PSA Data Dictionary


Label: Filter Set

Represents a collection of filters that determines which resources or projects display in the Resource or Project Planners.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Feature__c Available In Pre-Spring 2018 MultiselectPicklist:
Project Planner
Resource Planner
Filter_Set_Name__c Filter Set Name Spring 2019 The name of the Filter Set.

Filters__c Filters Spring 2019 Holds the filter attributes and values in a saved filter set. Stored as a JSON object.

IsDefault__c Is Default Spring 2019 When checked, indicates the filter set is the default.

Checkbox false
Is_Private__c Is Private Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
Related_SObject_ID__c Related SObject Fall 2019 The ID of a related SObject, such as a project ID.

SObject__c SObject Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)

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