SCM Data Dictionary


Label: Price List

The Price List object supports sales processes of Quotation and Sales Order and Financial Invoicing processes. This object defines multiple types of price lists that are Quantity, Date, Location, Catalogue, Customer, and Units of Measure

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Cost__c Cost Pre-Spring 2018 Base Cost of Item

Description__c Description Pre-Spring 2018 LongTextArea(32000)
Exists_in_Item_Master__c Exists in Item Master Pre-Spring 2018 This is controlled by the system. Price List parts do not have to be loaded into the Item Master.

Checkbox false
Expires_on_Date__c Expires on Date Pre-Spring 2018 The last day this price list entry is valid

Image__c Image Pre-Spring 2018 Stores a link to a Digital Image of the Item in another system via a URL

Manufacturers_Item_Number__c Manufacturer's Item Number Pre-Spring 2018 The OEM part number to be quoted and sold to customer

Model__c Model Pre-Spring 2018 Applicable Aircraft (e.g., A320, 737, Q400)

Quote_Valid_For__c Quote Valid For Pre-Spring 2018 Enter the number of calendar days a Quotation will be valid for during an Auto-Quote process

RC_Cost__c RC Cost Pre-Spring 2018 Currency(18,9) 0

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