PSA Data Dictionary


Label: Billing Forecast Setup Category

Stores details about the weighted billing forecast categories, such as Best Case or Expected, used in a billing forecast calculation. There must be at least one category assigned to the billing forecast setup details for a billing forecast calculation to run.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Billings_Actuals__c Billings Spring 2018 The multiplier applied to the actual billable amount on a project. This includes Billed Timecards, Billed Milestones and Miscellaneous Adjustments.

Number(5,2) 1.00
Expense_Actuals__c Expenses Spring 2018 The multiplier applied to the expenses on a project. This is the billable amount of the expenses.

Number(5,2) 1.00
Forecast_Setup__c Billing Forecast Setup Spring 2018 The billing forecast setup this billing forecast category is used with. You must configure at least one billing forecast category.

Looks up to: Forecast_Setup__c
Label__c Label Spring 2018 The label displayed for a weighted billing forecast category, for example, Expected, Best Case, Worst Case.

Opportunities__c Opportunities Spring 2018 The multiplier applied to opportunities for this weighted billing forecast category.

Number(5,2) 1.00
Order__c Category Order Summer 2018 The order the billing forecast categories are applied in the billing forecast calculation. You can enter values from 1 to 3.

Ordinal__c zDeprecated:Category Order Spring 2018 This field is deprecated.

Scheduled_Assignments__c Scheduled Assignments Spring 2018 The multiplier applied to the value of the assignments on a project.

Number(5,2) 1.00
Scheduled_Held_Resource_Requests__c Held Resource Requests Spring 2018 The multiplier applied to the resource request hours on a project, when the Resource Held field is checked.

Number(5,2) 1.00
Scheduled_Milestones__c Scheduled Milestones Spring 2018 The multiplier applied to the value of the scheduled milestones for a project.

Number(5,2) 1.00
Scheduled_Unheld_Resource_Requests__c Unheld Resource Requests Spring 2018 The multiplier applied to the planned resource request hours for a project, when the Resource Held field is unchecked.

Number(5,2) 1.00
Unscheduled_Backlog__c Unscheduled Backlog Spring 2018 The multiplier applied to the value of the unscheduled backlog on a project, using the value generated by the backlog calculation.

Number(5,2) 1.00

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