Services to Salesforce CPQ Connector Data Dictionary


Label: ffscpq__Estimate__c

Adding fields to an object in a different managed package

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Quote_Line_Group__c Quote Line Group Services to Salesforce CPQ Integration October 2022 The quote line group associated with the estimate that contains the quote lines representing the details of the estimate.

Looks up to: SBQQ__QuoteLineGroup__c

Quote_Line__c Quote Line Services to Salesforce CPQ Integration October 2022 The quote line related to the estimate that contains the role requests that are independent from estimate products.

Looks up to: SBQQ__QuoteLine__c

Quote__c Quote Services to Salesforce CPQ Integration October 2022 The quote that relates to the estimate.

Looks up to: SBQQ__Quote__c


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