PSA Permissions

PSA - Manage Your Skill and Certification Ratings

API Name: PSAManageYourSkillAndCertificationRatings

Manage your own skill and certification ratings from the PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning component.

Salesforce Standard Objects and Fields Permissions

The table lists the Salesforce standard objects requiring CRUD (Read, Create, Update, and Delete) access and fields requiring field-level security access needed for this permission set.

Object Permission Contact Read, Edit Manage your own skill and certification ratings from the PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning component.

Permissions Available on Permission Set

The table lists the permissions available for this permission set.

Apex Class Permission RM_AttachmentController Enabled Manage your own skill and certification ratings from the PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning component.
RM_ManageSkillCertController Enabled Manage your own skill and certification ratings from the PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning component.
LoadFieldSet Enabled Manage your own skill and certification ratings from the PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning component.
Field Permission pse__Assignment__c.pse__End_Date__c Read Manage your own skill and certification ratings from the PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning component.
pse__Assignment__c.pse__Project__c Read Manage your own skill and certification ratings from the PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning component.
pse__Assignment__c.pse__Start_Date__c Read Manage your own skill and certification ratings from the PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning component.
pse__Assignment__c.pse__Scheduled_Hours__c Read Manage your own skill and certification ratings from the PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning component.
Contact.Is_Resource__c Read Manage your own skill and certification ratings from the PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning component.
Contact.Is_Resource_Active__c Read Manage your own skill and certification ratings from the PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning component.
Contact.Group__c Read Manage your own skill and certification ratings from the PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning component.
Contact.Practice__c Read Manage your own skill and certification ratings from the PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning component.
Contact.Region__c Read Manage your own skill and certification ratings from the PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning component.
Contact.Resource_Role__c Read Manage your own skill and certification ratings from the PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning component.
Contact.Salesforce_User__c Read Manage your own skill and certification ratings from the PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning component.
pse__Experience__c.Assignment__c Edit, Read Manage your own skill and certification ratings from the PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning component.
pse__Experience__c.Description__c Edit, Read Manage your own skill and certification ratings from the PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning component.
pse__Experience__c.End_Date__c Read Manage your own skill and certification ratings from the PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning component.
pse__Experience__c.Hours__c Read Manage your own skill and certification ratings from the PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning component.
pse__Experience__c.Name Edit, Read Manage your own skill and certification ratings from the PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning component.
pse__Experience__c.Project_Task_Assignment__c Edit, Read Manage your own skill and certification ratings from the PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning component.
pse__Experience__c.Start_Date__c Read Manage your own skill and certification ratings from the PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning component.
pse__Experience_Skill__c.Name Read Manage your own skill and certification ratings from the PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning component.
pse__Grp__c.pse__Group_ID_Chain__c Read Manage your own skill and certification ratings from the PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning component.
pse__Practice__c.pse__Practice_ID_Chain__c Read Manage your own skill and certification ratings from the PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning component.
pse__Proj__c.pse__Account__c Read Manage your own skill and certification ratings from the PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning component.
pse__Proj__c.pse__Company__c Read Manage your own skill and certification ratings from the PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning component.
pse__Proj__c.pse__Project_Type__c Read Manage your own skill and certification ratings from the PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning component.
pse__Project_Task_Assignment__c.pse__Assignment__c Read Manage your own skill and certification ratings from the PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning component.
pse__Region__c.pse__Region_ID_Chain__c Read Manage your own skill and certification ratings from the PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning component.
pse__Resource_Request__c.pse__Assignment__c Read Manage your own skill and certification ratings from the PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning component.
pse__Skill__c.pse__Hierarchy_Path__c Read Manage your own skill and certification ratings from the PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning component.
pse__Skill__c.Type__c Read Manage your own skill and certification ratings from the PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning component.
pse__Skill_Certification_Rating__c.Approval_Status__c Edit, Read Manage your own skill and certification ratings from the PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning component.
pse__Skill_Certification_Rating__c.pse__Aspiration__c Edit, Read Manage your own skill and certification ratings from the PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning component.
pse__Skill_Certification_Rating__c.pse__Certified__c Edit, Read Manage your own skill and certification ratings from the PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning component.
pse__Skill_Certification_Rating__c.pse__Date_Achieved__c Edit, Read Manage your own skill and certification ratings from the PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning component.
pse__Skill_Certification_Rating__c.pse__Evaluation_Date__c Edit, Read Manage your own skill and certification ratings from the PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning component.
pse__Skill_Certification_Rating__c.pse__Expiration_Date__c Edit, Read Manage your own skill and certification ratings from the PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning component.
pse__Skill_Certification_Rating__c.pse__Last_Used_Date__c Edit, Read Manage your own skill and certification ratings from the PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning component.
pse__Skill_Certification_Rating__c.pse__Notes__c Edit, Read Manage your own skill and certification ratings from the PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning component.
pse__Skill_Certification_Rating__c.pse__Rating__c Edit, Read Manage your own skill and certification ratings from the PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning component.
Object Permission pse__Assignment__c Read Manage your own skill and certification ratings from the PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning component.
fferpcore__Company__c Read Manage your own skill and certification ratings from the PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning component.
pse__Experience__c Create, Read, Edit Manage your own skill and certification ratings from the PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning component.
pse__Experience_Skill__c Create, Read, Edit, Delete Manage your own skill and certification ratings from the PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning component.
pse__Grp__c Read Manage your own skill and certification ratings from the PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning component.
pse__Practice__c Read Manage your own skill and certification ratings from the PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning component.
pse__Proj__c Read Manage your own skill and certification ratings from the PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning component.
pse__Project_Task__c Read Manage your own skill and certification ratings from the PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning component.
pse__Project_Task_Assignment__c Read Manage your own skill and certification ratings from the PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning component.
pse__Region__c Read Manage your own skill and certification ratings from the PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning component.
pse__Resource_Request__c Read Manage your own skill and certification ratings from the PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning component.
pse__Skill__c Read Manage your own skill and certification ratings from the PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning component.
pse__Skill_Set__c Read Manage your own skill and certification ratings from the PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning component.
pse__Skill_Certification_Zone__c Read Manage your own skill and certification ratings from the PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning component.

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