SCM Data Dictionary


Label: Customer Quotation

This Object describes the Customer Quotation from a sell-side business perspective and its relationships with other objects. This object supports down stream business processes such as conversion to Customer Sales Order. There are workflows, attachments, and business intelligences that are dependent on this object.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Actual_Bill_To__c Actual Bill To Pre-Spring 2018 The actual bill to address - if override is provided this is the overridden address otherwise it is the billing address in the account.

IF (ISBLANK (Override_Bill_to_Account__c) ,IF( ISBLANK( Override_Bill_To_Address__c ) , Customer_Account__r.Name + BR()+ Customer_Account__r.BillingStreet + BR()+ Customer_Account__r.BillingCity + ' ' + Customer_Account__r.BillingState + ', ' + Customer_Account__r.BillingPostalCode + ' ' + Customer_Account__r.BillingCountry , Override_Bill_To_Address__r.Name + BR() + Override_Bill_To_Address__r.Mailing_Street__c + IF( ISBLANK(Override_Bill_To_Address__r.Mailing_Street_Additional_Information__c ) , BR(), BR() + Override_Bill_To_Address__r.Mailing_Street_Additional_Information__c + BR() )+ IF( ISBLANK(Override_Bill_To_Address__r.Building_Information__c ) , BR(), BR() + Override_Bill_To_Address__r.Building_Information__c + BR() ) + Override_Bill_To_Address__r.Mailing_City__c + ', ' + Override_Bill_To_Address__r.Mailing_State_Province__c + ' ' + Override_Bill_To_Address__r.Mailing_Zip_Postal_Code__c ) , IF( ISBLANK( Override_Bill_to_Account_Address__c ) , Override_Bill_to_Account__r.Name + BR()+ Override_Bill_to_Account__r.BillingStreet + BR()+ Override_Bill_to_Account__r.BillingCity + ' ' + Override_Bill_to_Account__r.BillingState + ', ' + Override_Bill_to_Account__r.BillingPostalCode + ' ' + Override_Bill_to_Account__r.BillingCountry , Override_Bill_to_Account_Address__r.Name + BR() + Override_Bill_to_Account_Address__r.Mailing_Street__c + IF( ISBLANK(Override_Bill_to_Account_Address__r.Mailing_Street_Additional_Information__c ) , BR(), BR() + Override_Bill_to_Account_Address__r.Mailing_Street_Additional_Information__c + BR() )+ IF( ISBLANK(Override_Bill_to_Account_Address__r.Building_Information__c ) , BR(), BR() + Override_Bill_to_Account_Address__r.Building_Information__c + BR() ) + Override_Bill_to_Account_Address__r.Mailing_City__c + ', ' + Override_Bill_to_Account_Address__r.Mailing_State_Province__c + ' ' + Override_Bill_to_Account_Address__r.Mailing_Zip_Postal_Code__c ))
Actual_Ship_To__c Actual Ship To Pre-Spring 2018 If an override address is specified we see that otherwise it is the shipping address from the account.

IF( ISBLANK( Override_Ship_To_Address__c ) , Customer_Account__r.Name + BR() + Customer_Account__r.ShippingStreet + BR() + Customer_Account__r.ShippingCity + ', ' + Customer_Account__r.ShippingState + ' ' + Customer_Account__r.ShippingPostalCode , Override_Ship_To_Address__r.Name + BR() + Override_Ship_To_Address__r.Mailing_Street__c + IF( ISBLANK(Override_Ship_To_Address__r.Mailing_Street_Additional_Information__c ) , BR(), BR() + Override_Ship_To_Address__r.Mailing_Street_Additional_Information__c + BR() )+ IF( ISBLANK(Override_Ship_To_Address__r.Building_Information__c ) , BR(), BR() + Override_Ship_To_Address__r.Building_Information__c + BR() )+ Override_Ship_To_Address__r.Mailing_City__c + ', ' + Override_Ship_To_Address__r.Mailing_State_Province__c + ' ' + Override_Ship_To_Address__r.Mailing_Zip_Postal_Code__c )
Annual_RC_Fees__c Annual Contract Value Pre-Spring 2018 Average Total Recurring Fees after discounts over 12 months.

Currency(18,2) 0
Applied_Rebate_Amount__c Applied Rebate Amount Pre-Spring 2018 Total amount of applied rebates rolled-up from the customer quotation lines

Currency(18,2) 0
Approval_Status__c Approval Status Pre-Spring 2018 Picklist:
Submitted for Approval
Change_Request__c Change Request Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Change_Request__c
Currency_Master__c Currency Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Currency_Master__c
Customer_Account_Contact__c Customer Contact Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Contact

Customer_Account__c Customer Account Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Account

Customer_Address__c Customer Address Pre-Spring 2018 If a Customer Contact is specified, the address is the address of the site associated with the Contact. If the Contact is not specified and the Site is specified, that address is used. If neither address is specified, there is no address. This field is associated with known customers only.

IF(OR(LEN( Customer_Account_Contact__c ) > 0, LEN( Customer_Account__c ) > 0), IF( LEN( Customer_Account_Contact__c ) > 0, Customer_Account_Contact__r.Account.Default_Address__c, Customer_Account__r.Default_Address__c ), '')
Customer_Email__c Customer Email Pre-Spring 2018 The email comes from the Customer Site or Customer Contact, whichever is present

IF(OR(LEN( Customer_Account_Contact__c ) > 0, LEN( Customer_Account__c ) > 0), IF( LEN( Customer_Account_Contact__c ) > 0, Customer_Account_Contact__r.Email , Customer_Account__r.E_Mail__c ),'')
Customer_Fax__c Customer Fax Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
IF(OR(LEN( Customer_Account_Contact__c ) > 0, LEN( Customer_Account__c ) > 0), IF( LEN( Customer_Account_Contact__c ) > 0, Customer_Account_Contact__r.Fax , Customer_Account__r.Fax ),'')
Customer_Phone__c Customer Phone Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
IF(OR(LEN( Customer_Account_Contact__c ) > 0, LEN( Customer_Account__c ) > 0), IF( LEN( Customer_Account_Contact__c ) > 0, Customer_Account_Contact__r.Phone, Customer_Account__r.Phone ), '')
Customer_Purchase_Order__c Customer Purchase Order Pre-Spring 2018 Reference the Customer's Purchase Order Number

Customer_Site_Name__c Customer Contact Account Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
Customer_Total_Price__c Customer Total Price Pre-Spring 2018 Summary
Delivery_Error__c Delivery Error Pre-Spring 2018 Error message returned when attempting to deliver this Quotation.

Delivery_Options__c Delivery Options Pre-Spring 2018 Describes how the Quote is to be delivered to the Prospect.

Discounted_Term_Fees__c Discounted Term Fees Pre-Spring 2018 Amount of discount applied to the first and last terms.

Currency(11,2) 0
Expired_Quotes__c Expired Quotes Pre-Spring 2018 Select to find open Quotes for requisitioned Item.

Checkbox false
External_Tax_Status__c External Tax Status Winter 2023 Status of the external tax calculation if using an external system to calculate tax for the customer quotation.

Not Calculated
Gross_Annual_Contract_Value__c Gross Annual Contract Value Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,2)
Inbound_Request_Via__c Inbound Request Via Pre-Spring 2018 Picklist:
Foreign System
Lead__c Lead Pre-Spring 2018 Lead Record

Looks up to: Lead

Lost_Reason__c Lost Reason Pre-Spring 2018 Picklist:
Customer did not get Quote
Response Time
Mailing_City__c Prospect City Pre-Spring 2018 Text(100)
Mailing_Country__c Prospect Country Pre-Spring 2018 Text(100)
Mailing_State_Province__c Prospect State or Province Pre-Spring 2018 Text(100)
Mailing_Street_Additional_Information__c Prospect Address Line 2 Pre-Spring 2018 Text(100)
Mailing_Street__c Prospect Address Line 1 Pre-Spring 2018 Text(100)
Mailing_Zip_Postal_Code__c Prospect Postal Code Pre-Spring 2018 Text(100)
Marketing_Campaign__c Marketing Campaign Pre-Spring 2018 Name of Campaign that generated lead

Monthly_Recurring_Revenue__c Monthly Recurring Revenue Pre-Spring 2018 The monthly revenue for the contract. This is calculated by subtracting the Annual Contract Value from the Total Contract Value and dividing the result by 12.

Currency(18,2) 0
Net_Annual_Contract_Value__c Net Annual Contract Value Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,2)
No_Bid__c No Bid Pre-Spring 2018 Check if decision is made to make no bid response

Checkbox false
Number_Active_Service_Lines__c Number Active Service Lines Pre-Spring 2018 Number(4,0) 0
Number_Lines__c Number Lines Pre-Spring 2018 The number of lines on the Customer Quote.

Number_New_Lines__c Number New Lines Pre-Spring 2018 The number of new lines on the Customer Quotation.

Number_Of_Cancel_Lines__c Number Of Cancel Lines Pre-Spring 2018 Number(4,0) 0
Number_of_Months__c Number of Months Pre-Spring 2018 Number(4,0)
Opportunity_Name__c Opportunity Name Pre-Spring 2018 An optional field used to describe a larger Opportunity in a SFA Application

Opportunity__c Opportunity Pre-Spring 2018 The Opportunity that is associated with this customer quote. This field is visible only if user has a full salesforce license

Looks up to: Opportunity

Override_Bill_To_Address__c Override Bill to Address Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Customer_Address__c
Override_Bill_to_Account_Address__c Override Bill to Account Address Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Customer_Address__c
Override_Bill_to_Account__c Override Bill to Account Pre-Spring 2018 Account to be billed when the Customer Account is not to be billed for this customer quotation.

Looks up to: Account

Override_Ship_To_Address__c Override Ship to Address Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Customer_Address__c
Ownership_Code__c Ownership Code Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Ownership_Code__c
Payment_Terms_Name__c Payment Terms Name Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
Payment_Terms__c Payment Terms Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: PO_Payment_Terms__c
Price_Type__c Price Type Pre-Spring 2018 Governs how items are automatically priced.

Looks up to: Price_Type__c
Prospect_Address_Validated__c Prospect Address Validated Winter 2023 Indicates whether the address of the prospect has been validated against the addresses in the external tax calculation service. Automatically selected after you validate the address of the prospect. Automatically deselected after you change any of the prospect address fields.

Checkbox false
Prospect_Address__c Prospect Address Pre-Spring 2018 The address of the prospect. The quote is considered a prospect if there is no Customer Contact and no Customer Site.

IF( AND( ISBLANK( Customer_Account_Contact__c ) , ISBLANK(Customer_Account__c) ) , Mailing_Street__c + BR() + Mailing_Street_Additional_Information__c + IF( Mailing_Street_Additional_Information__c = "", "", BR() ) + Mailing_City__c + ' ' + Mailing_State_Province__c + ' ' + Mailing_Zip_Postal_Code__c + BR() + Mailing_Country__c, '')
Prospect_Company__c Prospect Company Pre-Spring 2018 The name of the Company receiving the Quote.

Prospect_Email__c Prospect Email Pre-Spring 2018 Email address for prospect. It must be present for a delivery type of email

Prospect_Fax_Number__c Prospect FAX Number Pre-Spring 2018 The fax number for the prospect. If the delivery type is Fax, the contact fax number must be present.

Prospect_Name__c Prospect Name Pre-Spring 2018 Name of person requesting Quotation.

Prospect_Phone__c Prospect Phone Pre-Spring 2018 The phone number to contact the prospect.

Prospect_Reference__c Reference Pre-Spring 2018 The RFQ number assigned by the prospect when the request for the quotation came in.

Prospect_Tax_Registration_Number__c Prospect Tax Registration Number Winter 2023 Identifying number of the prospect used for tax purposes.

Purchase_History__c Purchase History Pre-Spring 2018 Select to find Purchase Order history for requisitioned Item

Checkbox false
Quotation_Comments__c Quotation Comments Pre-Spring 2018 Enter text that will appear on outgoing Quotations

Quotation_Expires_On__c Quotation Expires On Pre-Spring 2018 The date and time when the Quote expires. The default is set based on a fixed number of days from the date and time that the Quote was created. It can be overridden by a limit in the price list or by the salesperson.

DateTime Now() + if($Setup.Organization_Settings__c.DefaultNumDaysTillQuoteExpire__c > 0, $Setup.Organization_Settings__c.DefaultNumDaysTillQuoteExpire__c, 10)
Quote_Date__c Quote Date Pre-Spring 2018 The date the Quote version was created

DateTime NOW()
Quote_Name__c Quote Description Pre-Spring 2018 Enter a description or contextual information for the Quote. This will help aid the Sales Representative recall the business circumstance or contextual information surrounding the Quotation

Received_RFQ__c Received RFQ Pre-Spring 2018 A reference to the Received Request for Quote that triggered this quote. It is not mandatory to have a Received Request for Quote in order to create a Quote.

Looks up to: Received_RFQ__c
Requestor_Comment__c Requestor Comments Pre-Spring 2018 Comments from the requestor concerning the Quote. These are automatically migrated from a received RFQ if there is one.

Requestor_Deliver_By_Date__c Requestor Deliver By Date Pre-Spring 2018 Deliver by date from the requestor concerning the Quote. These are automatically migrated from a received RFQ if there is one.

Requestor_Priority__c Requestor Priority Pre-Spring 2018 The priority specified by the individual requesting the quote. This is automatically populated from the received RFQ if there is one.

Requestor_Quote_By_Date__c Requestor Quote By Date Pre-Spring 2018 Quote by date from the requestor concerning the quote. These are automatically migrated from a received RFQ if there is one.

Sales_Channel__c Sales Channel Pre-Spring 2018 Lead Generation Point

Outside Sales
Sales_Order_Date__c Sales Order Date Pre-Spring 2018 The date and time that the Sales Order is created.

Sales_Order__c Sales Order Pre-Spring 2018 The Sales Order that was created based on this Quote.

Looks up to: Sales_Order__c
Sales_Rep__c Sales Rep Pre-Spring 2018 The user who is responsible for this Quote.

Looks up to: User

Service_Contract_End_Date__c Service Contract End Date Pre-Spring 2018 Date
Service_Contract_First_Bill_Date__c Service Contract First Bill Date Pre-Spring 2018 Date
Service_Contract_Start_Date__c Service Contract Start Date Pre-Spring 2018 Date
Service_Order__c Service Contract Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Service_Order__c
Service_Term_Lookup__c Service Term Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Service_Term__c
Service_Term_Number__c Service Term Number Pre-Spring 2018 Number(3,0)
Service_Term_Value__c Service Term Value Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
Status__c Status Pre-Spring 2018 Picklist:
Not Delivered
Not Delivered - Error
Not Delivered - Processing
Not Priced
Supplier_Agreements__c Supplier Agreements Pre-Spring 2018 Select to find open Supplier Agreements for requisitioned Item

Checkbox false
Sync_Header_Terms_to_Lines__c Sync Header Terms to Lines Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox true
Sync_internal_and_customer_price__c Sync internal and customer price? Pre-Spring 2018 When checked, the customer price will automatically be updated with the internal sell price on the customer quotation line.

Checkbox true
Taxable__c Taxable? Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
Terms_to_be_Billed__c Terms to be Billed Pre-Spring 2018 Terms to be billed. For example, if the contract is for 12 months and the Service Contract Start Date is September 1st and the the Service Contract First Bill date is November 1st, the number of terms to be billed will be 10.

Number(10,0) 0
Total_Contract_Cost__c Total Contract Cost Pre-Spring 2018 Currency(18,2) 0
Total_Contract_Gross_Percent__c Total Contract Gross Percent Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
If(Total_Value__c == 0, -1, If( Total_Contract_Cost__c == 0, 100.00, (Total_Value__c - Total_Contract_Cost__c)/Total_Value__c))
Total_Contract_Gross_Profit__c Total Contract Gross Profit Pre-Spring 2018 The gross profit of the contract based on the number of terms to be billed.

Total_Contract_Value_After_Waived_Terms__c - Total_Contract_Cost__c
Total_Contract_Value_After_Waived_Terms__c Total Contract Value After Waived Terms Pre-Spring 2018 Total Contract Value minus Waived Term Fees.

Currency(18,2) 0
Total_Cost__c Total Cost Pre-Spring 2018 Total cost rolls up Extended Cost from Line

Total_Customer_Rebate_Discount__c Total Customer Rebate Discount Pre-Spring 2018 Total customer rebate amount rolled up from the customer quotation line.

Currency(18,2) 0
Total_Delta_Cost__c Total Delta Cost Pre-Spring 2018 Change to the Total Cost of the contract when the change request is applied.

Currency(11,2) 0
Total_Delta_Value__c Total Delta Value Pre-Spring 2018 Change to the Total Contract Value of the contract when the change request is applied.

Currency(11,2) 0
Total_Gross_Percent__c Total Gross Percent Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
IF(Total_Quote_Price__c == 0 ,-1 ,(Total_Quote_Price__c - if(ISBLANK(Total_Quote_Cost__c) || (Total_Quote_Cost__c == 0 && Total_Cost__c > 0), Total_Cost__c , Total_Quote_Cost__c))/ Total_Quote_Price__c)
Total_Gross_Percent_with_Rebate__c Total Gross Percent with Rebate Discount Pre-Spring 2018 Percentage of gross profit from rebates

IF(Total_Quote_After_Rebate__c == 0 ,-1 ,(Total_Quote_After_Rebate__c - if(ISBLANK(Total_Quote_Cost__c) || (Total_Quote_Cost__c == 0 && Total_Cost__c > 0), Total_Cost__c , Total_Quote_Cost__c))/ Total_Quote_After_Rebate__c)
Total_Gross_Profit__c Total Gross Profit Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
Total_Quote_Price__c - if(ISBLANK(Total_Quote_Cost__c) || (Total_Quote_Cost__c == 0 && Total_Cost__c > 0), Total_Cost__c, Total_Quote_Cost__c)
Total_Gross_Profit_with_Rebates__c Total Gross Profit with Rebates Pre-Spring 2018 Total gross profit including rebates

Total_Quote_After_Rebate__c - if(ISBLANK(Total_Quote_Cost__c) || (Total_Quote_Cost__c == 0 && Total_Cost__c > 0), Total_Cost__c, Total_Quote_Cost__c)
Total_NRC_Discounted_Percent__c Total NRC Discounted % Pre-Spring 2018 Total discounted percent for non recurring fees

Percent(5,2) 0
Total_NRC_Discounted__c Total NRC Discounted Pre-Spring 2018 Total discounted amount for non recurring fees

Currency(18,2) 0
Total_NRC_Extended_After_Discounts__c Total NRC Extended After Discounts Pre-Spring 2018 Total non recurring fees after discounts

Total_NRC_Extended__c - Total_NRC_Discounted__c
Total_NRC_Extended__c Total NRC Extended Pre-Spring 2018 Total non recurring fees

Currency(18,2) 0
Total_NRC_Invoiced__c Total NRC Invoiced Pre-Spring 2018 The non recurring fees invoiced

Currency(18,2) 0
Total_NRC_Materials__c Total NRC Materials Pre-Spring 2018 Total non recurring fees for materials

Currency(18,2) 0
Total_NRC_Options__c Total NRC Options Pre-Spring 2018 Total non recurring fees for options

Currency(18,2) 0
Total_NRC_Time__c Total NRC Time Pre-Spring 2018 Total non recurring fees for time

Currency(18,2) 0
Total_Price_Discount__c Total Price Discount Pre-Spring 2018 Currency(18,2)
Total_Price__c Total Price Pre-Spring 2018 Currency(18,2) 0
Total_Quote_After_Rebate__c Total Quote After Rebate Pre-Spring 2018 Total price the customer pays after rebates.

Total_Quote_Price__c - Total_Customer_Rebate_Discount__c
Total_Quote_Cost__c Total Cost Pre-Spring 2018 Currency(18,2) 0
Total_Quote_Price__c Total Quote Price Pre-Spring 2018 This is the total price of all the line items in the Quote

Total_RC_Base_Fees__c Total RC Base Fees Pre-Spring 2018 Currency(18,2) 0
Total_RC_Discounted_Percent__c Total RC Discounted % Pre-Spring 2018 Total discounted percent for recurring fees

Percent(5,2) 0
Total_RC_Discounted__c Total RC Discounted Pre-Spring 2018 Total discounted amount on recurring fees

Currency(18,2) 0
Total_RC_Extended_After_Discounts__c Total RC Extended After Discounts Pre-Spring 2018 Total recurring fees after discounts

Total_RC_Extended__c - Total_RC_Discounted__c
Total_RC_Extended__c Total RC Extended Pre-Spring 2018 Total recurring fees

Currency(18,2) 0
Total_RC_Options__c Total RC Options Pre-Spring 2018 Currency(18,2) 0
Total_Service_Term_Value__c Total Service Term Value Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
if(!Sync_Header_Terms_to_Lines__c, Total_Value__c, IF(Service_Term_Number__c > 0, ((Service_Term_Value__c * Service_Term_Number__c) + Total_NRC_Extended_After_Discounts__c ) , ( (Service_Term_Value__c * Number_of_Months__c) + Total_NRC_Extended_After_Discounts__c )))
Total_Tax__c Total Tax Winter 2023 Currency(9,2) 0
Total_Value__c Total Contract Value Pre-Spring 2018 Total contract value for service contract quote

Currency(18,2) 0
Waived_Term_Fees__c Waived Term Fees Pre-Spring 2018 Total amount of waived contract fees. This is calculated by the Total Contract Value minus Total Contract Value after waived term fees.

Total_Value__c - Total_Contract_Value_After_Waived_Terms__c

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