SCM Data Dictionary


Label: Purchase Order Line Item

This Object describes a Purchase Order Line Item. A Purchase Order may have multiple line items. Line items facilitate procurement of multiple items or services on one purchase order and the supplier's information for pricing and delivery of goods (i.e., parts or facility supplies (MRO)) or services and is subject to a formal process of approval. This information is used in Procurement, Quality, and Finance processes

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Amount_Received__c Amount Received Winter 2023 Amount received against the purchase order line item.

Currency(18,4) 0
Amount_Vouchered__c Amount Vouchered Pre-Spring 2018 Currency(18,9) 0
Applied_Rebate_Amount__c Applied Rebate Amount Pre-Spring 2018 Total amount of qualifying rebate for the purchase order line.

Currency(18,2) 0
Budget__c Budget Pre-Spring 2018 Requestor's budget coming from Requisition but can be added on the Purchase Order Line

Charge_Number__c Charge Number Pre-Spring 2018 Enter the authorized charge number used for this purchase

Condition_Code__c Condition Pre-Spring 2018 Condition of the Item that is being procured

Looks up to: Condition_Code__c
DPAS_Rating__c DPAS Rating Pre-Spring 2018 Defense Priorities and Allocations System Rating for Government Contract

Delivery_Method__c Delivery Method Pre-Spring 2018 Designates by what means this will be delivered.

ASP Delivery
Electronic Delivery
Load and Leave
Physical Delivery
Description__c Description Pre-Spring 2018 This description is used for capital equipment, description, and contractor line item types.

Drop_Ship_City__c Drop Ship City Pre-Spring 2018 Text(100)
Drop_Ship_Country__c Drop Ship Country Pre-Spring 2018 Text(100)
Drop_Ship_Line1__c Drop Ship Line 1 Pre-Spring 2018 Text(100)
Drop_Ship_Line2__c Drop Ship Line 2 Pre-Spring 2018 Text(100)
Drop_Ship_Name__c Drop Ship Name Pre-Spring 2018 The Name for a drop shipment

Drop_Ship_State_Province__c Drop Ship State / Province Pre-Spring 2018 Text(100)
Drop_Ship_Zip_Postal_Code__c Drop Ship Zip / Postal Code Pre-Spring 2018 Text(15)
Drop_Ship__c Drop Ship Pre-Spring 2018 Indicate whether this line item is drop shipped.

Checkbox false
End_Date__c End Date Winter 2023 The end date for a purchase order line item, populated automatically for recurring purchase orders.

Government_Contract_Number__c Government Contract Number Pre-Spring 2018 Enter the government contract number this Requisition supports

Inspection_Required__c Inspection Required Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
IF(Item_Master__r.Inspection_Required__c, $Label.InspectionRequired, $Label.InspectionNotRequired)
Item_Description__c Item Description Pre-Spring 2018 The description of the item being purchased

if(Item_Master__c != null, Item_Master__r.Item_Description__c, Description__c)
Item_Master__c Item Being Procured Pre-Spring 2018 The part that is being purchased if this is an item type Purchase Order

Looks up to: Item__c
Item_Type__c Item Type Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
TEXT( Item_Master__r.Item_Type__c )
Line_Formula__c PO Line Number Pre-Spring 2018 PO Line Number covert to a number, so the user change sort po lines

Line_Number__c PO Line Number Pre-Spring 2018 The line number within the current Purchase Order. This is auto-populated and cannot be changed.

Line_Type__c Line Type Pre-Spring 2018 The type of purchase order line item. Processing for the purchase order differs depending on the line type

Logistics_Cost__c Logistics Cost Pre-Spring 2018 Currency(18,9) 0
Option_Cost_Per_Unit__c Option Cost Per Unit Pre-Spring 2018 Currency(18,9) 0
Outbound_Parts_Status__c Outbound Parts Status Pre-Spring 2018 For a services purchase order, there must be at least one part selected, allocated, and shipped. This status field indicates the status of this activity.

None Selected
Override_Avalara_Tax_Code__c Override Avalara Tax Code Winter 2023 Avalara tax code used for the item. When defined, the value is used to calculate tax for the line item in AvaTax. When this is not defined, the tax code is determined from AvaTax code to product group mappings.

Ownership__c Ownership Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
If(Purchase_Order__r.Ownership__c != null, Purchase_Order__r.Ownership__r.Name,'')
Pending_Quantity_To_Voucher__c Pending Voucher Fall 2020 Formula:
MAX( Quantity__c , Quantity_Received__c ) - Quantity_Vouchered__c
Product_Group__c Category Winter 2023 The category of the goods or services for which the purchase order line is created. The category corresponds to a product group that has been set as a category. This field is used for purchase order lines of type Category.

Looks up to: Product_Group__c
Production_Order_Line__c Production Order Line Pre-Spring 2018 Production order line that generated this purchase order line

Looks up to: Production_Order_Line__c
Purchase_Contract_Line__c Purchase Contract Line Spring 2020 Select the purchase contract line that you want to associate with this purchase order line. The purchase contract line must belong to the purchase contract that is already associated with the purchase order of this purchase order line.

Looks up to: Purchase_Contract_Line__c
Purchase_Order__c Purchase Order Pre-Spring 2018 The purchase order this line item is related to. All purchase order line items must have a purchase order.

Looks up to: Purchase_Order__c
Purchase_Price_Variance__c Purchase Price Variance Pre-Spring 2018 This field is set during the AP Voucher process

Currency(18,9) 0
Quantity_Received__c Quantity Received Pre-Spring 2018 Number of items received against this line item.

Number(18,4) 0
Quantity_Vouchered__c Quantity Vouchered Pre-Spring 2018 The number of items that have been vouchered

Number(18,4) 0
Quantity__c Quantity Pre-Spring 2018 Number of units being ordered

Receive_by_Amount__c Receive by Amount Winter 2023 Indicates that the purchase order line item is received by amount.

Checkbox false
Remaining_to_Voucher__c Remaining to Voucher Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
Quantity_Received__c - Quantity_Vouchered__c
Requested_Date__c Requested Delivery Date Pre-Spring 2018 Date
Requisition_Line_Item__c Requisition Line Item Pre-Spring 2018 The requisition line that triggered this requirement.

Looks up to: Requisition_Line_Item__c
Sales_Order_Line_Item__c Sales Order Line Item Pre-Spring 2018 The Sales Order Line used to create this Purchase Order Line.

Looks up to: Sales_Order_Line_Item__c
Service_Being_Procured__c Service Being Procured Pre-Spring 2018 LongTextArea(32000)
Service_Contact_Line_Type__c Service Contact Line Type Pre-Spring 2018 Picklist:
Service_Contract_Line__c Service Contract Line Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Service_Order_Line__c
Service_Term__c Service Term Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Service_Term__c
Status_Change_Date__c Status Change Date Pre-Spring 2018 The date of the last status change.

Status__c Status Pre-Spring 2018 The status of the line item. This is never set by the user.

Partially Received
Stocking_Unit_of_Measure__c Stocking Unit of Measure Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
Supplier_Awarded__c Supplier Awarded Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
Supplier_Commitment_Date__c Supplier Commitment Date Pre-Spring 2018 The original date that the supplier committed to for delivery of the goods or service being procured.

Supplier_Current_Promise_Date__c Supplier Current Promise Date Pre-Spring 2018 Date
Supplier_Unit_of_Measure__c Supplier Unit of Measure Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
IF( ISBLANK( Item_Master__r.Supplier_UOM__c ) , Item_Master__r.Stocking_UOM__r.Name , Item_Master__r.Supplier_UOM__r.Name )
Tax_Name_1__c Tax Name 1 Winter 2023 Name of the tax used when calculating tax for this purchase order line item. You can use up to three fields to represent the state, county, and city tax authorities.

Tax_Name_2__c Tax Name 2 Winter 2023 Name of the tax used when calculating tax for this purchase order line item. You can use up to three fields to represent the state, county, and city tax authorities.

Tax_Name_3__c Tax Name 3 Winter 2023 Name of the tax used when calculating tax for this purchase order line item. You can use up to three fields to represent the state, county, and city tax authorities.

Tax_Rate_1__c Tax Rate 1 Winter 2023 Tax rate to use when calculating tax for this purchase order line item.

Tax_Rate_2__c Tax Rate 2 Winter 2023 Tax rate to use when calculating tax for this purchase order line item.

Tax_Rate_3__c Tax Rate 3 Winter 2023 Tax rate to use when calculating tax for this purchase order line item.

Tax_Rate__c Tax Rate Pre-Spring 2018 Percent(7,4)
Tax_Value_1__c Tax Value 1 Winter 2023 Tax value calculated from the corresponding tax rate.

Tax_Value_2__c Tax Value 2 Winter 2023 Tax value calculated from the corresponding tax rate.

Tax_Value_3__c Tax Value 3 Winter 2023 Tax value calculated from the corresponding tax rate.

Tax__c Tax Pre-Spring 2018 Currency(9,2)
Taxable__c Taxable? Pre-Spring 2018 Select this box if taxes are applicable to this Purchase Order Line

Checkbox false
Total_Cost__c Total Cost Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
Quantity__c * Unit_Cost_With_Options__c
Total_Service_Terms__c Total Service Terms Pre-Spring 2018 Number(5,0)
Total_Vouchered__c Total Vouchered Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
Quantity__c - Quantity_Vouchered__c
Unit_Cost_With_Options__c Unit Cost With Options Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
Unit_Cost__c + Option_Cost_Per_Unit__c
Unit_Cost__c Unit Cost Pre-Spring 2018 The unit cost of the item being ordered.

Currency(18,9) 0
Use_Code__c Use Code Pre-Spring 2018 For use tax purposes. Determines what the item is to be used for.

A - Federal Government
B - State Government
C - Tribal Government
D - Foreign Diplomat
E - Charitable Organization
F - Religious/Education
G - Resale
H - Agricultural Production
I - Industrial Prod/Mfg.
J - Direct Pay Permit
K - Direct Mail
L - Other
N - Local Government
P - Commercial Aquaculture
Q - Commercial Fishery
R - Non-resident
Use_Tax_Code__c Tax Code Pre-Spring 2018 Text(20)
Warehouse__c Ship to Warehouse Pre-Spring 2018 The warehouse where the items are to be delivered.

Looks up to: Warehouse__c

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