SCM Data Dictionary


Label: Inventory Action Queue

This Object describes the actions that must be performed on inventory Items that are stored within a warehouse bin location. This object supports inventory management business processes such as putting parts away (locate parts), cycle counting, consignment, hold status, and shelf life processes. It also supports Inventory consumption business processes such as fulfilling a customer sales order. In addition, there are workflows and business intelligences dependent on this object.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Action__c Action Pre-Spring 2018 Picklist:
Complete Production Order
Cycle Count
Miscellaneous Issue
Move Parts
Pull Parts for Production Order
Pull Parts for Shipping to Customer
Pull Parts for Shipping to Supplier
Pull Parts for Transfer
Put Away
Ship Material to Customer
Ship Material to Supplier
Transfer Material to a Different Warehouse
Cycle_Count__c Cycle Count Pre-Spring 2018 List of parts/locations to be counted. This is populated by a background process.

Looks up to: Cycle_Count__c
Inventory_Position__c Inventory Position Pre-Spring 2018 The specific inventory position that must be acted upon.

Looks up to: Inventory_Position__c
Picklist__c Picklist Pre-Spring 2018 A picklist is a set of inventory positions that need to be acted on at the same time. This field references the picklist.

Looks up to: Picklist__c
Printed__c Printed Winter 2023 Indicates that the print preview of the record has already been opened.

Checkbox false
Status__c Status Pre-Spring 2018 The status of the action in the queue.

In Process
Warehouse__c Warehouse Pre-Spring 2018 Text(50)

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