PSA Data Dictionary


Label: Utilization Result

Stores the utilization calculation records created for a resource.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Billable_Assignment_Hours__c Billable Assignment Hours Fall 2021 The sum of billable hours calculated from the assignments of the resource that is associated with this utilization calculation result.

Billable_Timecard_Hours__c Billable Timecard Hours Fall 2021 The sum of billable hours calculated from the timecards of the resource that is associated with this utilization calculation result.

Calendar_Hours__c Calendar Hours Fall 2021 The number of hours from the resource's work calendar on the date of this utilization result.

Credited_Assignment_Hours__c Credited Assignment Hours Fall 2021 The sum of time credited hours calculated from the assignments of the resource that is associated with this utilization calculation result.

Credited_Timecard_Hours__c Credited Timecard Hours Fall 2021 The sum of time credited hours calculated from the timecards of the resource that is associated with this utilization calculation result.

Date__c Date Fall 2021 The calendar date that is associated with this utilization result.

Group__c Group Fall 2021 The group that is associated with this utilization result on the specified date.

Looks up to: Grp__c
Held_Resource_Request_Hours__c Held Resource Request Hours Fall 2021 The sum of hours calculated from the held resource requests of the resource that is associated with this utilization calculation result.

Hours_At_Threshold_Value_1__c Hours at Threshold Value 1 Winter 2023 The sum of hours calculated from the unheld resource requests of the role that is associated with this utilization result at threshold value 1.

Hours_At_Threshold_Value_2__c Hours at Threshold Value 2 Winter 2023 The sum of hours calculated from the unheld resource requests of the role that is associated with this utilization result at threshold value 2.

Hours_At_Threshold_Value_3__c Hours at Threshold Value 3 Winter 2023 The sum of hours calculated from the unheld resource requests of the role that is associated with this utilization result at threshold value 3.

Hours_At_Threshold_Value_4__c Hours at Threshold Value 4 Winter 2023 The sum of hours calculated from the unheld resource requests of the role that is associated with this utilization result at threshold value 4.

Hours_At_Threshold_Value_5__c Hours at Threshold Value 5 Winter 2023 The sum of hours calculated from the unheld resource requests of the role that is associated with this utilization result at threshold value 5.

Hours_At_Threshold_Value_6__c Hours at Threshold Value 6 Winter 2023 The sum of hours calculated from the unheld resource requests of the role that is associated with this utilization result at threshold value 6.

Last_Updated_Run__c Utilization Run Fall 2021 Lookup to the utilization run this utilization result relates to.

Looks up to: Utilization_Run__c
Non_Billable_Assignment_Hours__c Non-Billable Assignment Hours Fall 2021 The sum of non-billable hours calculated from the assignments of the resource that is associated with this utilization calculation result.

Non_Billable_Timecard_Hours__c Non-Billable Timecard Hours Fall 2021 The sum of non-billable hours calculated from the timecards of the resource that is associated with this utilization calculation result.

Practice__c Practice Fall 2021 The practice that is associated with this utilization result on the specified date.

Looks up to: Practice__c
Region__c Region Fall 2021 The region that is associated with this utilization result on the specified date.

Looks up to: Region__c
Resource_Role__c Resource Role Fall 2021 The role of the resource that is associated with this utilization calculation result.

Resource__c Resource Fall 2021 The name of the resource associated with this utilization calculation result.

Looks up to: Contact

Time_Excluded_Assignment_Hours__c Time Excluded Assignment Hours Fall 2021 The sum of time excluded hours calculated from the assignments of the resource that is associated with this utilization calculation result.

Time_Excluded_Timecard_Hours__c Time Excluded Timecard Hours Fall 2021 The sum of time excluded hours calculated from the timecards of the resource that is associated with this utilization calculation result.

Unheld_Resource_Request_Hours__c Unheld Resource Request Hours Spring 2021 The sum of hours calculated from the unheld resource requests of the role that is associated with this utilization calculation result.

Unheld_Resource_Request_Weighted_Hours__c Unheld Resource Request Weighted Hours Winter 2023 The sum of weighted hours calculated from the unheld resource requests of the role that is associated with this utilization result.

Unique_Identifier__c Unique Identifier Spring 2021 The unique identifier for this utilization result record in the format Date, Resource, Resource Role, Region, Practice and Group.

Utilization_Excluded_Assignment_Hours__c Utilization Excluded Assignment Hours Fall 2021 The sum of utilization excluded hours calculated from the assignments of the resource that is associated with this utilization calculation result.

Utilization_Excluded_Held_RR_Hours__c Utilization Excluded Held RR Hours Fall 2021 The sum of hours excluded from utilization calculated from the held resource requests of the resource that is associated with this utilization calculation result.

Utilization_Excluded_Timecard_Hours__c Utilization Excluded Timecard Hours Fall 2021 The sum of utilization excluded hours calculated from the timecards of the resource that is associated with this utilization calculation result.

Utilization_Excluded_Unheld_RR_Hours__c Utilization Excluded Unheld RR Hours Spring 2021 The sum of hours excluded from utilization calculated from the unheld resource requests of the role that is associated with this utilization calculation result.

Utilization_Target_Hours__c Utilization Target Hours Winter 2023 Target hours for the resource associated with this utilization result on the specified date.

Utilization_Target__c Utilization Target Winter 2023 Target percentage for the resource associated with this utilization result on the specified date.

Weighted_Hours_At_Threshold_Value_1__c Weighted Hours at Threshold Value 1 Winter 2023 The sum of weighted hours calculated from the unheld resource requests of the role that is associated with this utilization result at threshold value 1.

Weighted_Hours_At_Threshold_Value_2__c Weighted Hours at Threshold Value 2 Winter 2023 The sum of weighted hours calculated from the unheld resource requests of the role that is associated with this utilization result at threshold value 2.

Weighted_Hours_At_Threshold_Value_3__c Weighted Hours at Threshold Value 3 Winter 2023 The sum of weighted hours calculated from the unheld resource requests of the role that is associated with this utilization result at threshold value 3.

Weighted_Hours_At_Threshold_Value_4__c Weighted Hours at Threshold Value 4 Winter 2023 The sum of weighted hours calculated from the unheld resource requests of the role that is associated with this utilization result at threshold value 4.

Weighted_Hours_At_Threshold_Value_5__c Weighted Hours at Threshold Value 5 Winter 2023 The sum of weighted hours calculated from the unheld resource requests of the role that is associated with this utilization result at threshold value 5.

Weighted_Hours_At_Threshold_Value_6__c Weighted Hours at Threshold Value 6 Winter 2023 The sum of weighted hours calculated from the unheld resource requests of the role that is associated with this utilization result at threshold value 6.


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