Professional Services Automation Permissions

Changes made to PSA - View Financial Information for Project

Changes made since the last version

Added permissions

The table lists the permissions added for this version

Field Permission Project_Task_Assignment__c.Actual_Cost__c Read View financial information for projects.
Project_Task_Assignment__c.Estimated_Cost__c Read View financial information for projects.
Project_Task__c.Actual_Cost__c Read View financial information for projects.
Project_Task__c.Estimated_Cost__c Read View financial information for projects.
Object Permission Rate_Card__c Read View financial information for projects.

Removed permissions

No permissions were removed from this permission set for this version

Changed permissions

The table lists the permissions Changed for this version

TypeItemOld PermissionNew PermissionOld DescriptionNew Description
Object Permission Assignment__c Read Read View cost and revenue summary for projects. View financial information for projects.
Field Permission Assignment__c.Bill_Rate__c Read Read View cost and revenue summary for projects. View financial information for projects.
Assignment__c.Cost_Rate_Amount__c Read Read View cost and revenue summary for projects. View financial information for projects.
Assignment__c.Cost_Rate_Currency_Code__c Read Read View cost and revenue summary for projects. View financial information for projects.
Assignment__c.Daily_Bill_Rate__c Read Read View cost and revenue summary for projects. View financial information for projects.
Assignment__c.Daily_Cost_Rate__c Read Read View cost and revenue summary for projects. View financial information for projects.
Assignment__c.Resource_Request__c Read Read View cost and revenue summary for projects. View financial information for projects.
Assignment__c.Resource__c Read Read View cost and revenue summary for projects. View financial information for projects.
Assignment__c.Scheduled_Days__c Read Read View cost and revenue summary for projects. View financial information for projects.
Assignment__c.Scheduled_Hours__c Read Read View cost and revenue summary for projects. View financial information for projects.
Contact Read Read View cost and revenue summary for projects. View financial information for projects.
Contact.Daily_Default_Cost_Rate__c Read Read View cost and revenue summary for projects. View financial information for projects.
Contact.Default_Cost_Rate__c Read Read View cost and revenue summary for projects. View financial information for projects.
Contact.Work_Calendar__c Read Read View cost and revenue summary for projects. View financial information for projects.
Milestone__c Read Read View cost and revenue summary for projects. View financial information for projects.
Milestone__c.Milestone_Cost__c Read Read View cost and revenue summary for projects. View financial information for projects.
Apex Class Permission PSACostAndRevenueSummaryController Enabled Enabled View cost and revenue summary for projects. View financial information for projects.
Tab Permission Proj__c Visible Visible View cost and revenue summary for projects. View financial information for projects.
Apex Page Permission ProjectCostAndRevenueSummary Enabled Enabled View cost and revenue summary for projects. View financial information for projects.
Resource_Request__c Read Read View cost and revenue summary for projects. View financial information for projects.
Resource_Request__c.Assignment__c Read Read View cost and revenue summary for projects. View financial information for projects.
Resource_Request__c.Average_Cost_Rate_Currency_Code__c Read Read View cost and revenue summary for projects. View financial information for projects.
Resource_Request__c.Average_Cost_Rate_Number__c Read Read View cost and revenue summary for projects. View financial information for projects.
Resource_Request__c.Requested_Bill_Rate__c Read Read View cost and revenue summary for projects. View financial information for projects.
Resource_Request__c.Resource_Role__c Read Read View cost and revenue summary for projects. View financial information for projects.
Resource_Request__c.SOW_Hours__c Read Read View cost and revenue summary for projects. View financial information for projects.
Resource_Request__c.Staffer_Resource__c Read Read View cost and revenue summary for projects. View financial information for projects.
Resource_Request__c.Suggested_Bill_Rate_Currency_Code__c Read Read View cost and revenue summary for projects. View financial information for projects.
Resource_Request__c.Suggested_Bill_Rate_Number__c Read Read View cost and revenue summary for projects. View financial information for projects.
Timecard_Header__c Read Read View cost and revenue summary for projects. View financial information for projects.
Timecard_Header__c.Include_In_Financials__c Read Read View cost and revenue summary for projects. View financial information for projects.
Timecard_Header__c.Project__c Read Read View cost and revenue summary for projects. View financial information for projects.
Work_Calendar__c Read Read View cost and revenue summary for projects. View financial information for projects.
Work_Calendar__c.Friday_Hours__c Read Read View cost and revenue summary for projects. View financial information for projects.
Work_Calendar__c.Monday_Hours__c Read Read View cost and revenue summary for projects. View financial information for projects.
Work_Calendar__c.Saturday_Hours__c Read Read View cost and revenue summary for projects. View financial information for projects.
Work_Calendar__c.Standard_Hours_Per_Day__c Read Read View cost and revenue summary for projects. View financial information for projects.
Work_Calendar__c.Sunday_Hours__c Read Read View cost and revenue summary for projects. View financial information for projects.
Work_Calendar__c.Thursday_Hours__c Read Read View cost and revenue summary for projects. View financial information for projects.
Work_Calendar__c.Tuesday_Hours__c Read Read View cost and revenue summary for projects. View financial information for projects.
Work_Calendar__c.Wednesday_Hours__c Read Read View cost and revenue summary for projects. View financial information for projects.
Work_Calendar__c.Week_Total_Hours__c Read Read View cost and revenue summary for projects. View financial information for projects.

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