PSA Data Dictionary


Label: Miscellaneous Adjustment

Use miscellaneous adjustments to correct errors in data entry or adjust transactions. When you create a miscellaneous adjustment, FinancialForce PSA creates a number of related transactions of a specific category (for example, Pass-Through Ready-to-Bill Revenue) and amount. A miscellaneous adjustment is applied to a project and its related roll-ups to region, practice, and group. Miscellaneous adjustments roll up to actuals fields depending on settings you control in the Actuals configuration group.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Admin_Global_Edit__c Admin Global Edit Pre-Spring 2018 If checked, allows Admin to make 'global' changes to the Misc Adj., including edits to the Misc Adj.'s Project, Resource, Currency, or Date, even if Include In Financials is checked. Config requirement: Actuals Calculation Mode must be set to 'Scheduled'.

Checkbox false
Amount__c Amount Pre-Spring 2018 The monetary amount of the Miscellaneous Adjustment. Defaults to and must always be same currency as Project.

Currency(18,2) 0.00
Approved__c Approved Pre-Spring 2018 This checkbox should be checked when the Miscellaneous Adjustment is approved - typically by a workflow driven by the Status field.

Checkbox false
Approved_for_Billing__c Approved for Billing Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
Approved_for_Vendor_Payment__c Approved for Vendor Payment Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
Approver__c Approver Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: User

Audit_Notes__c Audit Notes Pre-Spring 2018 TextArea
Bill_Date__c Bill Date Pre-Spring 2018 Date
Bill_Transaction__c Bill Transaction Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Transaction__c
Billed__c Billed Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
Billing_Event_Invoiced__c Billing Event Invoiced Pre-Spring 2018 Reflects Invoiced flag value on Billing Event Item's parent Billing Event

Billing_Event_Item__c Billing Event Item Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Billing_Event_Item__c
Billing_Event_Released__c Billing Event Released Pre-Spring 2018 Reflects Released flag value on Billing Event Item's parent Billing Event

Billing_Event_Status__c Billing Event Status Pre-Spring 2018 Status pick list value on Billing Event Item's parent Billing Event

Billing_Event__c Billing Event Pre-Spring 2018 Formula hyperlink to the Billing Event (parent record to the Bill Event Item) if any.

IF(OR(ISNULL(Billing_Event_Item__c),ISBLANK(Billing_Event_Item__c),ISNULL(Billing_Event_Item__r.Billing_Event__c),ISBLANK(Billing_Event_Item__r.Billing_Event__c)),'',HYPERLINK('/'&Billing_Event_Item__r.Billing_Event__c, IF(OR(ISNULL(Billing_Event_Item__r.Billing_Event__r.Name),ISBLANK(Billing_Event_Item__r.Billing_Event__r.Name)),Billing_Event_Item__r.Billing_Event__c,(Billing_Event_Item__r.Billing_Event__r.Name))))
Billing_Hold__c Billing Hold Pre-Spring 2018 If true, this item cannot be billed

Checkbox false
Description__c Description Pre-Spring 2018 LongTextArea(32000)
Effective_Date__c Effective Date Pre-Spring 2018 Date Today()
Eligible_for_Billing__c Eligible for Billing Pre-Spring 2018 Indicates Misc Adjustment is in a state that is eligible for Billing Event Generation (not including the Approved for Billing flag or having an eligible Transaction Category, which may also be required per global config). This means all of the following conditions must be met: Billing Hold = false Exclude from Billing = false Include In Financials = true Billed = false Invoiced = false Billing Event Item = {blank} Project = {not blank} Project's Account = {not blank} Project Exclude From Billing = false

Exclude_from_Billing__c Exclude from Billing Pre-Spring 2018 If checked, never bill this business record. Same effect as Billing Hold, but intended to reflect a permanent exclusion from Billing Generation.

Checkbox false
Include_In_Financials__c Include In Financials Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
Invoice_Date__c Invoice Date Pre-Spring 2018 Date
Invoice_Number__c Invoice Number Pre-Spring 2018 Text(80)
Invoice_Transaction__c Invoice Transaction Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Transaction__c
Invoiced__c Invoiced Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
Override_Project_Group_Currency_Code__c Override Project Group Currency Code Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
Override_Project_Group__c Override Project Group Pre-Spring 2018 If this field is set, it overrides the Group to which a Misc Adjustment's Transactions will roll up for Group Actuals, even if its Project is in a different Group. Typically a Misc Adjustment's Transactions roll up to its Project's Group. Note that either way, the Transactions will continue to roll up to the same Project's Project Actuals.

Looks up to: Grp__c
Override_Project_Practice_Currency_Code__c Override Project Practice Currency Code Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
Override_Project_Practice__c Override Project Practice Pre-Spring 2018 If this field is set, it overrides the Practice to which a Misc Adjustment's Transactions will roll up for Practice Actuals, even if its Project is in a different Practice. Typically a Misc Adjustment's Transactions roll up to its Project's Practice. Note that either way, the Transactions will continue to roll up to the same Project's Project Actuals.

Looks up to: Practice__c
Override_Project_Region_Currency_Code__c Override Project Region Currency Code Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
Override_Project_Region__c Override Project Region Pre-Spring 2018 If this field is set, it overrides the Region to which a Misc Adjustment's Transactions will roll up for Regional Actuals, even if its Project is in a different Region. Typically a Misc Adjustment's Transactions roll up to its Project's Region. Note that either way, the Transactions will continue to roll up to the same Project's Project Actuals.

Looks up to: Region__c
Project__c Project Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Proj__c
Recognition_Method__c Recognition Method Fall 2019 The recognition method to apply to this record for revenue forecasting.

Status__c Status Pre-Spring 2018 Picklist:
Transaction_Category__c Transaction Category Pre-Spring 2018 Picklist:
Booked Revenue
Budgeted Cost
Budgeted Expense Cost
Expense Budget
Expense Cost
External Cost
Internal Budget
Internal Cost
Other Cost
Pass-Through Ready-to-Bill Revenue
Pre-Billed Revenue
Ready-to-Bill Revenue
Transaction__c Transaction Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Transaction__c
Vendor_Account__c Vendor Account Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Account

Vendor_Invoice_Item__c Vendor Invoice Item Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Vendor_Invoice_Item__c

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