RM Data Dictionary


Label: Grouping Summary

Temporary storage for Grouping summary information

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
BatchTrackingControl__c Batch Tracking Control Pre-Spring 2018 This field looks up to the Batch Tracking Control that creates child groupings for this grouping summary, if any.

Looks up to: BatchTrackingControl__c
Expanded__c Expanded Pre-Spring 2018 This flag indicates if Child Groupings have been created for this Grouping

Checkbox false
FieldLabel__c Grouping Field Label Pre-Spring 2018 Label of field used to create grouping summary

Field__c Grouping Field Pre-Spring 2018 Field used to create grouping summary

GroupingOrder__c Grouping Summary Order Pre-Spring 2018 The position of this Grouping Summary relative to the Grouping Summary at the highest level.

GroupingParent__c Parent Grouping Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: GroupingSummary__c
GroupingValueHash__c Grouping Value Hash Pre-Spring 2018 The hash of the path of all field values used to create this Grouping

IsExpandable__c Is Expandable Pre-Spring 2018 This flag indicates if Child Groupings can be created for this Grouping

Checkbox false
PreviouslyAmortized__c Previously Amortized Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,2)
PreviouslyRecognized__c Previously Recognized Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,2)
SObjectType__c SObjectType Pre-Spring 2018 The SObjectType of the grouped data.

ToAmortizeThisPeriod__c To Amortize This Period Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,2)
ToRecognizeThisPeriod__c To Recognize This Period Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,2)
TotalCost__c Total Cost Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,2)
TotalLeafRecordCount__c Total Leaf Record Count Pre-Spring 2018 The total number of leaf records under this grouping summary.

TotalRevenue__c Total Revenue Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,2)
Version__c Staging Table Version Pre-Spring 2018 The version from the staging table used for this grouping summary

Looks up to: StagingVersion__c

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