PSA Data Dictionary


Label: Foundations PSA Messaging Settings

Manages Foundations integration messages in PSA.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Absence_Filter_Field__c Absence Filter Field Key Pre-Spring 2018 Key name in Foundations to use for filtering absence request messages.

Absence_Filter_Values__c Absence Filter Values Pre-Spring 2018 Key value(s) in Foundations message used for filtering absence request messages. Text and Picklist fields support multiple, semicolon-delimited values.

Absence_Request_Project_Frequency__c Absence Request Project Frequency Summer 2022 Label for the field that specifies the frequency for which the new absence request project needs to be created.

Text(30) "Monthly"
Absence_Request_Project__c Absence Request Project Pre-Spring 2018 The Salesforce record ID of the project to use when creating time off assignments via Foundations.

Auto_Create_Absence_Request_Project__c Auto-Create Absence Request Project Summer 2022 Label for the checkbox field that specifies auto-creation of the absence request project by copying the project details from the Absence Request Project and frequency from the Absence Request Project Frequency fields.

Checkbox false
Automatically_Approve_API_Timecards__c Automatically Approve API Timecards Spring 2018 If selected, PSA automatically approves timecards created via the PSA Assignment API when a relevant approval process exists on the Timecard object.

Checkbox false
Copy_Fields_on_Absence_Request_Project__c Copy Fields on Absence Request Project Winter 2023 Field set name used to copy additional fields on absence request project.

Create_Records_as_Active_Resources__c Create Records as Active Resources Pre-Spring 2018 If selected, PSA creates active resource records when API Resource Correlation ID is populated. API Resource Correlation ID is always populated when details are entered via the API.

Checkbox false
Update_Resource_Employment_Dates__c Update Resource Employment Dates Pre-Spring 2018 If selected and API Resource Correlation ID is populated, PSA updates start date or last date when a resource's employment status becomes active or terminated. API Resource Correlation ID is always populated when details are entered via the API.

Checkbox false
Worker_Account_Filter_Field__c Worker Account Filter Field Key Pre-Spring 2018 Key name in Foundations to use for filtering worker messages for creating Person Accounts.

Worker_Account_Filter_Values__c Worker Account Filter Values Pre-Spring 2018 Key value(s) in Foundations used for filtering worker messages for creating Person Accounts. Text and Picklist fields support multiple, semicolon-delimited values.

Worker_Filter_Field__c Worker Filter Field Key Pre-Spring 2018 Key name in Foundations to use for filtering worker messages.

Worker_Filter_Values__c Worker Filter Values Pre-Spring 2018 Key value(s) in Foundations message used for filtering worker messages for creating Contacts. Text and Picklist fields support multiple, semicolon-delimited values.


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