PSA Data Dictionary


Label: Revenue Forecast Setup

Stores the settings for running a revenue forecast.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Active__c Active Spring 2020 Indicates the revenue forecast setup record used for revenue forecast calculations. You can only have one active revenue forecast setup record.

Checkbox false
Custom_Date_For_Deliverable_Expenses__c Custom Date for Deliverable Expenses Winter 2023 API name of the custom field on the Expense object that is used to determine the monthly time period any Deliverable expense is added to. This enables you to control the month in which expenses are placed.

Custom_Date_For_Deliverable_Milestones__c Custom Date for Deliverable Milestones Summer 2022 API name of the custom field on the Milestone object that is used to determine the monthly time period any Deliverable milestone revenue is added to. This enables you to control the month in which milestone revenue is placed.

Custom_Date_For_Deliverable_Misc_Adjusts__c Custom Date for Deliverable Misc Adjusts Winter 2023 API name of the custom field on the Misc Adjustment object that is used to determine the monthly time period any Deliverable misc adjustment revenue is added to. This enables you to control the month in which the revenue is placed.

Custom_Filter_Field_Set__c Custom Filter Field Set Winter 2021 API name of the field set on the Revenue Forecast Version Detail object that contains the project, opportunity, and milestone fields you want to use as custom filters on the Review Forecast Version page.

Exclude_Opportunities_For_Versions__c Exclude Opportunities for Versions Fall 2020 If selected, opportunities are excluded from revenue forecast versions.

Checkbox false
Exclude_Opportunities__c Exclude Opportunities Spring 2020 If selected, opportunities are excluded from revenue forecast scheduled jobs.

Checkbox false
Exclude_Opportunity_Probabilities__c Exclude Probability from Opportunities Winter 2021 If selected, probabilities are not applied to opportunity revenue forecasts.

Checkbox false
Exclude_Resource_Requests_On_Project__c Exclude Resource Requests on Project Spring 2020 Indicates whether revenue relating to held resource requests is excluded from revenue forecasts.

Checkbox false
Exclude_Revenue_Recognition_Actuals__c Exclude Revenue Recognition Actuals Winter 2021 If selected, revenue recognition actuals from the integration with Revenue Management are no longer included in revenue forecast calculations.

Checkbox false
Exclude_Scheduled_Hrs_in_Closed_Periods__c Exclude Scheduled Hrs in Closed Periods Summer 2022 If selected, scheduled hours in closed periods for projects and milestones are excluded from calculations for % Complete revenue.

Checkbox false
Exclude_Unscheduled_Revenue_For_Versions__c Exclude Unscheduled Revenue for Versions Fall 2020 If selected, any unscheduled revenue on projects or milestones is excluded from revenue forecast versions.

Checkbox false
Forecast_Factor_Batch_Size__c Forecast Factor Batch Size Spring 2020 Number of records to be processed at the same time, such as timecards and expenses.

Number(4,0) 200
Hover_Details_Field_Set_On_Milestone__c Hover Details Field Set on Milestone Winter 2021 API name of the field set on the Milestone object that controls the hover details displayed for a milestone in the Forecast Breakdown grid. If you do not enter a field set, default hover details apply.

Hover_Details_Field_Set_On_Opportunity__c Hover Details Field Set on Opportunity Winter 2021 API name of the field set on the Opportunity object that controls the hover details displayed for an opportunity in the Forecast Breakdown grid. If you do not enter a field set, default hover details apply.

Hover_Details_Field_Set_On_Project__c Hover Details Field Set on Project Winter 2021 API name of the field set on the Project object that controls the hover details displayed for a project in the Forecast Breakdown grid. If you do not enter a field set, default hover details apply.

Include_Best_Case__c Include Best Case Winter 2021 If selected, the best case threshold is applied to opportunity revenue forecasts.

Checkbox false
Include_Worst_Case__c Include Worst Case Winter 2021 If selected, the worst case threshold is applied to opportunity revenue forecasts.

Checkbox false
Opportunity_Batch_Size__c Opportunity Batch Size Spring 2020 Number of opportunities and opportunity line items to be processed at the same time.

Number(4,0) 200
Opportunity_Best_Case_Threshold__c Opportunity Best Case Threshold (%) Winter 2021 The minimum percentage probability for an opportunity to be included in the best case scenario.

Opportunity_Expected_Case_Threshold__c Opportunity Expected Threshold (%) Spring 2021 The minimum percentage probability for an opportunity to be included in the expected scenario.

Percent(3,0) 0.00
Opportunity_Scheduler_Batch_Size__c Opportunity Scheduler Batch Size Winter 2023 Number of opportunities to be scheduled for processing at the same time.

Number(4,0) 200
Opportunity_Worst_Case_Threshold__c Opportunity Worst Case Threshold (%) Winter 2021 The minimum percentage probability for an opportunity to be included in the worst case scenario.

Project_Batch_Size__c Project Batch Size Spring 2020 Number of projects to be processed at the same time.

Number(4,0) 5
Project_End_Date_on_Opportunity__c Expected Project End Date Field on Opp Spring 2020 The API name of the field on the Opportunity object you want to use as the expected project end date.

Project_Scheduler_Batch_Size__c Project Scheduler Batch Size Winter 2023 Number of projects to be scheduled for processing at the same time.

Number(4,0) 200
Project_Start_Date_on_Opportunity__c Expected Project Start Date Field on Opp Spring 2020 The API name of the field on the Opportunity object you want to use as the expected project start date.

Respect_Permission_Controls__c Respect Permission Controls Fall 2021 If selected, permission controls are respected when viewing or adjusting revenue forecast versions on the Review Forecast Version page.

Checkbox false
Retain_Pending_Revenue_In_Closed_Periods__c Retain Pending Revenue in Closed Periods Winter 2021 If selected when you are not using the integration between PSA and Revenue Management, Revenue Forecasting retains actuals from the previous forecast run for any closed time period. Any remaining pending revenue is moved to the next open time period.

Checkbox false
Total_Hours_Field_on_Project__c Total Hours Field on Project Spring 2020 The API name of the field on the Project object you want to use to calculate the value in the % Hours Completed For Recognition field. If required, you can create your own field and add it to the picklist.

Use_Sched_And_Actual_Hrs_In_Percent_Comp__c Use Sched and Actual Hrs for % Complete Summer 2022 If selected, when the total scheduled and actual hours on projects and milestones exceeds the value in the field specified in Total Hours Field on Project, it is used as the denominator to calculate the % Hours Completed for Recognition.

Checkbox false
Version_Detail_Batch_Size__c Version Detail Batch Size Spring 2021 Number of version detail records to be processed at the same time.

Number(4,0) 2000
Version_Forecast_Period__c Version Forecast Period Fall 2020 The forecast period covered by the revenue forecast version.

Current Quarter
Current Year
Current and Next Quarter
Rolling 12 Months
Rolling 3 Months
Rolling 6 Months
Version_Grouping_Primary__c Object for Version Grouping Fall 2020 The object that projects and opportunities are grouped under on the Review Forecast Version page.


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