PSA Data Dictionary


Label: Billing Forecast Batch Settings

This object stores the settings used by Batch Apex jobs for billing forecast calculations.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Forecast_Batch_Size__c Billing Forecast Batch Size Spring 2018 The number of records to process in a single batch. The value is 200 by default.

Number(4,0) 200
Maximum_Queue_Size__c Maximum Queue Size Spring 2018 The maximum number of billing forecast calculations that can run at once. Leave blank to use recommended default.

Notifications_Chatter__c Notifications by Chatter Spring 2018 If selected, notifications from Billing Forecast batch processes are sent via Chatter to recipients listed in the Notification Recipients setting. This is deselected by default.

Checkbox false
Notifications_Email__c Notifications by Email Spring 2018 If selected, notifications from Billing Forecast batch processes are sent via email to recipients listed in the Notification Recipients setting. This is selected by default.

Checkbox true
Notifications_Recipients__c Notification Recipients Spring 2018 Specifies the notification recipients for Billing Forecast batch notifications sent via Chatter or email. The value is a list of email addresses separated by semicolons (;). This setting is null by default.

Notifications_Task__c Notifications by Task Spring 2018 If selected, notifications from Billing Forecast batch processes are sent via tasks. This is deselected by default.

Checkbox false

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