PSA Data Dictionary


Label: Resource Search Service

Custom settings for the resource search service.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Availability_Priority__c Availability Priority Fall 2021 Determines the priority of percentage availability when matching and ranking resources with Intelligent Staffing. The default value is 3. 1 is the highest priority. 2 is next highest, and so on. Priority values must be unique.

Number(2,0) 3
Custom_Filter_Fields_Weighting__c Custom Filter Fields Weighting Fall 2021 Determines how important it is that the resource matches the custom filters. Essential means all custom filters must match the fields for the resource. Other possible values from most important to least important are Ideal, Desirable, and Suggested.

Text(40) 'Essential'
Filter_Fields_Priority__c Filter Fields Priority Fall 2021 Determines the priority of Role, RPG, and custom filter fields when matching and ranking resources with Intelligent Staffing. The default value is 1. 1 is the highest priority. 2 is next highest, and so on. Priority values must be unique.

Number(2,0) 1
Group_Weighting__c Group Weighting Spring 2021 Determines how important it is that the resource matches the Group filter value. Essential means the Group filter value must match the resource’s group. Other possible values from most important to least important are Ideal, Desirable, and Suggested.

Text(40) 'Essential'
Practice_Weighting__c Practice Weighting Spring 2021 Determines how important it is that the resource matches the Practice value. Essential means the Practice filter value must match the resource’s practice. Other possible values from most important to least important are Ideal, Desirable, and Suggested.

Text(40) 'Essential'
Region_Weighting__c Region Weighting Spring 2021 Determines how important it is that the resource matches the Region filter value. Essential means the Region filter value must match the resource’s region. Other possible values from most important to least important are Ideal, Desirable, and Suggested.

Text(40) 'Essential'
Role_Weighting__c Role Weighting Spring 2021 Determines how important it is that the resource matches the Role filter value. Essential means the Role filter value must match the resource’s role. Other possible values from most important to least important are Ideal, Desirable, and Suggested.

Text(40) 'Essential'
Skills_Priority__c Skills Priority Fall 2021 Determines the priority of skill ratings when matching and ranking resources with Intelligent Staffing. The default value is 2. 1 is the highest priority. 2 is next highest, and so on. Priority values must be unique.

Number(2,0) 2
Worked_With_Customer_Weighting__c Worked With Customer Weighting Fall 2021 Determines how important it is that the resource matches the Worked With Customer filter. Essential means Worked With Customer must match the field for the resource. Other possible values from most to least important are Ideal, Desirable, and Suggested.

Text(40) 'Essential'

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