Fixed Asset Management Data Dictionary


Label: Applied Depreciation Method

Contains records of the depreciation methods applied to depreciation books. Each record contains the depreciation book, depreciation method applied and the date on which that method came into effect.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Depreciation_Book__c Depreciation Book Spring 2019 Lookup to the depreciation book to which the depreciation method applies.

Looks up to: Depreciation_Book__c
Depreciation_Formula__c Depreciation Formula Pre-Fall 2018 Visual representation of the applied depreciation formula for the chosen depreciation method.

IF(Depreciation_Method__r.Formula_URL__c != '', IMAGE(Depreciation_Method__r.Formula_URL__c , Depreciation_Method__r.Name),'')
Depreciation_Method__c Depreciation Method Pre-Fall 2018 Lookup to the depreciation method applied to the depreciation book.

Looks up to: FA_Depreciation_Method__c
Effective_Date__c Effective Date Pre-Fall 2018 Date from which the Depreciation method is applied on the tax book.


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