours__c Scheduled Utilization Credited Hours Pre-Spring 2018 The scheduled utilization credited hours total for the current time period. This value has been copied from the associated Utilization Detail object for this time period.

Scheduled_Utilization_Excluded_Hours__c Scheduled Utilization Excluded Hours Pre-Spring 2018 The scheduled utilization excluded hours total for the current time period. This value has been copied from the associated Utilization Detail object for this time period.

Scheduled_Utilization_Held_Hours__c Scheduled Utilization Held Hours Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,2)
Scheduled_Utilization_Non_Billable_Hrs__c Scheduled Utilization Non Billable Hrs Pre-Spring 2018 The scheduled utilization non-billable hours total for the current time period. This value has been copied from the associated Utilization Detail object for this time period.

Scheduled_Utilization_Target_Attainment__c Scheduled Utilization Target Attainment Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
IF(Scheduled_Utilization_Target__c = 0, IF(Scheduled_Utilization__c <= 0,0,1), Scheduled_Utilization__c / Scheduled_Utilization_Target__c )
Scheduled_Utilization_Target_Hours__c Scheduled Utilization Target Hours Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,2)
Scheduled_Utilization_Target__c Scheduled Utilization Target Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
IF(Scheduled_Utilization_Calendar_Hours__c = 0, 0, Scheduled_Utilization_Target_Hours__c / Scheduled_Utilization_Calendar_Hours__c )
Scheduled_Utilization__c Scheduled Utilization Pre-Spring 2018 The scheduled utilization percentage for the current time period. This value has been copied from the associated Utilization Detail object for this time period.

Send_to_Third_Party_Expenses_Application__c Send to Third-Party Expenses Application Spring 2019 Controls whether or not the resource is sent to a third-party expenses application.

AND(Is_Resource__c , Is_Resource_Active__c)
Start_Date__c Start Date Pre-Spring 2018 A Resource's first date of employment.

Sync_with_Jira__c Sync with Jira Fall 2019 Controls whether the resource is synchronized with Jira.

Checkbox false
Total_Costs__c Total Costs Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
Internal_Costs__c + External_Costs__c + Expense_Costs__c + Other_Costs__c
Total_Time_Period_Hours__c Total Time Period Hours Pre-Spring 2018 [DEPRECATED, no longer used]

Total_Utilization__c Utilization Pre-Spring 2018 The overall (historical + scheduled) utilization percentage for the current time period. This value has been copied from the associated Utilization Detail object for this time period.

Utilization_Calculation_Date__c Utilization: Last Calculation Date Pre-Spring 2018 Date
Utilization_Last_Update_Date__c Utilization: Last Update Date Pre-Spring 2018 DateTime
Utilization_Last_Updated_By__c Utilization: Last Updated By Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: User

Utilization_Target_Attainment__c Utilization Target Attainment Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
IF(Utilization_Target_Average__c = 0, IF(Total_Utilization__c <= 0,0,1), Total_Utilization__c / Utilization_Target_Average__c )
Utilization_Target_Average__c Utilization Target Average Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
IF(Historical_Utilization_Calendar_Hours__c + Scheduled_Utilization_Calendar_Hours__c = 0, 0, Utilization_Target_Hours__c / ( Historical_Utilization_Calendar_Hours__c + Scheduled_Utilization_Calendar_Hours__c ) )
Utilization_Target_Hours__c Utilization Target Hours Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,2)
Utilization_Target__c Utilization Target Pre-Spring 2018 A target percentage of utilization for this resource. For example, a target of 50% for an 8 hour per day work calendar, results in a 4 hour per day target that the resource should be utilized for.

Work_Calendar__c Work Calendar Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Work_Calendar__c

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