RM Data Dictionary


Label: Performance Obligation Line Item

Source record/s of a performance obligation

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
AccountName__c Display Information Pre-Spring 2018 Information about the Performance Obligation Line Item. Often this will be the account name, but it can be any information.

Active__c Active Pre-Spring 2018 Indicates whether the source record is active.

Checkbox false
BalanceSheetAccount__c Balance Sheet GLA Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
Completed__c Completed Pre-Spring 2018 Indicates whether the source record is complete.

Checkbox false
CostBalanceSheetAccount__c Balance Sheet GLA (Cost) Spring 2018 Text(255)
CostCenterAccount__c Cost Center Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
CostCostCenterAccount__c Cost Center (Cost) Spring 2018 Text(255)
CostIncomeStatementAccount__c Income Statement GLA (Cost) Spring 2018 Text(255)
Cost__c Cost Spring 2018 Cost for this Performance Obligation Line Item.

Description__c Description Pre-Spring 2018 The description of this Performance Obligation Line Item.

EndDate__c End Date Pre-Spring 2018 Date
FieldMapping__c Field Mapping Definition Pre-Spring 2018 The Field Mapping Definition used to map the values from the source record to this record.

Looks up to: FieldMappingDefinition__c
IncomeStatementAccount__c Income Statement GLA Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
IsControllingCostPOLI__c Is Controlling POLI (Cost) Spring 2018 Is this a controlling cost POLI?

PerformanceObligation__r.ControllingCostPOLI__c = Id
IsControllingPOLI__c Is Controlling POLI (Revenue) Pre-Spring 2018 Is this a controlling revenue POLI?

PerformanceObligation__r.ControllingPOLI__c = Id
PercentageComplete__c % Complete Pre-Spring 2018 Percent(18,10)
PerformanceObligation__c Performance Obligation Pre-Spring 2018 The Performance Obligation this Performance Obligation Line Item belongs to.

Looks up to: PerformanceObligation__c
Revenue__c Revenue Pre-Spring 2018 Revenue for this Performance Obligation Line Item.

SSP__c SSP Pre-Spring 2018 The Standalone Selling Price of this Performance Obligation Line Item.

SourceRecordSetting__c Source Record Settings Pre-Spring 2018 The Settings used by the source record related to this Performance Obligation Line Item.

Looks up to: Settings__c
StartDate__c Start Date Pre-Spring 2018 Date
ValueType__c Value Type Spring 2018 Text(255)

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