RM Data Dictionary


Label: Staging Detail

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
AccountId__c Account Id Pre-Spring 2018 Text(18)
AccountName__c Account Name Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
AmendedCost__c Amended Cost Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
OriginalToAmortizeThisPeriod__c <> ToAmortizeThisPeriod__c
Amended__c Amended Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
OriginalToRecognizeThisPeriod__c <> ToRecognizeThisPeriod__c
DocumentCurrencyRate__c Document Rate Spring 2019 The exchange rate that converts recognized/amortized amounts from document currency to home currency.

DualCurrencyRate__c Dual Rate Spring 2019 The exchange rate that converts recognized/amortized amounts from home currency to dual currency.

DualCurrency__c Dual Currency Spring 2019 The accounting company's dual currency. Dual currency is typically a corporate currency used for reporting purposes.

ErrorMessage__c Error Message Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
GroupingFields__c Grouping Fields Pre-Spring 2018 The fields being grouped on.

GroupingHashedFields__c Grouping Field Hashes Pre-Spring 2018 A concatenation of grouping field names hashed to a fixed size, to support multiple large values. Hashing allows taking values of any size and reducing them to a fixed length string.

GroupingHashedValues__c Grouping Value Hashes Pre-Spring 2018 A concatenation of grouping field values hashed to a fixed size, to support multiple large values. Hashing allows taking values of any size and reducing them to a fixed length string.

GroupingValues__c Grouping Values Pre-Spring 2018 The values that are being grouped on.

HomeCurrency__c Home Currency Spring 2019 The accounting company's home currency. Home currency is the company's main working, and reporting, currency.

IsLeaf__c Leaf Node Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
OriginalRecordId__c Original Record Id Pre-Spring 2018 Used to store the Id of the original source record in the case that the Staging Record has been created from a different source. On opportunity records for example the staging record is created from the opportunity product mirror. In this case the field stores the original opportunity product Id.

OriginalToAmortizeThisPeriod__c Original To Amortize This Period Pre-Spring 2018 Number(16,2) 0
OriginalToRecognizeThisPeriod__c Original To Recognize This Period Pre-Spring 2018 Number(16,2) 0
PreviouslyAmortized__c Previously Amortized Pre-Spring 2018 Number(16,2) 0
PreviouslyRecognized__c Previously Recognized Pre-Spring 2018 Number(16,2) 0
SourceRecordId__c Source Record Id Pre-Spring 2018 Text(18)
SourceRecordName__c SourceRecordName Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
StagingSummary__c Staging Summary Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: StagingSummary__c
Template__c Template Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Template__c
ToAmortizeThisPeriod__c To Amortize This Period Pre-Spring 2018 Number(16,2) 0
ToRecognizeThisPeriod__c To Recognize This Period Pre-Spring 2018 Number(16,2) 0
TotalCost__c Total Cost Pre-Spring 2018 Number(16,2) 0
TotalRevenue__c Total Revenue Pre-Spring 2018 Number(16,2) 0
Uniqueness__c Uniqueness Pre-Spring 2018 Text(40)
Version__c Version Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: StagingVersion__c

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