SCM Data Dictionary


Label: Purchase Order

This Object describes a Purchase Order which is an Agreement between a company and their supplier for pricing and delivery of goods (i.e., parts or facility supplies (MRO)) or services and is subject to a formal process of approval. This information is used in Procurement, Quality, and Finance processes

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Applied_Rebate_Amount__c Applied Rebate Amount Pre-Spring 2018 Total amount of applied rebates rolled-up from the purchase order lines.

Currency(18,2) 0
Approval_Date__c Approval Date Winter 2023 The date and time when the purchase order was approved.

Award_Code__c Award Code Pre-Spring 2018 Enter an Award Code to establish a record and reason why a Supplier was awarded this Purchase Order

Looks up to: Award_Code__c
Blanket_Order_Quantity_Limit__c Blanket Order Quantity Limit Pre-Spring 2018 Established quantity limit for the number of items that can be procured against this Order Agreement

Blanket_Order_Spend_Limit__c Blanket Order Spend Limit Pre-Spring 2018 Established total spend limit for items that can be procured against this Order Agreement

Buyer_Instructions_to_Supplier__c Buyer Instructions to Supplier Pre-Spring 2018 These are the Buyer's general instruction notes to the Supplier, used for external purposes

Buyer_Notes__c Buyer Notes Pre-Spring 2018 These are the Buyer's general notes regarding this Purchase Order, used for internal purposes

Buyer_User__c Buyer Pre-Spring 2018 The user who is responsible for the PO

Looks up to: User

Confirm_To__c Confirm To Pre-Spring 2018 The Supplier's representative that accepted the order

Currency_Master__c Currency Pre-Spring 2018 This defaults from the Supplier Site but can be overriden by the user

Looks up to: Currency_Master__c
Delivery_Options__c Delivery Options Pre-Spring 2018 Picklist:
Delivery_Status__c Delivery Status Pre-Spring 2018 Picklist:
Not Delivered
Not Delivered - Error
Not Delivered - Processing
Drop_Ship_Address_Validated__c Drop Ship Address Validated Winter 2023 Indicates whether the drop ship address has been validated against the addresses in the external tax calculation service. Automatically selected after you validate the drop ship address. Automatically deselected after you change any of the drop ship address fields.

Checkbox false
Drop_Ship_City__c Drop Ship City Pre-Spring 2018 Text(100)
Drop_Ship_Country__c Drop Ship Country Pre-Spring 2018 Text(100)
Drop_Ship_Line1__c Drop Ship Line 1 Pre-Spring 2018 Text(100)
Drop_Ship_Line2__c Drop Ship Line 2 Pre-Spring 2018 Text(100)
Drop_Ship_Name__c Drop Ship Name Pre-Spring 2018 The Name for a drop shipment

Drop_Ship_State_Province__c Drop Ship State / Province Pre-Spring 2018 Text(100)
Drop_Ship_Zip_Postal_Code__c Drop Ship Zip / Postal Code Pre-Spring 2018 Text(15)
Drop_Ship__c Drop Ship Pre-Spring 2018 Indicate whether this line item is drop shipped.

Checkbox false
End_Date__c End Date Pre-Spring 2018 Established end date for when Items can be procured against this Order Agreement

Engagement__c Engagement Winter 2023 Engagement this purchase order relates to.

Looks up to: fferpcore__ff_Engagement__c

Existing_PO_Number__c Existing PO Number Pre-Spring 2018 Text(80)
External_Tax_Status__c External Tax Status Winter 2023 Status of the external tax calculation if using an external system to calculate tax for the purchase order.

Not Calculated
Miscellaneous_Charges_2__c Miscellaneous Charges 2 Pre-Spring 2018 Number(4,0)
Miscellaneous_Charges__c Miscellaneous Charges Pre-Spring 2018 Number(4,0)
Number_Open_Lines__c Number Open Lines Pre-Spring 2018 The number of open lines on the purchase order. This field is automatically calculated.

Number_of_Cancelled_Lines__c Number of Cancelled Lines Pre-Spring 2018 Summary
Number_of_Closed_Lines__c Number of Closed Lines Pre-Spring 2018 Summary
Number_of_Item_Lines__c Number of Item Lines Pre-Spring 2018 Summary
Number_of_Lines__c Number of Lines Pre-Spring 2018 Summary
Number_of_Partially_Received_Lines__c Number of Partially Received Lines Pre-Spring 2018 Summary
Number_of_Recurrences__c Number of Recurrences Fall 2019 Set the number of recurring purchase orders you want to create. This is the number of purchase orders you want to create in addition to this purchase order.

Number_of_Service_Lines_Shipped__c Number of Service Lines Shipped Pre-Spring 2018 Summary
Number_of_Service_Lines__c Number of Service Lines Pre-Spring 2018 Summary
Number_of_Service_Lines_to_Allocate__c Number of Service Lines to Allocate Pre-Spring 2018 Summary
Order_Type__c Order Type Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
IF( Number_of_Item_Lines__c = Number_of_Lines__c , $Label.Item, IF( Number_of_Service_Lines__c = Number_of_Lines__c , $Label.PurchaseOrderTypeService, $Label.PurchaseOrderTypeMixed) )
Override_Ship_to_Address__c Override Ship to Address Pre-Spring 2018 For drop ship purchase orders that are associated with a sales order, we need the override ship to from the sales order if it is there, otherwise the ship to address is taken from the customer record.

Looks up to: Customer_Address__c
Ownership__c Ownership Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Ownership_Code__c
Payment_Terms_Name__c Payment Terms Name Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
Payment_Terms__c Payment Terms Pre-Spring 2018 The payment terms flowed down from the selected supplier. It can be overridden by user.

Looks up to: PO_Payment_Terms__c
Procured_for__c Procured for Pre-Spring 2018 The customer this is being procured for. This is valid only on a drop ship purchase order type

Looks up to: Account

Purchase_Contract__c Purchase Contract Spring 2020 Looks up to: Purchase_Contract__c
Purchase_Order_Date__c Purchase Order Date Pre-Spring 2018 The date this Purchase Order version was created

Date Today() + 0
Purchase_Order_Name__c Purchase Order Name Pre-Spring 2018 Enter a Name for the Purchase Order. This is optional

Recurrence_Interval__c Recurrence Interval Fall 2019 Set the recurrence interval for the recurring PO records. The recurrence period and the recurrence interval value determine the time between each recurring purchase order.

Recurrence_Period__c Recurrence Period Fall 2019 Select the recurrence period for the recurring PO records. The recurrence period and the recurrence interval value determine the time between each recurring purchase order.

Recurring_Purchase_Order__c Recurring Purchase Order? Fall 2019 Select this control if you want to create recurring purchase orders from this purchase order record.

Checkbox false
Resale__c Resale Pre-Spring 2018 If checked, the items on the purchase order are procured for resale

Checkbox false
Revision_Date__c Revision Date Pre-Spring 2018 DateTime
Revision__c Revision Pre-Spring 2018 Number(3,0) 0
Sales_Order__c Sales Order Pre-Spring 2018 Only used if this is a drop ship purchase order that was created from a sales order.

Looks up to: Sales_Order__c
Service_Contract__c Service Contract Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Service_Order__c
Ship_To_Address__c Ship To Address Pre-Spring 2018 Address of the warehouse to receive the parts.

IF( ISBLANK( Procured_for__c ) , Ship_To_Warehouse__r.Address__r.Line1__c + BR() + IF( ISBLANK(Ship_To_Warehouse__r.Address__r.Line2__c) , '', Ship_To_Warehouse__r.Address__r.Line2__c + BR() ) + Ship_To_Warehouse__r.Address__r.City__c + ', ' + Ship_To_Warehouse__r.Address__r.State__c + BR() + Ship_To_Warehouse__r.Address__r.Country__c + ' ' + Ship_To_Warehouse__r.Address__r.PostalCode__c , IF( ISBLANK( Override_Ship_to_Address__c ) , Procured_for__r.ShippingStreet + BR() + Procured_for__r.ShippingCity + ', ' + Procured_for__r.ShippingState + BR() + Procured_for__r.ShippingCountry + ' ' + Procured_for__r.ShippingPostalCode , Override_Ship_to_Address__r.Mailing_Street__c + BR() + IF( ISBLANK( Override_Ship_to_Address__r.Mailing_Street_Additional_Information__c ) , '', Override_Ship_to_Address__r.Mailing_Street_Additional_Information__c + BR() ) + IF( ISBLANK( Override_Ship_to_Address__r.Building_Information__c) , '', Override_Ship_to_Address__r.Building_Information__c + BR() ) + Override_Ship_to_Address__r.Mailing_City__c + ', ' + Override_Ship_to_Address__r.Mailing_State_Province__c + BR() + Override_Ship_to_Address__r.Mailing_Country__c + ' ' + Override_Ship_to_Address__r.Mailing_Zip_Postal_Code__c ) )
Ship_To_Warehouse__c Ship to Warehouse Pre-Spring 2018 The warehouse the parts on the sales order are shipped to

Looks up to: Warehouse__c
Shipment_Options__c Shipment Options Pre-Spring 2018 MultiselectPicklist:
Advanced Shipment Notice - E-Mail
Advanced Shipment Notice - FAX
Collect on Delivery
Delivery Confirmation
International Shipment
Signature Required
Shipment_Services__c Shipment Services Pre-Spring 2018 Picklist:
Company Truck FTL
Company Truck LTL
Most Economical
Three (3) Day
Two (2) Day
Start_Date__c Start Date Pre-Spring 2018 Initiation date for when Order Agreement becomes effective

Status_Change_Date__c Status Change Date Pre-Spring 2018 The date and time of the last status change.

Status__c Status Pre-Spring 2018 Picklist:
Drop Ship Approved
Drop Ship Submitted for Approval
Submitted for Approval
Supplier_Contact__c Supplier Contact Pre-Spring 2018 Enter known contact at Supplier

Looks up to: Supplier_Contact__c
Supplier_Ship_Via__c Supplier Ship Via Pre-Spring 2018 Instructions to supplier. This appears on Purchase Order

Supplier_Site__c Supplier Site Pre-Spring 2018 Select from current Suppliers

Looks up to: Supplier_Site__c
Total_Amount_Vouchered__c Total Amount Vouchered Pre-Spring 2018 Currency(18,2) 0
Total_Quantity_Vouchered__c Total Quantity Vouchered Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,4) 0
Total_Tax__c Total Tax Pre-Spring 2018 Currency(9,2)
Total_Value_of_PO__c Total Value of PO Pre-Spring 2018 Summary

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