PSA Data Dictionary


Label: Billing Forecast Override

Stores information on an override applied to a billing forecast summary category or billing forecast detail category.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Forecast_Enhanced_Calculation__c Billing Forecast Calculation Spring 2019 A lookup to the billing forecast calculation this override applies to.

Looks up to: Forecast_Enhanced_Calculation__c
Forecast_Enhanced_Detail_Category__c Billing Forecast Detail Category Spring 2019 A lookup to the billing forecast detail category this override applies to.

Looks up to: Forecast_Enhanced_Detail_Category__c
Forecast_Enhanced_Summary_Category__c Billing Forecast Summary Category Spring 2019 A lookup to the billing forecast summary category this override applies to.

Looks up to: Forecast_Enhanced_Summary_Category__c
Group__c Group Spring 2019 A lookup to the group this override applies to.

Looks up to: Grp__c
Is_Active__c Is Active Spring 2019 Determines whether this override is the currently active override for the summary category or detail category it is applied to.

Checkbox false
Notes__c Notes Spring 2019 Additional information to explain why the override was applied.

Opportunity__c Opportunity Spring 2019 A lookup to the opportunity this override applies to.

Looks up to: Opportunity

Override_Value__c Override Value Spring 2019 The value entered for the billing forecast override.

Practice__c Practice Spring 2019 A lookup to the practice this override applies to.

Looks up to: Practice__c
Project__c Project Spring 2019 A lookup to the project this override applies to.

Looks up to: Proj__c
Region__c Region Spring 2019 A lookup to the region this override applies to.

Looks up to: Region__c

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