PSA Data Dictionary


Label: Search Resources Personal

Contains user/profile level settings for Search Resources

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Default_Search_Logic_Additional_Fields__c Default Search Logic Additional Fields Pre-Spring 2018 The default search logic that is selected when searching for resources using the Additional Filter section of the Search Resources page. You can enter a value of OR or AND. The default value is AND.

Text(4) "AND"
Default_Search_Logic_For_Certification__c Default Search Logic For Certification Pre-Spring 2018 The default search logic that is selected when searching for resources using the Qualifications section of Search Resources. You can enter a value of OR or AND. The default value is AND.

Text(4) "AND"
Default_Search_Logic_For_Skill__c Default Search Logic For Skill Pre-Spring 2018 The default search logic that is selected when searching for resources using the Competencies section of Search Resources. You can enter a value of OR or AND. The default value is AND.

Text(4) "AND"
Distance_Unit__c Distance Unit Pre-Spring 2018 The distance unit to be shown in Resource Search. Enter km for kilometers. Enter mile for miles. The default value is km.

Text(20) "km"
Fields_to_List_in_Map_Push_Pin__c Fields to List in Map Push Pin Pre-Spring 2018 Comma separated list of fields to display on each push pin of the map that appears when you click Show Results on Map.

Max_Columns_Allowed_in_Result_Section__c Max Columns Allowed in Result Section Pre-Spring 2018 Defines the maximum number of fields from the SearchResourcesResultFields field set to be displayed in a single row within a search result on the Search Resources page. The default value of 6 is used if the value is null or zero.

Maximum_Resources__c Maximum Resources Pre-Spring 2018 Maximum number of resources to be displayed. Set this value no higher than 500.

Number_of_Allowed_Push_Pins_on_Map__c Number of Allowed Push Pins on Map Pre-Spring 2018 Maximum number of push pins to be displayed on the map when you click Show Results on Map. Multiple push pins that share the same location are combined and displayed in one push pin. The default value is 5.

Number(3,0) 5
Page_Size__c Page Size Pre-Spring 2018 Maximum number of records to display on a single page of search results in Search Resources. The default value is 5.

Number(18,0) 5
Show_Latitude_Longitude_Fields__c Show Latitude Longitude Fields Pre-Spring 2018 When true, latitude and longitude fields are shown when Search Resources is launched from the sidebar link or all tabs. The default value is false.

Checkbox false

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