PSA Data Dictionary


Label: Integration Hub Connector Activation

Contains settings for enabling and configuring third-party integrations.

This custom setting is protected and can only be modified by FinancialForce.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Active__c Concur-PSA Integration Active Spring 2019 Concur-PSA integration active checkbox

Checkbox false
Authentication_Process_Status__c Authentication Process Status Spring 2019 Indicates the status of the FinancialForce instance authentication process.

CallBack_Url__c Callback URL Fall 2019 Oauth Proxy URL in Integration Hub Connector.

Concur_Instance_Id__c Concur Instance ID Spring 2019 Element Instance ID of Concur Element in Integration Hub Connector.

Concur_Polling_Frequency__c Concur: Polling Frequency (Minutes) Fall 2020 Specifies how often the connector checks for expense report updates in Concur.

Number(4,0) 30
Delete_Workflow_ID__c Concur: Delete Records Workflow ID Spring 2019 The ID of the formula in the Integration Hub Connector that is used to delete PSA Project and Assignment records in Concur.

Delete_Workflow_Instance_ID__c Concur: Delete Records Workflow Inst ID Spring 2019 The ID of the formula instance in the Integration Hub Connector that is used to delete PSA Prject and Assignment records in Concur.

End_Point__c End Point Spring 2019 The end point for Integration Hub Connector.

Url ""
Expenses_Sync_Workflow_ID__c Concur: Expenses Sync Workflow ID Spring 2019 The ID of the formula in the Integration Hub Connector that is used to synchronize Expense Reports with expenses from Concur to FinancialForce.

Expenses_Sync_Workflow_Instance_Id__c Concur: Expenses Sync Workflow Inst ID Spring 2019 The ID of the formula instance in the Integration Hub Connector that is used to synchronize Expense Reports with expenses from Concur to FinancialForce.

FinancialForce_Instance_Id__c FinancialForce Instance ID Spring 2019 Element Instance ID of FinancialForce Element in Integration Hub Connector.

Initial_Sync_Workflow_ID__c Concur: Initial Sync Workflow ID Spring 2019 The ID of the formula in the Integration Hub Connector that is used to perform initial synchronization of Projects, Resources and Assignments from FinancialForce to Concur.

Initial_Sync_Workflow_Instance_ID__c Concur: Initial Sync Workflow Inst ID Spring 2019 The ID of the formula instance in the Integration Hub Connector that is used to perform initial synchronization of Projects, Resources and Assignments from FinancialForce to Concur.

Issue_Status_Update_Workflow_Name__c Jira: Issue Status Update Workflow Name Fall 2019 Name of the Integration Hub Connector workflow used for updating PSA projects based on Jira issue status.

Text(255) 'Update PSA Projects Based on Jira Issue Status - 2020.200'
Issue_Sync_Workflow_Name__c Jira: Issue Sync Workflow Name Fall 2019 Name of the Integration Hub Connector workflow used for synchronizing PSA projects with Jira issues.

Text(255) 'Synchronize Projects from PSA to Jira Issues - 2020.400'
Jira_Instance_ID__c Jira Instance ID Fall 2019 Element Instance ID of Jira Element in Integration Hub Connector.

Jira_Instance_Token__c Jira Instance Token Fall 2019 Token of the authenticated Jira Instance.

Jira_Issue_Status_Update_WF_Inst_ID__c Jira: Issue Status Update WF Inst ID Fall 2019 The ID of the formula instance in Integration Hub Connector used to update PSA projects based on Jira issue status.

Jira_Issue_Status_Update_Workflow_ID__c Jira: Issue Status Update Workflow ID Fall 2019 The ID of the formula in Integration Hub Connector used to update PSA projects based on Jira issue status.

Jira_Issue_Sync_Workflow_ID__c Jira: Issue Sync Workflow ID Fall 2019 The ID of the formula in Integration Hub Connector used to synchronize PSA projects with Jira issues.

Jira_Issue_Sync_Workflow_Instance_ID__c Jira: Issue Sync Workflow Instance ID Fall 2019 The Instance ID of the formula in Integration Hub Connector used to synchronize PSA projects with Jira issues.

Jira_Issue_to_Task_Sync_WF_Instance_ID__c Jira: Issue to Task Sync WF Instance ID Fall 2020 ID of the instance of the Integration Hub workflow used for synchronizing Jira issues to project tasks in PSA.

Jira_Issue_to_Task_Sync_Workflow_ID__c Jira: Issue to Task Sync Workflow ID Fall 2020 ID of the Integration Hub workflow used for synchronizing Jira issues to project tasks in PSA.

Jira_Issue_to_Task_Sync_Workflow_Name__c Jira: Issue to Task Sync Workflow Name Fall 2020 Name of the Integration Hub workflow used for synchronizing Jira issues to project tasks in PSA.

Text(255) 'Synchronize Issues from Jira to PSA Project Tasks - 2020.400'
Jira_PSA_Integration_Active__c Jira-PSA Integration Active Fall 2019 Jira-PSA integration active checkbox

Checkbox false
Jira_Project_Sync_Workflow_ID__c Jira: Project Sync Workflow ID Fall 2019 The ID of the formula in Integration Hub Connector used to synchronize PSA projects to Jira.

Jira_Project_Sync_Workflow_Instance_ID__c Jira: Project Sync Workflow Instance ID Fall 2019 The Instance ID of the formula in Integration Hub Connector used to synchronize PSA projects to Jira.

Jira_Resource_Sync_Workflow_ID__c Jira: Resource Sync Workflow ID Fall 2019 The ID of the formula in Integration Hub Connector used to synchronize PSA resources to Jira.

Jira_Resource_Sync_Workflow_Instance_ID__c Jira: Resource Sync Workflow Instance ID Fall 2019 The Instance ID of the formula in Integration Hub Connector used to synchronize PSA resources to Jira.

Jira_Task_Status_Update_WF_Instance_ID__c Jira: Task Status Update WF Instance ID Fall 2020 The ID of the formula instance in Integration Hub Connector used for updating the status of PSA project tasks based on the status of the related Jira issues.

Jira_Task_Status_Update_Workflow_ID__c Jira: Task Status Update Workflow ID Fall 2020 The ID of the formula in Integration Hub Connector used for updating the status of PSA project tasks based on the status of the related Jira issues.

Jira_Task_Status_Update_Workflow_Name__c Jira: Task Status Update Workflow Name Fall 2020 Name of the Integration Hub Connector workflow used for updating the status of PSA project tasks based on the status of the related Jira issues.

Text(255) 'Update PSA Project Task Status Based on Jira Issue Status - 2020.400'
Jira_Task_to_Issue_Sync_WF_Instance_ID__c Jira: Task to Issue Sync WF Instance ID Fall 2020 ID of the instance of the Integration Hub workflow used for synchronizing PSA project tasks to issues in Jira.

Jira_Task_to_Issue_Sync_Workflow_ID__c Jira: Task to Issue Sync Workflow ID Fall 2020 ID of the Integration Hub workflow used for synchronizing PSA project tasks to issues in Jira.

Jira_Task_to_Issue_Sync_Workflow_Name__c Jira: Task to Issue Sync Workflow Name Fall 2020 Name of the Integration Hub workflow used for synchronizing PSA project tasks to issues in Jira.

Text(255) 'Synchronize Project Tasks from PSA to Jira Issues - 2020.400'
Jira_Webhook_ID__c Jira Webhook ID Fall 2019 ID of Jira webhook created by the Integration Hub Connector.

Jira_Webhook_Resource_ID__c Jira Webhook Resource ID Fall 2019 ID of the Jira webhook resource in the Integration Hub Connector.

Jira_Webhook_Resource_Parameter_ID__c Jira Webhook Resource Parameter ID Fall 2019 ID of the body parameter of the Jira webhook resource in the Integration Hub Connector.

Jira_Work_Log_Sync_Workflow_ID__c Jira: Work Log Sync Workflow ID Fall 2019 The ID of the formula in Integration Hub Connector used to synchronize Jira work logs with PSA timecards.

Jira_Work_Log_Sync_Workflow_Instance_ID__c Jira: Work Log Sync Workflow Instance ID Fall 2019 The Instance ID of the formula in Integration Hub Connector used to synchronize Jira work logs with PSA timecards.

Oauth_Proxy_Name__c OAuth Proxy Name Fall 2019 OAuth Proxy name in Integration Hub Connector.

Organization_Secret__c Organization Secret Spring 2019 Integration hub organization Secret.

ProjectWorkflowId__c Concur: Project Sync Workflow ID Spring 2019 Formula ID in Integration Hub Connector to synchronize Projects from FinancialForce to Concur.

ProjectWorkflowInstanceId__c Concur: Project Sync Workflow Inst ID Spring 2019 Formula Instance ID in Integration Hub Connector to synchronize Projects from FinancialForce to Concur.

Project_Sync_Workflow_Name__c Jira: Project Sync Workflow Name Fall 2019 Name of the Integration Hub Connector workflow used for synchronizing PSA projects to Jira.

Text(255) 'Synchronize Projects from PSA to Jira - 2020.400'
Resource_Assignment_Sync_Workflow_ID__c Concur: Resource-Assignment Workflow ID Spring 2019 The ID of the formula in the Integration Hub Connector that is used to synchronize Resources and Assignments from FinancialForce to Concur.

Resource_Assignment_Workflow_Instance_ID__c Concur: Resource-Assignment WF Inst ID Spring 2019 The ID of the formula instance in the Integration Hub Connector that is used to synchronize Resources and Assignments from FinancialForce to Concur.

Resource_Sync_Workflow_Name__c Jira: Resource Sync Workflow Name Fall 2019 Name of the Integration Hub Connector workflow used for synchronizing PSA resources to Jira.

Text(255) 'Synchronize Resources from PSA to Jira - 2020.400'
User_Secret__c User Secret Spring 2019 Integration hub user Secret.

Work_Log_Sync_Workflow_Name__c Jira: Work Log Sync Workflow Name Fall 2019 Name of the Integration Hub Connector workflow used for synchronizing Jira work logs timecards with PSA timecards.

Text(255) 'Synchronize Work Logs from Jira to PSA - 2021.200'

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