SCM Data Dictionary


Label: Received RFQ

RFQ received from a customer or a potential customer. These RFQs can be created by an automated process or entered manually.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Aircraft_Identifier__c Tail Number Pre-Spring 2018 The aircraft the part is for. This is an optional field.

Building_Information__c Building Information Pre-Spring 2018 Text(100)
Buyer_Priority__c Buyer Priority Pre-Spring 2018 The request type that the sender of the RFQ has specified (e.g., Expedite)

Buyer_RFQ_Reference__c Buyer RFQ Reference Pre-Spring 2018 Reference number or control number that is passed from the sender/buyer to the system that supplies the quote.

Close_Date__c Close Date Pre-Spring 2018 The date and time that the RRFQ was closed (i.e., someone selected No Bid, No Response or Create Quote).

Comments__c Comments Pre-Spring 2018 LongTextArea(32000)
Customer_Quotation__c Customer Quotation Pre-Spring 2018 The quote that was created from this RFQ. This is populated when the quote is created.

Looks up to: Customer_Quotation__c
Deliver_By_Date__c Deliver By Date Pre-Spring 2018 Customer's required delivery date.

External_RFQ_ID__c External RFQ Id Pre-Spring 2018 RFQ identifier from an external system.

External_To_Id__c External To Id Pre-Spring 2018 Company Id in a foreign system that this RFQ was sent to. Since multiple companies from another system can be set up in a single organization, we need to capture who specifically this was sent to.

From_Address__c From Address Pre-Spring 2018 The address of the individual or company that is requesting the quote.

Mailing_Street__c + BR() + Mailing_Street_Additional_Information__c + NULLVALUE( Mailing_Street_Additional_Information__c , BR() ) + Mailing_City__c + ' ' + Mailing_State_Province__c + ' ' + Mailing_Zip_Postal_Code__c + BR() + Mailing_Country__c
From_Company_ID__c External ID Pre-Spring 2018 Company ID in a foreign system.

From_Company_name__c From Company name Pre-Spring 2018 The name of the company sending the RFQ. This data is entered instead of a lookup in the customer table because the request for quote may have come from a company we do not currently do business with.

From_Contact__c From Contact Pre-Spring 2018 The contact at the company sending the RFQ. This field is entered instead of being looked up in the customer contact object because we may not be doing business with the sending company.

From_Email__c From Email Pre-Spring 2018 The email address associated with the Contact at the Company requesting the Quote.

From_Fax__c From Fax Pre-Spring 2018 The fax number of the Company sending the request for Quote.

From_Phone_Extension__c From Phone Extension Pre-Spring 2018 Number(6,0)
From_Phone__c From Phone Pre-Spring 2018 The contact phone number associated with the contact requesting the RFQ.

Lead_Time__c Lead Time Pre-Spring 2018 Text(10)
Mailing_City__c Mailing City Pre-Spring 2018 Text(100)
Mailing_Country__c Mailing Country Pre-Spring 2018 Text(100)
Mailing_State_Province__c Mailing State or Province Pre-Spring 2018 Text(100)
Mailing_Street_Additional_Information__c Mailing Street Additional Information Pre-Spring 2018 Text(100)
Mailing_Street__c Mailing Street Pre-Spring 2018 Text(100)
Mailing_Zip_Postal_Code__c Mailing Postal Code Pre-Spring 2018 Text(100)
Quote_By_Date__c Quote By Date Pre-Spring 2018 The date the request for quote expires. The customer is indicating he is not interested in receiving a quote after this date.

Sales_Channel__c Sales Channel Pre-Spring 2018 Lead Generation Point

Outside Sales
Source_Description__c Source Description Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
Status__c Status Pre-Spring 2018 The status of the received RFQ

Closed - No Bid
Closed - No Response
Closed - Quoted
Subject__c Subject Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
To__c To Pre-Spring 2018 TextArea

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