SCM Data Dictionary


Label: Purchase Contract Line

A purchase contract line specifies detailed information about the goods or services to be purchased. A purchase contract can have multiple purchase contract lines. A purchase contract line can be associated with a single, or multiple purchase orders.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Amount_Matched__c Amount Matched Spring 2020 The sum of the matched amounts on the purchase order lines associated with this purchase contract line.

Currency(18,9) 0
Amount_On_Order__c Amount on Order Spring 2020 The sum of the amounts on the purchase order lines associated with this purchase contract line.

Currency(18,9) 0
Amount_Received__c Amount Received Spring 2020 The sum of the received amounts on the purchase order lines associated with this purchase contract line.

Currency(18,9) 0
Buyer__c Buyer Spring 2020 If you leave this field blank, the buyer specified on the purchase contract will be used.

Looks up to: User

Condition_Code__c Condition Spring 2020 Specify the condition code of the goods or services that you are purchasing.

Looks up to: Condition_Code__c
Days_Until_Expiration__c Days until Expiration Spring 2020 Number of days left before the purchase contract line expires.

End_Date__c - TODAY()
Description__c Description Spring 2020 TextArea
End_Date__c End Date Spring 2020 The date on which the purchase contract line stops being effective. You must enter an end date that is before or on the purchase contract end date. If you leave this field blank, the end date specified on the purchase contract will be used.

Item_Master__c Item Being Procured Spring 2020 Looks up to: Item__c
Line_Type__c Line Type Spring 2020 The record type of this purchase contract line.

Maximum_Amount_To_Order__c Maximum Amount to Order Spring 2020 The maximum spend you can order for this purchase contract line. You must enter a quantity that is equal to or less than the quantity specified in the Maximum Amount to Order field of the purchase contract.

Maximum_Quantity_To_Order__c Maximum Quantity to Order Spring 2020 The maximum number of units you can order for this purchase contract line. You must enter a quantity that is equal to or less than the quantity specified in the Maximum Quantity to Order field of the purchase contract.

Original_Contract_Line__c Original Contract Line Winter 2023 The original purchase contract line to which this change request line relates.

Looks up to: Purchase_Contract_Line__c
Percentage_Of_Amount_Matched__c Percentage of Amount Matched Spring 2020 Percentage of Maximum Amount to Order that has been matched in AP voucher lines for the purchase contract line.

Percentage_Of_Quantity_Matched__c Percentage of Quantity Matched Spring 2020 Percentage of Maximum Quantity to Order that has been matched in AP voucher lines for the purchase contract line.

Previous_Contract_Line__c Previous Contract Line Winter 2023 The previous change request contract line.

Looks up to: Purchase_Contract_Line__c
Product_Group__c Category Winter 2023 The category of the goods or services for which the purchase contract line is created. The category corresponds to a product group that has been set as a category. This field is used for purchase contract lines of type Category.

Looks up to: Product_Group__c
Purchase_Contract__c Purchase Contract Spring 2020 The purchase order this line item is related to. All purchase order line items must have a purchase order.

Looks up to: Purchase_Contract__c
Quantity_Matched__c Quantity Matched Spring 2020 The sum of the matched quantities on the purchase order lines associated with this purchase contract line.

Number(18,4) 0
Quantity_On_Order__c Quantity on Order Spring 2020 The sum of the quantities on the purchase order lines associated with this purchase contract line.

Number(18,4) 0
Quantity_Received__c Quantity Received Spring 2020 The sum of the received quantities on the purchase order lines associated with this purchase contract line.

Number(18,4) 0
Quantity__c Quantity Winter 2023 The number of units of goods or services to include in the purchase contract line. When managing subscriptions, the value in this field can be used to indicate the quantities to include in the purchase order line items of the recurring purchase orders created from a purchase contract.

Remaining_Amount_to_Order__c Remaining Amount to Order Winter 2023 The remaining amount that you can order for the purchase contract line. This field only populates when you define a maximum sum to spend for the purchase contract line in the Maximum Amount to Order field.

IF( Maximum_Amount_To_Order__c > 0, Maximum_Amount_To_Order__c - Amount_On_Order__c, null)
Remaining_Quantity_to_Order__c Remaining Quantity to Order Winter 2023 The remaining number of units that you can order for the purchase contract line. This field only populates when you define a maximum quantity for the purchase contract line in the Maximum Quantity to Order field.

IF( Maximum_Quantity_To_Order__c > 0, Maximum_Quantity_To_Order__c - Quantity_On_Order__c , null)
Requisition_Line__c Requisition Line Winter 2023 The requisition line to which the purchase contract line relates.

Looks up to: Requisition_Line_Item__c
Ship_To_Warehouse__c Ship to Warehouse Spring 2020 The warehouse you want to use for the goods or services that you are purchasing. If you leave this field blank, the warehouse specified on the purchase contract will be used.

Looks up to: Warehouse__c
Start_Date__c Start Date Spring 2020 The date from which the purchase contract line is effective. You must enter a start date that is on or after the purchase contract start date. If you leave this field blank, the start date specified on the purchase contract will be used.

Status__c Status Spring 2020 Picklist:
Supplier_Contact__c Supplier Contact Spring 2020 If you leave this field blank, the supplier contact specified on the purchase contract will be used.

Looks up to: Supplier_Contact__c
Unit_Cost__c Unit Cost Spring 2020 The unit cost of the goods or services that you are purchasing.

Currency(18,9) 0

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