SCM Data Dictionary


Label: Exchange Order

This object supports the Exchange type Purchase and Sales Order management business process. Its role is to monitor contract status that must be adhered to such as returning goods to a supplier or customer sales when required. This object describes the items that are either owed to a supplier or customer. Future releases will leverage this object to manage Borrow and Loan transactions. There are workflow, attachments, and business intelligences dependent on this object.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Advance_Core_Receipt__c Advance Core Receipt? Pre-Spring 2018 Specifies if core must be received before the new part can be shipped.

Checkbox false
Core_Return_Date__c Core Return Date Pre-Spring 2018 The date the Core is expected to be returned

Core_Return_Warehouse__c Core Return Warehouse Pre-Spring 2018 The warehouse where the core is to be returned.

Looks up to: Warehouse__c
Core_Valuation__c Core Valuation Pre-Spring 2018 The Value of the core and expected charges if core is not returned

Incoming_Item_Number__c Incoming Item Number Pre-Spring 2018 The expected incoming Item Number on an exchange. This is supplied by the sales person or the buyer and it is not necessarily accurate.

Outgoing_Item_Number__c Outgoing Item Number Pre-Spring 2018 This is the Item Number that is being delivered to a Customer or Returned to the Supplier depending on if this transaction is a Sale or a Procurement

Looks up to: Item__c
Purchase_Order_Line_Item__c Purchase Order Line Item Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Purchase_Order_Line_Item__c
Quantity_Received__c Quantity Received Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,4) 0
Received_Item_Number__c Received Item Number Pre-Spring 2018 This is the Item Number that is being received from a Supplier or Returned from a Customer depending on whether this transaction is a Procurement or a Sale. This field is completed at receipt time to confirm the part number before it goes into inventory

Looks up to: Item__c
Sales_Order_Line_Item__c Sales Order Line Item Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Sales_Order_Line_Item__c
Status_Change_Date__c Status Change Date Pre-Spring 2018 The date and time when the status changed.

Status__c Status Pre-Spring 2018 The status of the exchange order.


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