PSA Data Dictionary


Label: Timecard Entry UI Global

ORG wide settings for Timecard UI. These settings will derive the Timecard UI behavior for everyone in organization.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Allow_Time_Entry_For_Summary_Task__c Allow Time Entry for Summary Task Summer 2022 If selected, task time entry for summary tasks is allowed.

Checkbox false
Allow_timecard_with_negative_hours__c Allow timecard with negative hours Pre-Spring 2018 Given config is used to control the saving/submiting of timecard with negative hours. If it is true, timecards with negative hours are saved/submited else not(warning will be shown on ui).

Checkbox false
Assignment_Lookup_Fieldset_Name__c Assignment Lookup Fieldset Name Pre-Spring 2018 Defines the name of a field set containing assignment fields to display as columns in the Project/Assignment lookup on the Timecard Entry page.

Assignment_load_limit__c Assignment load limit Pre-Spring 2018 Number of Assignments to be loaded for the timecard assignment drop down

Number(18,0) 200
Assignment_lookup_columns__c Assignment lookup columns Pre-Spring 2018 List of API names of assignment fields to display as columns on the Project/Assignment lookup in the enhanced Time Entry page. Do not include the pse__ namespace prefix in the API name of a field. The default value is Name, Nick_Name__c.

Text(200) 'Name,Nick_Name__c'
Assignments_load_date_restriction__c Assignments load date restriction Pre-Spring 2018 Assignment start and end date restriction while loading the Assignments in the Timecard UI. If true, only Assignments whose start/end dates either contain or overlap with the Timecard date range are loaded. This affects the UI only, not Admin edit or manual/native Timecard creation.

Checkbox true
Assignments_load_status_values__c Assignments Status Values Pre-Spring 2018 List of assignment status values used to restrict which assignments can have timecards logged.

Text(250) "Tentative,Scheduled"
Check_For_Previous_Week_Timecards__c Check For Previous Week Timecards Pre-Spring 2018 If true, on initial load of new Timecard UI it will check for previous week timecards. If there is no timecards filled for the previous week, UI will show confirmation window asking user to load previous week or current week. If false, work as normal i.e no confirmation window and load current week.

Checkbox false
Day_hour_auto_revert_ceiling__c Day hour auto revert ceiling Pre-Spring 2018 Config to control max auto-revert hour value on the new TC UI.

Number(18,2) 24
Day_hour_auto_revert_floor__c Day hour auto revert floor Pre-Spring 2018 Config to control min auto-revert hour value on the new TC UI.

Number(18,2) -24
Disable_Hours_in_Timecard_Copy__c Disable Hours in Timecard Copy Summer 2022 Selecting this option hides the hours and task hours options when copying. It also ensures the hours of any copied timecards and task times default to zero.

Checkbox false
Display_account_on_resource_lookup__c Display account on resource lookup Pre-Spring 2018 Determines whether Resource Account is shown as a column for search results in the Resource lookup pop-up.

Checkbox false
Enforce_submit_all_timecards__c Enforce Submit All Timecards Spring 2019 Controls the submission of timecards for approval. If true, all timecards are submitted. If false, only timecards that the user selects are submitted.

Checkbox false
Project_Lookup_Fieldset_Name__c Project Lookup Fieldset Name Pre-Spring 2018 Defines the name of a field set containing project fields to display as columns in the Project/Assignment lookup on the Timecard Entry page.

Project_lookup_columns__c Project lookup columns Pre-Spring 2018 List of API names of project fields to display as columns on the Project/Assignment lookup in the enhanced Time Entry page. Do not include the pse__ namespace prefix in the API name of a field. The default value is Name, Account__r.Name.

Text(200) 'Name, Account__r.Name'
Projects_load_date_restriction__c Projects load date restriction Pre-Spring 2018 Project start and end date restriction while loading the project/assignments from db.

Checkbox true
Resource_Lookup_Fieldset_Name__c Resource Lookup Fieldset Name Pre-Spring 2018 Defines the name of a field set containing resource fields to display as columns in the Resource lookup on the Sencha Timecard Entry page.

Resource_access__c Resource access Pre-Spring 2018 If the config value equals 'all' , this means all of the resources will be loaded, that the current user has permission control access for, to log time. If the value equals 'resource' or null, only the current user resource will be loaded.

Text(30) "all"
Resource_lookup_columns__c Resource lookup columns Pre-Spring 2018 List of Resource fields (fully-qualified API names/paths) to display on columns for Resource lookup pop-up in new Timecard UI. Recommend at most 4 fields/columns. Default value: Name, Region__r.Name, Practice__r.Name, Group__r.Name

Text(200) 'Name,Region__r.Name,Practice__r.Name,Group__r.Name'
Save_submit_batch_size__c Time Entry Submit Batch Size Pre-Spring 2018 The number of timecard records submitted in a single request.

Number(18,0) 10
Save_timecard_with_zero_hours__c Save timecard with zero hours Pre-Spring 2018 Config is used to control the saving of timecard with zero hours. If it is true, timecards with zero are saved else not saved(warning will be shown on ui).

Checkbox false
Schedule_editable__c Schedule editable Pre-Spring 2018 Text(30) "ALL"
TC_Entry_Save_Batch_Size__c Time Entry Save Batch Size Pre-Spring 2018 The number of timecard records, not including related records, saved in a single request.

Number(18,0) 15
TC_Sorted_By_Order__c TC Sorted By Order Pre-Spring 2018 Config for holding the timecard sorted by order field API names. Multiple coma separated fields can be entered for sorting. Ex : CreatedDate, Project__r.Name

Timecard_edit_status_values__c Timecard edit status values Pre-Spring 2018 CSV List of status values for which the timecard entry rows can be edited.

Text(60) "saved"
Timecard_save_button_action__c Timecard save button action Pre-Spring 2018 Used to determines what status the timecards will be set to on save button click

Text(30) "Saved"
Timecard_submit_button_action__c Timecard submit button action Pre-Spring 2018 Used to determines what status the timecards will be set to on submit button click

Text(30) "Submitted"
Use_Local_Storage_For_Column_Preferences__c Use Local Storage For Column Preferences Spring 2019 If selected (true), Time Entry UI column preferences are saved locally. If deselected (false), the preferences are saved on the server.

Checkbox false
Use_Project_Location_Records__c Use Project Location Records Pre-Spring 2018 If true, then Location drop-downs will bind to Project Location object instead of location picklists on TC UI

Checkbox false
Use_Project_Methodology_Records__c Use Project Methodology Records Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
Use_Project_Phase_Records__c Use Project Phase Records Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
Week_start_day__c Week start day Pre-Spring 2018 Default week start day value used when a resource does not have a work calendar, or has a work calendar without a week start day.c

Text(10) "Sunday"
submit_timecard_with_zero_hours__c Submit timecard with zero hours Pre-Spring 2018 Config is used to control the submit of timecard with zero hours. If it is true, timecards with zero can be submitted else warning will be shown on ui.

Checkbox false

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