Foundations Permissions

Changes made to Certinia Configurable Components

Changes made since the last version

Added permissions

No permissions were added to this permission set for this version

Removed permissions

No permissions were removed from this permission set for this version

Changed permissions

The table lists the permissions Changed for this version

TypeItemOld PermissionNew PermissionOld DescriptionNew Description
Object Permission ErpInternalEvent__e Read Read View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
Apex Class Permission exp_builderUtils Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
exp_configurationItem Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
exp_configurationItemController Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
exp_configurationItemMetadata Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
exp_configurationItemReader Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
exp_configurationItemSelector Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
exp_configurationItemService Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
exp_configurationItemTypes Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
exp_configurationItemWriter Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
exp_configurationItem__c Read, View All Read, View All View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
Field Permission exp_configurationItem__c.LargeData__c Read Read View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
exp_helpController Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
exp_helpLoader Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
exp_labHelper Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
exp_labPicklistCalculationTypes Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
exp_labPicklistDateFields Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
exp_labPicklistHighlightNumbersPanel Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
exp_labPicklistHighlights Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
exp_labPicklistNavigation Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
exp_labPicklistNumericalFields Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
exp_labPicklistPercentageFields Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
exp_labPicklistPicklistFields Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
exp_labPicklistThresholdColors Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
exp_metadataOperations Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
exp_platformEvents Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
Tab Permission exp_releaseHighlights Visible Visible View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
exp_schemaProvider Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
ffui_dependency Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
ffui_describeSObject Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
ffui_documentController Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
ffui_documentSelector Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
ffui_fileIconController Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
ffui_icon Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
ffui_navigation Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
ffui_pageRef Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
ffui_schemaUtils Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
ffui_utils Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
Apex Page Permission wksp_api Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
wksp_app Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
wksp_appDefinition Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
wksp_appDefinitionSelector Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
wksp_appDefinitionService Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
wksp_currencySelector Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
wksp_customAlertController Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
wksp_customAlertService Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
wksp_http Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
wksp_kpiDataProvider Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
wksp_labPicklistHelper Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
wksp_listViewController Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
wksp_listViewInfo Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
wksp_listViewMetadata Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
wksp_listViewSelector Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
wksp_listViewService Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
wksp_listViewServiceImpl Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
wksp_navigation Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
wksp_navigationService Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
wksp_queryLexer Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
wksp_recordCounter Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
wksp_rest Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
wksp_schemaUtils Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
wksp_securityUtil Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
wksp_securityUtilImpl Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
wksp_securityUtilTest Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
wksp_tab Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.
wksp_tabsMetadata Enabled Enabled View Configurable components. View Configurable components.

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