Asperato Data Dictionary


Label: Asperato Connector Settings

Manages the Asperato Connector settings.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
DefaultPaymentRouteOptions__c Default Payment Route Options Pre-Fall 2021 The payment route options that are selected by default when making a payment without an authorisation: Card, Direct Debit, eCheck, PayPal. Separate values with a semicolon (;).

EmailRecipients__c Notification Recipients Pre-Fall 2021 TextArea
EnableAutoCashProcessing__c Enable Automated Cash Processing Pre-Fall 2021 Indicates that a cash entry is automatically created to represent an Asperato payment when the status of the payment is "Collected from Customer". The cash entry is matched to the original invoice.

Checkbox false
EnableAutoPayments__c Enable Automated Payments Pre-Fall 2021 Indicates that an Asperato Payment is generated when an invoice is posted for an approved account.

Checkbox false
PayInFull__c DEPRECATED: Prevent Partial Payment Pre-Fall 2021 Indicates that partial payments are not permitted and the invoice must be paid in full.

Checkbox false
Pay_Now_Button_URL__c Pay Now Image URL Pre-Fall 2021 The static resource path for the image used on the Pay Now button. For example: /resource/.


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