PSA Data Dictionary


Label: Planners - Project

Settings that determine the behavior of the project planners.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Add_Holidays_On_Assignment_Adjust__c Add Holidays On Assignment Adjust Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
Allow_Mass_Move_Assignments__c Allow Mass Move Assignments Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
Assignment_AdditionalFields_Fieldset__c Assn Additional Fields Field Set Name Pre-Spring 2018 Text(90)
Assignment_Color_Field__c Assignment Color Field Summer 2018 Defines the API name of the field on an Assignment that controls the assignment color bars in Project Planner.

Assignment_Ordering__c Assignment Ordering Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255) "name"
Assignment_Search_Fieldset_Name__c Assignment Search Fieldset Name Pre-Spring 2018 Text(90)
Assignment_Tooltip_Field_Set__c Assignment Tooltip Field Set Pre-Spring 2018 Text(90) "Assignment_Tooltip_Field_Set"
Columns_Field_Set__c Columns Field Set Pre-Spring 2018 Text(90) "Project_Planner_Columns"
Default_Assignment_Future_Days__c Default Future Days to Show Assignments Pre-Spring 2018 Number(5,0) 270
Default_Assignment_Historical_Days__c Default Past Days to Show Assignments Pre-Spring 2018 Number(5,0) 7
Default_Resource_Image__c Default Resource Image Pre-Spring 2018 Url
Filter_Fieldset_Name__c Project Planner Filter Field Set Pre-Spring 2018 Text(90)
Hide_Cost_Rate__c Hide Cost Rate fields Fall 2018 Hides Cost Rate fields in the Create Assignment dialog for Project Planner

Checkbox true
Hide_Inline_Dialog__c DEPRECATED: Hide Inline Edit Dialog Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
Inherit_Proj_Date_For_Create_Assignment__c Inherit Dates For Create Assignment Summer 2018 If selected, the start and end dates in the Create Assignments dialog are auto-populated from the project start and end dates.

Checkbox false
Inherit_Role_For_Create_Assignment__c Inherit Role For Create Assignment Summer 2018 If selected, the resource role in the Create Assignments dialog is auto-populated from the Contacts record.

Checkbox false
Inline_Edit_Mode_THHC__c DEPRECATED: Hold total hours constant Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox true
Override_Assignment_Name_Field__c Override Assignment Name Field Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
Override_Resource_Request_Name_Field__c Override Resource Request Name Field Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
Project_Search_Fieldset_Name__c Project Search Fieldset Name Pre-Spring 2018 Text(90)
Project_Summary_Color_Field__c Project Summary Color Field Summer 2018 Defines the API name of the field on a Project that controls the Project Summary colors.

Project_Tooltip_Field_Set__c Project Tooltip Field Set Pre-Spring 2018 Text(90) "Project_Tooltip_Field_Set"
Record_Load_Limit__c Record Load Limit Pre-Spring 2018 Number(5,0) 5
Res_Request_Tooltip_Field_Set__c Resource Request Tooltip Field Set Pre-Spring 2018 Text(90) "Res_Request_Tooltip_Field_Set"
ResourceRequest_Search_Fieldset_Name__c Resource Request Search Fieldset Name Pre-Spring 2018 Text(90)
Resource_Request_Color_Field__c Resource Request Color Field Summer 2018 Defines the API name of the field on a Resource Request that controls the Resource Request color bars in Project Planner.

Resource_Request_Ordering__c Resource Request Ordering Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255) "name"
Restrict_Creation_Past_Dates__c Restrict Creation Past Dates Pre-Spring 2018 If selected, you cannot create an assignment with start date in the past. The default value is deselected.

Checkbox false
Restrict_Editing_Past_Dates__c Restrict Editing Past Dates Pre-Spring 2018 If selected, you cannot edit Project Planner assignment and schedule hours in the past. The default value is deselected.

Checkbox false
Restrict_Swapping_Past_Dates__c Restrict Swapping Past Dates Pre-Spring 2018 If selected, you cannot swap the resource on an assignment with a start date set in the past. The default value is deselected.

Checkbox false
Save_Column_Prefs__c Save Column Preferences Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox true
Scheduling_Mode__c Respect Schedules Spring 2021 When True, schedules and schedule exceptions are respected when assignments or resource requests are dragged and dropped in the Project Planner timeline. Non-working time is respected. The default value is False.

Text(255) "False"
Use_Beige__c Use Beige Summer 2018 Checkbox to use Beige for cells in Project Planner. Default = False.

Checkbox false
Use_Light_Blue__c Use Light Blue Summer 2018 Checkbox to use Light Blue for cells in Project Planner. Default = False.

Checkbox false
Use_Light_Green__c Use Light Green Summer 2018 Checkbox to use Light Green for cells in Project Planner. Default = False.

Checkbox false
Use_Light_Red__c Use Light Red Summer 2018 Checkbox to use Light Red for cells in Project Planner. Default = False.

Checkbox false
Use_Light_Yellow__c Use Light Yellow Summer 2018 Checkbox to use Light Yellow for cells in Project Planner. Default = False.

Checkbox false
Use_Pink__c Use Pink Summer 2018 Checkbox to use Pink for cells in Project Planner. Default = False.

Checkbox false
Use_Purple__c Use Purple Summer 2018 Checkbox to use Purple for cells in Project Planner. Default = False.

Checkbox false
Use_Turquoise__c Use Turquoise Summer 2018 Checkbox to use Turquoise for cells in Project Planner. Default = False.

Checkbox false
require_staffing_permission__c Edit Requires Staffing Permission Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false

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