SCM Data Dictionary


Label: Invoice Line Item

This Object describes an Invoice Line Item which describes the details of a request for payment between a company and their Customer for delivery of goods (e.g., parts) or services and is subject to a formal process of control. This object supports business processes such as Inventory consumption business processes such as fulfilling a customer sales order. In addition there are workflows and business intelligences dependent on this object. This information is used in Sales, Inventory Management, Quality, and Finance processes.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Additional_Charge__c Additional Charge Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Additional_Charge__c
Amount_Description__c Amount Description Pre-Spring 2018 A description of the line item amount. This is valid only for non-item related lines.

Amount__c Amount Pre-Spring 2018 Amount that is associated with a non-item line on the invoice. This field is used only for non-item type invoice lines.

Currency(18,2) 0
Applied_Rebate_Amount__c Applied Rebate Amount Pre-Spring 2018 Total amount of qualifying rebate for the invoice line item.

Currency(18,2) 0
Avalara_Tax_Code__c Avalara Tax Code Winter 2023 Tax code used to calculate tax for the line item in AvaTax. This value is populated from the relevant AvaTax code to product group mapping, depending on the product group, item type, and delivery method.

CSN__c CSN Pre-Spring 2018 Text(10)
CSO__c CSO Pre-Spring 2018 Text(10)
CSR__c CSR Pre-Spring 2018 Text(10)
Change_Description__c Change Description Pre-Spring 2018 The change request line modification on which this invoice line is based. The value can be Modified Fees, Modified Quantity, Modified Quantity and Fees, New Line Added or Canceled Line.

Canceled Line
Modified Fees
Modified Quantity
Modified Quantity and Fees
New Line Added
Change_Request_Line__c Change Request Line Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Change_Request_Line__c
Checksum__c Checksum Pre-Spring 2018 This field is internal only. It should not be displayed to users. It prevents the update of protected fields in the record (initially, only Term Discount).

Condition_Code_Name__c Condition Code Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
IF( Condition_Code__c != null , Condition_Code__r.Name , '')
Condition_Code__c Condition Code Pre-Spring 2018 This field is not being set or used for anything.

Looks up to: Condition_Code__c
Current_Value__c Current Value Pre-Spring 2018 The current value of the item in inventory.

Customer_Rebate_Discount__c Customer Rebate Discount Pre-Spring 2018 Rebate Amount Applied to Customer Price

Currency(18,2) 0
Delivery_Method__c Delivery Method Pre-Spring 2018 Picklist:
ASP Delivery
Electronic Delivery
Load and Leave
Physical Delivery
Discount__c Discount Winter 2023 The amount of discount applied to the line item.

Extend_Price_After_Rebate_Discount__c Extend Price After Rebate Discount Pre-Spring 2018 Total price the customer pays after rebates.

Extended_Price__c - Customer_Rebate_Discount__c
Extended_Price__c Extended Price Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
(Price_With_Options__c * Quantity__c) - Term_Discount__c
Good_Serial_Number__c Serial Number Pre-Spring 2018 The serial number of the item.

Inventory_Attachment__c Inventory Attachment Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Inventory_Attachment__c
Invoicing__c Invoicing Pre-Spring 2018 This Object describes an Invoice which is a request for payment between a company and their Customer for delivery of goods (e.g., parts) or services and is subject to a formal process of control. This object supports business processes such as Inventory consumption business processes such as fulfilling a customer sales order. In addition, there are workflows and business intelligences dependent on this object. This information is used in Sales, Inventory Management, Quality, and Finance processes

Looks up to: Invoicing__c
Item_Description__c Item Description Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
IF( Item__c != null , Item__r.Item_Description__c , Amount_Description__c)
Item_Name_Formula__c Item Name Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
if( Item__c != null, Item__r.Name, LineType__c)
Item_Number__c Item Number Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
IF( Item__c != null, Item__r.Name, '')
Item__c Item Pre-Spring 2018 The item being referenced on this invoice line - a separate field is added to support adding new line items at the invoice stage - this is freight, handling etc. We need to look at this and tighten it up.

Looks up to: Item__c
LineType__c LineType Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
Lot_Number__c Lot Number Pre-Spring 2018 The lot number for the part(s) in inventory. The lot number must be specified if the part is defined to be a lot controled part.

Manufacturer_CAGE__c Manufacturer CAGE Pre-Spring 2018 Commercial And Government Entity (CAGE) code is a five-character ID number that identifies government contractors.

Manufacturer__c Manufacturer Pre-Spring 2018 Manufacturer of item

Looks up to: Manufacturer__c
Option_Price_Per_Unit__c Option Price Per Unit Pre-Spring 2018 Currency(18,9) 0
Override_Avalara_Tax_Code__c Override Avalara Tax Code Winter 2023 Avalara tax code used for the line item. When defined, the value is used to calculate tax for the line in AvaTax. When this is not defined, the tax code is determined from AvaTax code to product group mappings.

Pick_list_Details__c Pick-list Details Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Pick_list_Detail__c
Price_With_Options__c Price With Options Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
Unit_Price__c + Option_Price_Per_Unit__c
Price__c Price Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
Quantity__c Quantity Pre-Spring 2018 The quantity of the specific part shipped.

Number(18,4) 0
Sales_Order_Line_Item__c Sales Order Line Item Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Sales_Order_Line_Item__c
Serial_Numbers__c Serial Numbers Pre-Spring 2018 A block of serial numbers instead of individual numbers. Use this if there are a large number of serial numbers to be added. The Serial number link to the serial number object is preferred.

Service_Contract_Line__c Service Contract Line Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Service_Order_Line__c
Ship_to_City__c Ship-to City Pre-Spring 2018 Text(100)
Ship_to_Country__c Ship-to Country Pre-Spring 2018 Text(100)
Ship_to_State_Province__c Ship-to State / Province Pre-Spring 2018 Text(100)
Ship_to_Street_2__c Ship-to Street 2 Pre-Spring 2018 Text(100)
Ship_to_Street__c Ship-to Street Pre-Spring 2018 Text(100)
Ship_to_Zip_Postal_Code__c Ship-to Zip / Postal Code Pre-Spring 2018 Text(15)
TSN__c TSN Pre-Spring 2018 Text(10)
TSO__c TSO Pre-Spring 2018 Text(10)
TSR__c TSR Pre-Spring 2018 Text(10)
Tax_Name_1__c Tax Name 1 Winter 2023 Name of the tax that applies to this invoice line item. You can use up to three fields to represent the state, county, and city tax authorities.

Tax_Name_2__c Tax Name 2 Winter 2023 Name of the tax that applies to this invoice line item. You can use up to three fields to represent the state, county, and city tax authorities.

Tax_Name_3__c Tax Name 3 Winter 2023 Name of the tax that applies to this invoice line item. You can use up to three fields to represent the state, county, and city tax authorities.

Tax_Rate_1__c Tax Rate 1 Winter 2023 Tax rate to use when calculating tax for this invoice line item.

Tax_Rate_2__c Tax Rate 2 Winter 2023 Tax rate to use when calculating tax for this invoice line item.

Tax_Rate_3__c Tax Rate 3 Winter 2023 Tax rate to use when calculating tax for this invoice line item.

Tax_Rate__c Tax Rate Winter 2023 Total tax rate to use when calculating tax for this invoice line item.

Tax_Value_1__c Tax Value 1 Winter 2023 Tax value calculated from the corresponding tax rate.

Tax_Value_2__c Tax Value 2 Winter 2023 Tax value calculated from the corresponding tax rate.

Tax_Value_3__c Tax Value 3 Winter 2023 Tax value calculated from the corresponding tax rate.

Tax__c Tax Winter 2023 Total tax for the invoice line item.

Taxable__c Taxable Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
Term_Discount__c Term Discount Pre-Spring 2018 The first or last RC Term Discount from the related Flex Contract Line if applicable

Currency(18,9) 0
Unit_Price__c Unit Price Pre-Spring 2018 Selling price for one UOM

Currency(18,9) 0
Warehouse__c Warehouse Pre-Spring 2018 The warehouse were the item was stored.

Looks up to: Warehouse__c

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