SCM Data Dictionary


Label: Customer Address

Only Accessed from Customer and Order Entry Screens to set Sold-to, Bill-to, and Ship-to

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Active__c Active Pre-Spring 2018 Customer Address is available for trade status

Checkbox true
Building_Information__c Building Information Pre-Spring 2018 Text(100)
Create_New__c Create New Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
HYPERLINK("/"+ RecordType__c +"/e?retURL=%2F" + RecordType__c ,"Create a New Address")
Customer_Site__c Customer Site Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Account

Display_Name__c Display Name Pre-Spring 2018 Text(80)
Mailing_City__c Mailing City Pre-Spring 2018 Text(100)
Mailing_Country__c Mailing Country Pre-Spring 2018 Text(100)
Mailing_State_Province__c Mailing State / Province Pre-Spring 2018 Text(100)
Mailing_Street_Additional_Information__c Mailing Street Additional Information Pre-Spring 2018 Text(100)
Mailing_Street__c Mailing Street Pre-Spring 2018 Text(100)
Mailing_Zip_Postal_Code__c Mailing Zip / Postal Code Pre-Spring 2018 Text(15)
RecordType__c RecordType Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
LEFT( Id , 3)
Validated__c Validated Winter 2023 Indicates whether the customer address has been validated against the addresses in the external tax calculation service. Automatically selected after you validate the address. Automatically deselected after you change any of the address fields.

Checkbox false

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