SCM Data Dictionary


Label: SCM Tax Calculation Settings

Contains settings that control the behavior of external tax calculation for FinancialForce Supply Chain Management.

This custom setting is protected and can only be modified by FinancialForce.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
AP_Voucher_Additional_Criteria_Field__c AP Voucher Additional Criteria Field Winter 2023 API name of the field on the AP voucher object used to determine whether an AP voucher order is eligible for tax calculation. The field is used alongside the default eligibility criteria. This must be a checkbox or a formula checkbox field.

AP_Voucher_Credit_Criteria_Field__c AP Voucher Credit Criteria Field Winter 2023 API name of the field on the AP Voucher Credit object used to determine whether an AP voucher credit is eligible for tax calculation. The field is used alongside the default eligibility criteria. This must be a checkbox or a formula checkbox field.

Avalara_Company_Code__c Avalara Company Code Winter 2023 Code used to identify your company in Avalara.

Avalara_Valid_Countries__c Avalara Valid Countries Winter 2023 Comma-separated list of countries that can be validated in Avalara AvaTax. Only the addresses whose country is listed here are validated. If a country is not listed here, the address is not sent to Avalara for validation. This has no impact on tax calculation.

Calculate_Tax_When_Printing_Quotation__c Calculate Tax When Printing Quotation Winter 2023 When selected, tax is automatically calculated when you print a custom quotation.

Checkbox false
Credit_Invoice_Additional_Criteria_Field__c Credit Invoice Additional Criteria Field Winter 2023 API name of the field on the Credit Invoice object used to determine whether a credit invoice is eligible for tax calculation. The field is used alongside the default eligibility criteria. This must be a checkbox or a formula checkbox field.

Customer_Quote_Additional_Criteria_Field__c Customer Quote Additional Criteria Field Winter 2023 API name of the field on the Customer Quotation object used to determine whether a customer quotation is eligible for tax calculation. The field is used alongside the default eligibility criteria. This must be a checkbox or a formula checkbox field.

Enable_Auto_Tax_Calculation_Invoice__c Calculate Tax When Shipping Invoice Winter 2023 When selected, tax is automatically calculated for an invoice when you complete the shipment related to the invoice.

Checkbox false
Enable_Auto_Tax_Calculation_SO__c Calculate Tax When Approving Sales Order Winter 2023 When selected, tax is automatically calculated when you approve a sales order.

Checkbox false
Enable_Auto_Tax_Calculation_Voucher__c Calculate Tax When Matching AP Voucher Winter 2023 When selected, tax is automatically calculated when you match an AP voucher.

Checkbox false
Invoicing_Additional_Criteria_Field__c Invoice Additional Criteria Field Winter 2023 API name of the field on the Invoicing object used to determine whether an invoice is eligible for tax calculation. The field is used alongside the default eligibility criteria. This must be a checkbox or a formula checkbox field.

Purchase_Order_Additional_Criteria_Field__c Purchase Order Additional Criteria Field Winter 2023 API name of the field on the Purchase Order object used to determine whether a purchase order is eligible for tax calculation. The field is used alongside the default eligibility criteria. This must be a checkbox or a formula checkbox field.

Sales_Order_Additional_Criteria_Field__c Sales Order Additional Criteria Field Winter 2023 API name of the field on the Sales Order object used to determine whether a sales order is eligible for tax calculation. The field is used alongside the default eligibility criteria. This must be a checkbox or a formula checkbox field.

Tax_Code_for_Freight_Invoice_Lines__c Tax Code for Freight Invoice Lines Winter 2023 Default Avalara tax code for invoice line items of type Freight.

Tax_Code_for_Miscellaneous_Invoice_Lines__c Tax Code for Miscellaneous Invoice Lines Winter 2023 Default Avalara tax code for invoice line items of type Miscellaneous.


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