SCM Data Dictionary


Label: Currency Master

This Object describes the Currency master which is used throughout the application when something (i.e., part of facility supplies (MRO)) is to be procured or sold. This information is used in Procurement, Sales, Inventory, and Finance processes

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Active__c Active Pre-Spring 2018 Indicates if currency is active and can be selected.

Checkbox false
Corporate_Currency__c Corporate Currency Pre-Spring 2018 If checked, it indicates that this is the corporate currency. Only one currency may be selected as the corporate currency.

Checkbox false
Local_Currency_Description__c Local Currency Description Pre-Spring 2018 No longer used.

Local_Currency__c Local Currency Pre-Spring 2018 This field is no longer used.

Number_of_decimals__c Number of decimals Pre-Spring 2018 Number(1,0) 2

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