SCM Data Dictionary


Label: Receiving Inspection

This Object describes the business information for Items that require Inspection and confirmation of acceptance prior to storage within a warehouse location. This object supports Acquisition and Inventory Management business processes such as acceptance of materials, Life Controlled, and Shelf Life business processes. There are workflow, attachments, and business intelligences dependent on this object.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Acceptance_APIS__c Acceptance APIS Pre-Spring 2018 Produced under a TC without a separate production authorization and an Approved Production Inspection System (APIS), in accordance with part 21, subpart F.

Checkbox false
Acceptance_Bilateral_Agreement__c Acceptance Bilateral Agreement Pre-Spring 2018 Manufactured in accordance with an approval under a bilateral airworthiness agreement under part 21, subpart N, approval of engines, propellers, materials, parts, and appliances for import.

Checkbox false
Acceptance_PC__c Acceptance PC Pre-Spring 2018 Produced under a Production Certificate (PC) (including production by a "licensee" if produced under PC authority), in accordance with part 21, subpart G.

Checkbox false
Acceptance_PMA__c Acceptance PMA Pre-Spring 2018 Produced in accordance with a Parts Manufacturer Approval (PMA) Produced in accordance with a Technical Standard Order Authorization (TSOA)

Checkbox false
Acceptance_STC__c Acceptance STC Pre-Spring 2018 Produced during the TC application process under part 21, subpart B, or the STC application process under part 21, subpart E, prior to the issuance of the certificate; subsequently determined to conform to the approved TC or STC data

Checkbox false
Acceptance_Standard_Parts__c Acceptance Standard Parts Pre-Spring 2018 "Standard parts" has come to be understood by the aviation and manufacturing public as meaning a part, the specification for which has been published by a standard-setting organization or by the U.S. Government, and the FAA has traditionally regulated parts production with that understanding. Examples of such "traditional" standard part specifications include National Aerospace Standards (NAS), Air Force-Navy Aeronautical Standard (AN), Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), SAE Aerospace Standard (AS), and Military Standard (MS).

Checkbox false
Bench_Test__c Bench Test Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
CAGE_Code__c CAGE Code Pre-Spring 2018 Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code. Identifies contractors doing business with the Federal government, NATO member nations, and other foreign governments.

CSN__c CSN Pre-Spring 2018 Text(10)
CSO__c CSO Pre-Spring 2018 Text(10)
CSR__c CSR Pre-Spring 2018 Text(10)
Condition_Code__c Condition Pre-Spring 2018 The condition of the part being inspected.

Looks up to: Condition_Code__c
Documentation__c Documentation Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
Functional_Test__c Functional Test Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
Incoming_Core__c Incoming Core Pre-Spring 2018 The incoming core as entered by the salesman. The real part number is entered by the inspector.

Inspection_Type__c Inspection Type Pre-Spring 2018 Type of inspection

Inspector_Notes__c Inspector Notes Pre-Spring 2018 Free form notes relating to this Inspection event

Item_Description__c Item Description Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
Item_Number__c Item Number Pre-Spring 2018 This field is automatically populated during the receiving process if the parts need to be inspected.

Looks up to: Item__c
Lot_Number__c Lot Number Pre-Spring 2018 The lot number associated with the part or parts being inspected.

Measurement_Test_Equipment_Utilized__c Measurement/Test Equipment Utilized Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Item__c
Misc_Received_Quantity__c Misc Received Quantity Pre-Spring 2018 The quantity receiving from Miscellaneous Receipt

Number(18,4) 0
Ownership_Code__c Ownership Code Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Ownership_Code__c
Preservation__c Preservation Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
Production_Order__c Production Order Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Production_Order__c
Quantity_to_Accept__c Quantity to Accept Pre-Spring 2018 The number of parts being accepted. This number can never be greater than the number of parts available for inspection.

Number(18,4) 0
Receipt_Line__c Receipt Line Pre-Spring 2018 The receiver line of the item(s) to be inspected

Looks up to: Receipt_Line__c
Received_Quantity__c Received Quantity Pre-Spring 2018 The quantity of the item that is received. This quantity is in stocking unit of measure so it may be different than the number on the receipt line.

IF(NOT(ISBLANK(Production_Order__c)), IF(Production_Order__r.Item_Master__r.Serial_Number_Control__c, 1, Production_Order__r.Quantity__c), Receipt_Line__r.Quantity__c)
Remaining_Quantity_to_Inspect__c Remaining Quantity to Inspect Pre-Spring 2018 The remaining quantity that is available to inspect. This is the amount received minus the amount accepted and the amount rejected.

IF( AND(ISBLANK(Receipt_Line__c),ISBLANK(Production_Order__c)), Misc_Received_Quantity__c - Total_Quantity_Accepted__c - Total_Quantity_Rejected__c, Received_Quantity__c - Total_Quantity_Accepted__c - Total_Quantity_Rejected__c)
Sample_Size_Taken__c Sample Size Taken Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,4)
Serial_Number__c Serial Number Pre-Spring 2018 The serial number of the part to be inspected. This field is auto-populated during the receiving process. For inbound exchanges, the inspector fills this data in.

Shelf_Life_Limit__c Shelf Life Limit Pre-Spring 2018 DateTime
Stamp_Number__c Stamp Number Pre-Spring 2018 The unique identifier for an inspector. This must be provided to complete an inspection and serves to satisfy an electronic signature.

Status__c Status Pre-Spring 2018 The current status of the inspection.

Partially Processed
Supplier_Purchase_Order_Line__c Supplier Purchase Order Line Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
Supplier_Purchase_Order_Line_c__c Supplier Purchase Order Line Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
Supplier_Purchase_Order__c Supplier Purchase Order Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
Supplier__c Supplier Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:
Supporting_Documentation__c Supporting Documentation Pre-Spring 2018 A standard airworthiness certificate is a certificate issued by a state's civil aviation authority to permit the operation of the aircraft. The certificate effectively provides flight authority. A standard airworthiness certificate is issued for standard flight operations in the following categories:

24-0078 - Canadian
Certificate of Airworthiness
EASA Form-1
JAA Form-1
TSN__c TSN Pre-Spring 2018 Text(10)
TSO__c TSO Pre-Spring 2018 Text(10)
TSR__c TSR Pre-Spring 2018 Text(10)
Technical_Data_Utilized__c Technical Data Utilized Pre-Spring 2018 Picklist:
Airworthiness Directives
Engineering drawings
Illustrated parts lists or catalogs
Maintenance and/or overhaul manuals
Maintenance records/return to service
Parts markings
Service bulletins or other manufacturers technical information
Service bulletins
or other manufacturers technical information
Structural repair manuals
Type Certificate Data Sheets
U.S. or industry specifications
Technical_Document_Control_Number__c Technical Document Control Number Pre-Spring 2018 Text(15)
Tool_Equipment_Calibration_Date__c Tool / Equipment Calibration Date Pre-Spring 2018 Date
Total_Quantity_Accepted__c Total Quantity Accepted Pre-Spring 2018 The total number of parts accepted for this inspection. This number can never be greater than the number of parts available for inspection.

Total_Quantity_Rejected__c Total Quantity Rejected Pre-Spring 2018 The total number of parts rejected for this inspection. This number can never be greater than the number of parts available for inspection.

Total_Quantity_Scrapped__c Total Quantity Scrapped Pre-Spring 2018 The total number of parts scrapped for this inspection. This number can never be greater than the number of parts available for inspection.

Visual__c Visual Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false

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