RM Data Dictionary


Label: Settings

Contains the details of the object and field mappings that make up Revenue Recognition settings.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
AccountName__c Display Information Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
ActiveField__c Active Field Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
ActiveValue__c Active Value Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
ActualVsForecastRelationship__c Actual vs Forecast Line Lookup Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
AmortizedToDateValue__c Amortized To Date Value Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
AnalysisItem1__c Analysis Item 1 Spring 2020 API Name of the text field, lookup or picklist that represents reporting value 1. This can either be a field on the source object, or using lookup relationships you can reference a field on an object linked by a path of up to five lookups.

AnalysisItem2__c Analysis Item 2 Spring 2020 API Name of the text field, lookup or picklist that represents reporting value 2. This can either be a field on the source object, or using lookup relationships you can reference a field on an object linked by a path of up to five lookups.

AnalysisItem3__c Analysis Item 3 Spring 2020 API Name of the text field, lookup or picklist that represents reporting value 3. This can either be a field on the source object, or using lookup relationships you can reference a field on an object linked by a path of up to five lookups.

AnalysisItem4__c Analysis Item 4 Spring 2020 API Name of the text field, lookup or picklist that represents reporting value 4. This can either be a field on the source object, or using lookup relationships you can reference a field on an object linked by a path of up to five lookups.

BalanceSheetAccount__c Balance Sheet GLA Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
BilledToDate__c Billed To Date (Reserved) Pre-Spring 2018 Not in use. Reserved for possible future use.

ChainID__c Chain ID Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
Company__c Company Spring 2020 API Name of the text field, lookup or picklist that represents the company. This can either be a field on the source object, or using lookup relationships you can reference a field on an object linked by a path of up to five lookups.

CompletedField__c Completed Field Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
CompletedValue__c Completed Value Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
CostBalanceSheetAccount__c Balance Sheet GLA (Cost) Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
CostCenter__c Cost Center Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
CostCostCenter__c Cost Center (Cost) Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
CostIncomeStatementAccount__c Income Statement GLA (Cost) Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
CostRate__c Cost Rate Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
CostTotalUnits__c Total Cost Units Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
Currency__c Document Currency Pre-Spring 2018 API name of the Text, Lookup or Picklist field on the source object that represents the currency of the source record.

DefaultFieldMappingDefinition__c Default Field Mapping Definition Pre-Spring 2018 The Field Mapping Definition Populated on Performance Obligation Line Items by default when linking them to a Source Record and this Settings.

Looks up to: FieldMappingDefinition__c
DeferredRevenueToDateDualCurrency__c Deferred Revenue To Date (Dual) Winter 2023 API name of the Number field on the source object that stores the amount of revenue deferred to date, in dual currency.

DeferredRevenueToDateHomeCurrency__c Deferred Revenue To Date (Home) Winter 2023 API name of the Number field on the source object that stores the amount of revenue deferred to date, in home currency.

DeferredRevenueToDateReportingCurrency__c Deferred Revenue To Date (Reporting) Winter 2023 API name of the Number field on the source object that stores the amount of revenue deferred to date, in reporting currency.

DeferredRevenueToDate__c Deferred Revenue To Date Winter 2023 API name of the Number field on the source object that stores the amount of revenue deferred to date, in document currency.

Description__c Description Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
DocumentCurrencyRate__c Document Rate Spring 2019 API name of the Double or Currency field on the source object that represents the document to home currency exchange rate.

DualCurrencyRate__c Dual Rate Spring 2019 API name of the Double or Currency field on the source object that represents the accounting company's home to dual currency exchange rate.

DualCurrency__c Dual Currency Spring 2019 API name of the Text, Lookup or Picklist field on the source object that represents the accounting company's dual currency.

EndDate__c End Date/Deliverable Date Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
EngagementLookup__c Engagement Lookup Winter 2023 The API name of the lookup field on the Source Record that looks up to the Engagement object.

Filter1__c Deprecated Filter 1 Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
Filter2__c Deprecated Filter 2 Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
Filter3__c Deprecated Filter 3 Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
FixedBalanceSheetAccountCode__c Fixed Balance Sheet Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
FixedCostBalanceSheetAccountCode__c Fixed Balance Sheet (Cost) Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
FixedCostCenterCode__c Fixed Cost Center Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
FixedCostCostCenterCode__c Fixed Cost Center (Cost) Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
FixedCostIncomeStatementAccountCode__c Fixed Income Statement (Cost) Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
FixedIncomeStatementAccountCode__c Fixed Income Statement Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
FixedTrueUpAccountCode__c Fixed True-up Winter 2023 Select to indicate that the corresponding value is a fixed code, not an API name on the related source object. These checkboxes can be set independently of each other.

Checkbox false
FixedTrueUpDualAccountCode__c FOR FUTURE USE Fixed True-up (Dual) Winter 2023 FOR FUTURE USE Select to indicate that the corresponding value is a fixed code, not an API name on the related source object. These checkboxes can be set independently of each other.

Checkbox false
FixedTrueUpHomeAccountCode__c FOR FUTURE USE Fixed True-up (Home) Winter 2023 FOR FUTURE USE Select to indicate that the corresponding value is a fixed code, not an API name on the related source object. These checkboxes can be set independently of each other.

Checkbox false
ForecastHeaderPrimaryRelationship__c Revenue Forecast Transaction Lookup Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
ForecastTransactionLineRelationship__c Revenue Forecast Transaction Line Lookup Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
GroupName__c Group Name Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
Group__c Group Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
If( ISBLANK( ParentSettings__c ), Object__c , ParentSettings__r.GroupName__c)
GroupedBy__c Grouped By Fall 2019 Text(255)
HomeCurrency__c Home Currency Spring 2019 API name of the Text, Lookup or Picklist field on the source object that represents the accounting company's home currency.

IncludeActiveValue__c Include Active Value Pre-Spring 2018 Picklist:
IncludeCompletedValue__c Include Completed Value Pre-Spring 2018 Picklist:
IncludeInTrueUp__c Include in True-Up Winter 2023 API name of the checkbox field on the source object that indicates if source records are included in deferred revenue true-up calculations.

IncomeStatementAccount__c Income Statement GLA Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
Object__c Object Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
OnHold__c On Hold Winter 2023 API name of the Boolean or formula field on the source object that indicates whether it is on hold. If this field resolves to true for a record, its revenue schedules are generated with the status On Hold.

OpeningBalanceCutoffDate__c Opening Balance Cutoff Date Summer 2022 API name of the Date or DateTime field on the source object that represents its opening balance cutoff date

Owner__c Owner Summer 2022 Text(255)
POLISourceField__c POLI Source Lookup Pre-Spring 2018 The API name of the lookup field on the Performance Obligation Line Item that looks up to the Source Record.

ParentRelationshipPaths__c Parent Relationship Paths Winter 2023 API names of lookup fields on the source object described by this settings record, or linked to the source object by a relationship path of up to 5 lookups, whose values will populate the Revenue Schedule Line Lookups. When specifying multiple fields they must be comma separated and in the same order as the fields in the Revenue Schedule Line Lookups.

ParentSettings__c Parent Settings Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Settings__c
PercentageComplete__c % Complete Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
PrimaryRelationship__c Parent Lookup Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
Product__c Product Spring 2020 API Name of the lookup that represents the product. This can either be a lookup on the source object, or using lookup relationships you can reference a lookup on an object linked by a path of up to five lookups.

Rate__c Rate Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
RecognizedToDateValueDual__c Recognized to Date Value (Dual) Winter 2023 Text(255)
RecognizedToDateValueHome__c Recognized to Date Value (Home) Winter 2023 API name of the Number field on the source object that stores the amount of revenue recognized to date in home currency. If populated, the value on the source record is automatically updated each time a Revenue Recognition Transaction is committed.

RecognizedToDateValue__c Recognized To Date Value Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
RevenueRecognitionCompleted__c Fully Recognized and Amortized Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
RevenueScheduleLineLookups__c Revenue Schedule Line Lookups Winter 2023 API names of lookup fields (to the source object described by this settings record or related objects) that your administrator has added to the Revenue Schedule Line object. These fields are populated from the lookups identified in the Parent Relationship Paths. When specifying multiple fields they must be comma separated and in the same order as the fields in the Parent Relationship Paths.

RevenueScheduleSourceLookup__c Revenue Schedule Lookup Fall 2020 API name of the lookup field (to the source object at this settings level) that your administrator has added to the Revenue Schedule object.

SSP__c SSP Pre-Spring 2018 API name of the field on the source object that represents the standalone selling price.

SalesforceAccount__c Account Spring 2020 API Name of the lookup that represents the Salesforce account. This can either be a lookup on the source object, or using lookup relationships you can reference a lookup on an object linked by a path of up to five lookups.

SettingUniqueness__c Deprecated Setting Uniqueness Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
Object__c & Group__c & TEXT( SettingsLevel__c ) & PercentageComplete__c & TotalRevenue__c & ParentSettings__c & Description__c & TotalUnits__c & PrimaryRelationship__c & CompletedValue__c & CompletedField__c & ActiveValue__c & ActiveField__c & TEXT( IncludeCompletedValue__c ) & TEXT( IncludeActiveValue__c ) & Currency__c & VSOERate__c & VSOEPercent__c & AccountName__c & Rate__c & RecognizedToDateValue__c & RevenueRecognitionCompleted__c & If ( UseInRevenueContract__c, 'TRUE', 'FALSE' ) & SSP__c
SettingsLevel__c Settings Level Pre-Spring 2018 Picklist:
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
SettingsType__c Settings Type Pre-Spring 2018 MultiselectPicklist:
StartDate__c Start Date Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
TotalAmortizedToDateValue__c Total Amortized to Date Value Winter 2023 API name of the number or currency field on the primary source object that stores the total amount of cost amortized to date. The total is calculated by summing the Amortized to Date values for lower level records. If populated, the value on the source record is automatically updated each time a revenue recognition transaction is committed.

TotalCost__c Total Cost Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
TotalRecognizedToDateValue__c Total Recognized to Date Value Winter 2023 API name of the number or currency field on the primary source object that stores the total amount of revenue recognized to date. The total is calculated by summing the Recognized to Date values for lower level records. If populated, the value on the source record is automatically updated each time a revenue recognition transaction is committed.

TotalRevenue__c Total Revenue Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
TotalUnits__c Total Units Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
TransactionLineRelationship__c Revenue Recognition Txn Line Lookup Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
TrueUpAccount__c True-Up GLA Winter 2023 API name of the text field, lookup or picklist on the source object that represents the GLA to be used for true-up values.

TrueUpDualAccount__c FOR FUTURE USE True-Up GLA (Dual) Winter 2023 FOR FUTURE USE API name of the text field, lookup or picklist on the source object that represents the GLA to be used for true-up values in dual currency.

TrueUpHomeAccount__c FOR FUTURE USE True-Up GLA (Home) Winter 2023 FOR FUTURE USE API name of the text field, lookup or picklist on the source object that represents the GLA to be used for true-up values in home currency.

UseInRevenueContract__c Use in Revenue Contract Pre-Spring 2018 Show whether the Setting is used in Revenue Contracts.

Checkbox false
VSOEPercent__c VSOE % Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
VSOERate__c VSOE Rate Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
ValueType__c Value Type Pre-Spring 2018 MultiselectPicklist:

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