SCM Data Dictionary


Label: Supplier Catalogue

This Object describes a Supplier Catalogue which is used in Purchase Order Agreements to provide a record of available pricing for a Supplier's goods or services. This information is used in Procurement and Finance processes

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Available_for_Use__c Available for Use Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox true
Buyer_Notes__c Buyer Notes Pre-Spring 2018 These are the Buyer's general notes regarding this Catalogue, used for internal purposes only

Buyer_User__c Buyer Pre-Spring 2018 The user who is associated with the catalogue. Purchase orders that are automatically created based on the catalogue are assigned to this use.

Looks up to: User

Catalogue_Name__c Catalogue Name Pre-Spring 2018 Used in combination with the Supplier name to define the catalogue contents

Currency__c Currency Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Currency_Master__c
End_Date__c End Date Pre-Spring 2018 Date
Order_Quantity_Limit__c Order Quantity Limit Pre-Spring 2018 Number(6,0)
Order_Spend_Limit__c Order Spend Limit Pre-Spring 2018 Currency(6,0)
Start_Date__c Start Date Pre-Spring 2018 Date
Supplier_Catalogue_Type__c Supplier Catalogue Type Pre-Spring 2018 Used to define the basic kinds of Supplier Catalogues available to users

Parts (Consumable and Durable)
Office and MRO Supplies
Supplier_Site__c Supplier Site Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: Supplier_Site__c

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