SCM Data Dictionary


Label: Price

The price object supports sales processes of Quotation and Sales Order and Financial Invoicing processes. This object defines multiple types of price lists that are Quantity, Date, Location, Catalogue, Customer, and Units of Measure

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Condition_Code__c Condition Pre-Spring 2018 The condition code that is associated with this price. If the condition code is omitted, the price applies only to requirements that have no condition code.

Looks up to: Condition_Code__c
Currency__c Currency Pre-Spring 2018 The currency of the price list entry

Looks up to: Currency_Master__c
Customer_Account__c Customer Account Pre-Spring 2018 The customer for customer based pricing

Looks up to: Account

Distributor_Price__c Distributor Price Pre-Spring 2018 Currency(18,9)
Item_Number__c Price List Pre-Spring 2018 A valid Item Number on the Price List

Looks up to: Price_List__c
Maximum_List_Price__c Maximum List Price Pre-Spring 2018 Currency(18,9)
Minimum_List_Price__c Minimum List Price Pre-Spring 2018 If the calculated list amount is less than this amount then this amount is the list price.

NRC__c NRC Pre-Spring 2018 Nonrecurring price associated with this item

Currency(18,9) 0
Price_Sub_Type__c Price Sub-Type Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Price_Type__c
Price__c Price Pre-Spring 2018 Asking list price based on parameters selected

Number(18,9) 0
Price_by_Percent__c Price by Percent Pre-Spring 2018 Indicates whether pricing is based on a percentage of a base total. The type of total is determined by the RC Percentage Base field.

Checkbox false
Pricing_Type__c Pricing Type Pre-Spring 2018 Describes the basic types of Price Lists supported by the application

Customer Agreement
Promotion__c Promotion Pre-Spring 2018 Pricing based on a specific marketing promotion

RC_Percentage_Base__c RC Percentage Base Pre-Spring 2018 All lines that are not based on a percentage price contribute to the gross or net.

Gross Annual Contract Value
Net Annual Contract Value
RC_Price_Percentage__c RC Price Percentage Pre-Spring 2018 Percentage to be used to calculate the RC Price if percentage based pricing is selected. RC Percentage Base determines the base from which to calculate list price.

RC__c RC Pre-Spring 2018 Service Contract Recurring Fees

Currency(18,9) 0
Service_Term__c Service Term Pre-Spring 2018 This will be used if the service term on a quote/contract line is different than on the price entry.

Looks up to: Service_Term__c
Unit_of_Measure__c Unit of Measure Pre-Spring 2018 Tier 1 Pricing based on UOM (each)

Looks up to: Unit_of_Measure__c
Valid_Until_Date__c Valid Until Date Pre-Spring 2018 Price is valid up to this date

Valid_Until_Quantity__c Valid Until Quantity Pre-Spring 2018 Price is valid up to this Quantity. If no quantity is entered, this price is used for the top end.


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