RM Data Dictionary


Label: Revenue Management Batch Settings

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
AVFCreateFromActualsBatchSize__c Actual vs. Forecast Actuals Batch Size Pre-Spring 2018 The number of committed Revenue Recognition Transaction Lines per batch processed for which Actual vs. Forecast Lines will be created (default:200).

Number(18,0) 200
AVFCreateFromForecastBatchSize__c Actual vs. Forecast Forecast Batch Size Pre-Spring 2018 The number of Revenue Forecast Transaction Lines per batch processed for which Actual vs. Forecast Lines will be created (default:200).

Number(18,0) 200
AVFDeleteLinesBatchSize__c Actual vs. Forecast Delete Batch Size Pre-Spring 2018 The number of Actual vs. Forecast Lines per batch processed (default:1000).

Number(18,0) 1000
ActualsRetrieveLinesBatchSize__c Deprecated: Old Staging Batch Size Pre-Spring 2018 Deprecated: The number of source/staging records to be processed/deleted per batch processed (default:1000).

Number(18,0) 1000
ActualsTransactionCommitBatchSize__c Actuals Transaction Commit Batch Size Pre-Spring 2018 The number of Revenue Recognition Transactions committed per batch processed (default:1).

Number(18,0) 1
ActualsTransactionSaveBatchSize__c Actuals Transaction Save Batch Size Pre-Spring 2018 The number of source records for which Revenue Recognition Transaction Lines are created per batch processed (default:500).

Number(18,0) 500
ActualsTransactionSummaryBatchSize__c Actuals Transaction Summary Batch Size Pre-Spring 2018 The number of Revenue Recognition Transactions summarized per batch processed (default:1).

Number(18,0) 1
ForecastDraftTransactionDeleteBatchSize__c Forecast Draft Transaction Delete Batch Pre-Spring 2018 The number of Draft Forecast records that will be deleted per batch processed when running the DeleteDraftForecasts batch process (default:50).

Number(18,0) 50
ForecastTransactionSaveBatchSize__c Forecast Transaction Save Batch Size Pre-Spring 2018 This is the batch size for the save batch that creates Forecast and Forecast Lines from Draft Lines (default:200).

Number(18,0) 200
GenerateForecastsBatchSize__c Generate Forecasts Batch Size Pre-Spring 2018 The number of Forecast records that will be processed per batch when generating from source records (default:200).

Number(18,0) 200
GroupingBTCDeleteBatchSize__c Grouping BTC Delete Batch Size Pre-Spring 2018 The number of Batch Tracking Control records with Action 'Create Grouping' that will be deleted per batch processed when running the GroupingDeleteBatch batch process (default:1000).

Number(18,0) 1000
GroupingCreateBatchSize__c Grouping Create Batch Size Pre-Spring 2018 The number of Staging records that will be processed to create the Grouping Summary records per batch processed (default:1000).

Number(18,0) 1000
GroupingCreateSynchronousLimit__c Grouping Create Synchronous Limit Pre-Spring 2018 The maximum number of source records that can be grouped synchronously (default:3000).

Number(18,0) 3000
GroupingDeleteSynchronousLimit__c Grouping Delete Synchronous Limit Pre-Spring 2018 The maximum number of grouping records that can be deleted synchronously (default:2000).

Number(18,0) 2000
GroupingSummaryDeleteBatchSize__c Grouping Summary Delete Batch Size Pre-Spring 2018 The number of Grouping Summary records that will be deleted per batch processed when running the GroupingDeleteBatch batch process (default:1000).

Number(18,0) 1000
LastOpportunityProductMirrorBatch__c Opportunity Product Scheduler Date Pre-Spring 2018 DateTime
ManageRevenueContractBatchSize__c Manage RC Batch Size Winter 2023 The maximum number of source records processed in a single batch when creating or updating a revenue contract asynchronously (default:500).

Number(18,0) 500
ManageRevenueContractSendEmail__c Manage RC - Send Email Notification Winter 2023 Controls whether email notifications are sent after creating or updating revenue contracts asynchronously.

Checkbox true
ManageRevenueContractSynchronousLimit__c Manage RC Synchronous Limit Winter 2023 The maximum number of source records that can be processed synchronously when creating or updating a revenue contract. If the number of records is equal to or greater than this value, all the records are processed in the background. The default is 100.

Number(18,0) 100
OpportunityProductMirrorBatchSize__c Opportunity Product Mirror Batch Size Pre-Spring 2018 The number of Opportunity Product records for which Opportunity Product Mirror records will be created or updated per batch processed (default:1000).

Number(18,0) 1000
OpportunityProductMirrorDeleteBatchSize__c Opp Product Mirror Delete Batch Size Pre-Spring 2018 The number of Opportunity Product Mirror records to be deleted per batch processed (default:2000).

Number(18,0) 2000
ProcessControlDeleteBatchSize__c Process Control Delete Batch Size Pre-Spring 2018 The number of Process Control records that will be deleted per batch processed when running the Staging Delete batch process (default:2000).

Number(18,0) 2000
RRTToJournalCreationBatchSize__c RRTs for Journal Creation Batch Size Spring 2020 The number of Revenue Recognition Transactions per batch processed when creating FinancialForce Accounting journals (default:1).

Number(18,0) 1
RunTrueUpAllOnIncludedRecordsOnly__c Run True-Up All on Included Records Only Winter 2023 Controls whether True-Up All only processes source records where Include in True-Up is true. When this custom field is false, True-Up All processes all source records linked to valid settings regardless of their Include in True-Up flag and creates a log line for each source record.

Checkbox false
ScheduledTrueUpCreatesCommittedRRTs__c Scheduled True-Up Creates Committed RRTs Winter 2023 Controls whether scheduled True-Up jobs create revenue recognition transactions as Committed. When false they are created as In Progress. Other true-up processes use this as the default but it can be changed at runtime.

Checkbox false
SchedulesCreateJournalsBatchSize__c Schedules Create Journals Batch Size Winter 2023 Used by the asynchronous process that creates FFA journals from revenue recognition transactions created by the Recognize Schedules process and summaries created from those transactions. Controls the number of transactions/summaries processed per batch processed (default:1).

Number(18,0) 1
SchedulesRecognitionBatchSize__c Schedule Lines Recognition Batch Size Winter 2023 The number of source Revenue Schedule Lines per batch processed (default:2000). However if a lower value is set for Source Record Limit per Transaction, that value applies.

Number(18,0) 2000
SchedulesTransactionSummaryBatchSize__c Schedules Transaction Summary Batch Size Winter 2023 Used by the asynchronous process that summarizes revenue recognition transactions created by the Recognize Schedules process. Controls the number of transactions summarized per batch processed (default:4).

Number(18,0) 4
StagingBTCDeleteBatchSize__c Staging BTC Delete Batch Size Pre-Spring 2018 The number of Batch Tracking Control records with Action 'Create Staging' that will be deleted per batch processed when running the StagingDeleteBatch batch process (default:1000).

Number(18,0) 1000
StagingCreateBatchSize__c Staging Create Batch Size Pre-Spring 2018 The number of staging records that will be processed per batch processed to create grouping summaries (default:1000).

Number(18,0) 1000
StagingCreateSynchronousLimit__c Staging Create Synchronous Limit Pre-Spring 2018 The maximum number of source records that can be processed synchronously (default:1000).

Number(18,0) 1000
StagingDeleteSynchronousLimit__c Staging Delete Synchronous Limit Pre-Spring 2018 The maximum number of staging records and grouping records that can be deleted synchronously. At and above this limit Batch Apex is used (default:1000).

Number(18,0) 1000
StagingDetailDeleteBatchSize__c Staging Detail Delete Batch Size Pre-Spring 2018 The number of Staging Detail records that will be deleted per batch processed when running the StagingDeleteBatch batch process (default:1000).

Number(18,0) 1000
StagingSaveBatchSize__c Staging Save Batch Size Pre-Spring 2018 The number of records that will be processed to create Revenue Recognition Transaction from staging data per batch processed (default:1000).

Number(18,0) 1000
StagingSaveSynchronousLimit__c Staging Save Synchronous Limit Pre-Spring 2018 The maximum number of staging records that can be saved synchronously (default:500).

Number(18,0) 500
StagingSummaryDeleteBatchSize__c Staging Summary Delete Batch Size Pre-Spring 2018 The number of Staging Summary records that will be deleted per batch processed when running the StagingDeleteBatch batch process (default:600).

Number(18,0) 600
StagingVersionDeleteBatchSize__c Staging Version Delete Batch Size Pre-Spring 2018 The number of Staging Version records that will be deleted per batch processed when running the StagingDeleteBatch batch process (default:1000).

Number(18,0) 1000
TransferPreviouslyRecognizedBatchSize__c Transfer Prev. Recognized Batch Size Pre-Spring 2018 The number of performance obligation line items that will be processed per batch when the Transfer Previously Recognized process runs (default:1000).

Number(18,0) 1000

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