PSA Data Dictionary


Label: Permission Control

Grants a set of stand-alone or cascading permissions to a single Salesforce user, with reference to either a resource, region, practice, group, or project. Controls whether the user can carry out specific processes including: logging time on behalf of other resources, entering expenses, staffing, and viewing and editing projects in Project Task Gantt and Gantt.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Billing__c Billing Pre-Spring 2018 This checkbox governs the User's ability to generate and release Billing Events for Projects belonging to specified Regions/Practices/Groups, and to edit Billing-related fields (Billed checkbox and Billing Event Item) for Resources' business records.

Checkbox false
Cascading_Permission__c Cascading Permission Pre-Spring 2018 Checking this box for Permission Controls associated with a hierarchy (e.g. Region, Practice, or Group) means that the Permission also applies to (Resources belonging to) all nodes lower in the hierarchy, in addition to the specified node.

Checkbox false
Compare_Project_Version__c Project Version Compare Pre-Spring 2018 Grants permission to the user to compare Project Versions.

Checkbox false
Create_Project_Version__c Project Version Create Pre-Spring 2018 Grants permission to the user to create Project Versions.

Checkbox false
Delete_Project_Version__c Project Version Delete Pre-Spring 2018 Grants permission to the user to delete Project Versions.

Checkbox false
Edit_Task_Manager__c Project Task Gantt Edit Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
End_Date__c End Date Pre-Spring 2018 Date
Expense_Entry__c Expense Entry Pre-Spring 2018 This checkbox governs the User's ability to enter/edit Expenses and Expense Reports for Resources other than their own.

Checkbox false
Expense_Ops_Edit__c Expense Ops Edit Pre-Spring 2018 This checkbox governs the User's ability to edit Expenses and Expense Reports for Resources after they have been approved but before they have been billed.

Checkbox false
Forecast_Edit__c Revenue Forecast Version Adjust Pre-Spring 2018 If selected, provides the user with permissions to adjust revenue forecast version details for specific Regions, Practices, Groups, Projects, and Opportunities.

Checkbox false
Forecast_View__c Revenue Forecast Version View Pre-Spring 2018 If selected, provides the user with permissions to view revenue forecast version details for specific Regions, Practices, Groups, Projects, and Opportunities. This permission control always cascades even when the Cascading Permission checkbox is deselected.

Checkbox false
Group__c Group Pre-Spring 2018 This is the Group containing Resources that are the target of the specified action(s) - e.g. delegated Timecard Entry on behalf of Resources in this Group.

Looks up to: Grp__c
Invoicing__c Invoicing Pre-Spring 2018 This checkbox governs the User's ability to to edit Invoicing-related fields (Invoiced checkbox, Invoice Date, Invoice Number) for a Project's business records.

Checkbox false
Opportunity__c Opportunity Fall 2021 Lookup to the opportunity that this permission control applies to.

Looks up to: Opportunity

Practice__c Practice Pre-Spring 2018 This is the Practice containing Resources that are the target of the specified action(s) - e.g. delegated Timecard Entry on behalf of Resources in this Practice.

Looks up to: Practice__c
Project__c Project Pre-Spring 2018 This is the Project containing Assignments for Resources that are the target of the specified action(s) - e.g. delegated Timecard Entry on behalf of Resources in this Project, only in relation to the Project.

Looks up to: Proj__c
Region__c Region Pre-Spring 2018 This is the Region containing Resources that are the target of the specified action(s) - e.g. delegated Timecard Entry on behalf of Resources in this Region.

Looks up to: Region__c
Resource_Request_Entry__c Resource Request Entry Pre-Spring 2018 This checkbox governs the User's ability to enter/edit Resource Requests for specified Regions/Practices/Groups.

Checkbox false
Resource__c Resource Pre-Spring 2018 This is the Resource who is the target of the specified action(s) - e.g. delegated Timecard Entry on behalf of this Resource.

Looks up to: Contact

Skills_And_Certifications_Entry__c Skills And Certifications Entry Pre-Spring 2018 This checkbox governs the User's ability to enter/edit Skills and Certifications for Resources other than their own.

Checkbox false
Skills_And_Certifications_View__c Skills And Certifications View Pre-Spring 2018 This checkbox governs the User's ability to view Expenses for Resources other than their own. If a user has Edit permission, they implicitly also have View permission.

Checkbox false
Staffing__c Staffing Pre-Spring 2018 This checkbox governs the User's ability to staff Resources from specified Regions/Practices/Groups.

Checkbox false
Start_Date__c Start Date Pre-Spring 2018 Date
Team_Create__c Team Create Pre-Spring 2018 If selected, grants permission to the user to create a team.

Checkbox false
Team_Edit__c Team Edit Pre-Spring 2018 Grants permission for the user to edit the indicated team if the user is not the team owner.

Checkbox false
Team_View__c Team View Pre-Spring 2018 Grants permission for the user to view the indicated team in read-only mode if the user is not the team owner.

Checkbox false
Team__c Team Pre-Spring 2018 This is the Team that is the target of the specified action(s) – e.g. Team View on behalf of this User.

Looks up to: Team__c
Timecard_Entry__c Timecard Entry Pre-Spring 2018 This checkbox governs the User's ability to enter/edit Timecards for Resources other than their own.

Checkbox false
Timecard_Ops_Edit__c Timecard Ops Edit Pre-Spring 2018 This checkbox governs the User's ability to edit Timecards for Resources after they have been approved but before they have been billed.

Checkbox false
User__c User Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: User

View_Task_Manager__c Project Task Gantt View Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false

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