SCM Data Dictionary


Label: Part Statistics

Place holder object for part statistics and pricing. Data will be inserted into the Parts Statistics schema. Also data should get deleted after a short time because the data becomes stale.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Activity_Date__c Activity Date Pre-Spring 2018 Take ActivityYear, ActivityMonth and add the first of the month to make the date.

Available_Quantity__c Available Quantity Pre-Spring 2018 Number(9,0) 0
Available_Sources__c Available Sources Pre-Spring 2018 Number(5,0) 0
End_User_Companies__c End User Companies Pre-Spring 2018 Number(5,0) 0
End_User_Inquiries__c End User Inquiries Pre-Spring 2018 Number(5,0) 0
Non_End_User_Companies__c Non End User Companies Pre-Spring 2018 Number(5,0) 0
Non_End_User_Inquiries__c Non End User Inquiries Pre-Spring 2018 Number(5,0) 0
Part_Number__c Part Number Pre-Spring 2018 Text(20)
Quantity_As_Removed__c Quantity As Removed Pre-Spring 2018 Number(9,0) 0
Quantity_New_Equipment__c Quantity New Equipment Pre-Spring 2018 Number(9,0) 0
Quantity_New_Surplus__c Quantity New Surplus Pre-Spring 2018 Number(9,0) 0
Quantity_Overhaul__c Quantity Overhaul Pre-Spring 2018 Number(9,0) 0
Quantity_Serviceable__c Quantity Serviceable Pre-Spring 2018 Number(9,0) 0
RecordType__c RecordType Pre-Spring 2018 The Record Type being saved to custom object.

Text(10) 'Part'

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