Accounting Permissions

Changes to Permissions in Summer 2023

The following changes have been introduced in the Summer 2023 release.

New Permissions Added

New Permission Sets

Accounting - Playbook
Accounting - Playbook - Edit Task
Accounting - Playbook - Edit Task

New Permission Set Groups

No changes have been made in this release.

New Custom Permissions

No changes have been made in this release.

Deprecated Permissions

Deprecated Permission Sets

Accounting and Billing - Business Activity Statement. API Name: AccountingandBillingBusinessActivityStatement
Accounting and Billing - Business Activity Statement - Manage. API Name: AccountingandBillingBusinessActivityStatementSaveandEdit
Accounting and Billing - Business Activity Statement - Manage. API Name: AccountingandBillingBusinessActivityStatementSaveandEdit
Accounting and Billing - Business Activity Statement - Read Access. API Name: AccountingandBillingBusinessActivityStatementReadAccess
Accounting and Billing - Business Activity Statement - Read Access. API Name: AccountingandBillingBusinessActivityStatementReadAccess

Deprecated Permission Set Groups

No changes have been made in this release.

Deprecated Custom Permissions

Allocate to Cross-Company Allocations. API Name: AllocationsMulticompany
Delete Allocation Rules. API Name: DeleteAllocationRules
Manage Allocations. API Name: ManageAllocations

Updates to Permission Sets

Permissions in the following permission sets have been updated in this release. For more information, see the Technical Documentation Pack on the Certinia Community.
Permission SetDescriptionView changes
Accounting Autogenerated 1st level Accounting Accounting Changes
Accounting - Automated Eliminations Create, delete, view, and run automated eliminations. It can also includes permissions to perform reverse of transactions. AccountingAutomatedEliminations Changes
Accounting - Background Matching and Write Off Process background matching and accounts receivable write-offs. User must also be assigned FDN AsyncApi - Process permissions. AccountingBackgroundMatching Changes
Accounting - Balance Update Autogenerated 2nd level Accounting - Balance Update AccountingBalanceUpdate Changes
Accounting - Balance Update - Merge Account Run, update, and view balances for merge accounts. AccountingBalanceUpdateMergeAccount Changes
Accounting - Bank Reconciliation Autogenerated 2nd level Accounting - Bank Reconciliation AccountingBankReconciliation Changes
Accounting - Bank Reconciliation - Save Bank Reconciliation Line Items Add bank reconciliation line items to a bank reconciliation through a manual process or an automated process. AccountingBankReconciliationSaveLines Changes
Accounting - Bank Statement Autogenerated 2nd level Accounting - Bank Statement AccountingBankStatement Changes
Accounting - Bank Statement - Reconcile Reconcile transactions against items on a bank statement. AccountingBankStatementReconcile Changes
Accounting - Cash Entry Autogenerated 2nd level Accounting - Cash Entry AccountingCashEntry Changes
Accounting - Cash Entry - Amend Amend all cash entries. AccountingCashEntryAmend Changes
Accounting - Cash Entry - Cancel Cancel cash entries. AccountingCashEntryCancel Changes
Accounting - Cash Entry - Discard Discard all cash entries. AccountingCashEntryDiscard Changes
Accounting - Cash Entry - Edit Edit all cash entries. AccountingCashEntryEdit Changes
Accounting - Cash Entry - Post Post all cash entries. AccountingCashEntryPost Changes
Accounting - Cash Entry - Post And Match Post and match all cash entries. User must also be assigned FDN AsyncApi - Process permissions. AccountingCashEntryPostAndMatch Changes
Accounting - Cash Entry - Read Access View all cash entries. AccountingCashEntryReadAccess Changes
Accounting - Cash Entry - Save Save and duplicate all cash entries. AccountingCashEntrySave Changes
Accounting - Cash Matching Autogenerated 2nd level Accounting - Cash Matching AccountingCashMatching Changes
Accounting - Cash Matching - Match Match cash entries against outstanding sales or payable invoices, credit notes, and journals. AccountingCashMatchingMatch Changes
Accounting - Cash Matching - Undo Undo cash matching. AccountingCashMatchingUndo Changes
Accounting - Intercompany Transfer Autogenerated 2nd level Accounting - Intercompany Transfer AccountingIntercompanyTransfer Changes
Accounting - Intercompany Transfer - Accept and Reject Accept and reject all types of intercompany transfer records. AccountingIntercompanyTransferAcceptandReject Changes
Accounting - Intercompany Transfer - Process Process all type of Intercompany transfer records. AccountingIntercompanyTransferProcess Changes
Accounting - Intercompany Transfer - Read Access View all types of Intercompany transfer records. AccountingIntercompanyTransferReadAccess Changes
Accounting - Merge Account Autogenerated 2nd level Accounting - Merge Account AccountingMergeAccount Changes
Accounting - Merge Account - Run Validate and merge duplicate accounts. AccountingMergeAccountRun Changes
Accounting - Payable Credit Note Autogenerated 2nd level Accounting - Payable Credit Note AccountingPayableCreditNote Changes
Accounting - Payable Credit Note - Amend Amend all payable credit notes, payable credit note expense line items, and payable credit note line items. AccountingPayableCreditNoteAmend Changes
Accounting - Payable Credit Note - Discard Discard payable credit notes, payable credit note expense line items, and payable credit note line items. AccountingPayableCreditNoteDiscard Changes
Accounting - Payable Credit Note - Edit Edit payable credit notes, manage payable credit note line items, and payable credit note expense line items. AccountingPayableCreditNoteEdit Changes
Accounting - Payable Credit Note - Post Post all payable credit notes. AccountingPayableCreditNotePost Changes
Accounting - Payable Credit Note - Post and Match Post payable credit notes, match payable credit notes and payable credit note line items. AccountingPayableCreditNotePostandMatch Changes
Accounting - Payable Credit Note - Read Access View all relevant records of payable credit notes. AccountingPayableCreditNoteReadAccess Changes
Accounting - Payable Credit Note - Save Save and clone payable credit notes. It also includes permissions to manage payable credit note line items and payable credit note expense line items. AccountingPayableCreditNoteSave Changes
Accounting - Payable Invoice Autogenerated 2nd level Accounting - Payable Invoice AccountingPayableInvoice Changes
Accounting - Payable Invoice - Amend Amend all payable invoices. AccountingPayableInvoiceAmend Changes
Accounting - Payable Invoice - Convert to Payable Credit Note Convert all payable invoices and payable invoice line items into payable credit notes and payable credit note line items. AccountingPayableInvoiceCreditNote Changes
Accounting - Payable Invoice - Discard Discard payable invoices, payable invoice expense line items, and payable invoice line items. AccountingPayableInvoiceDiscard Changes
Accounting - Payable Invoice - Edit Edit payable invoices, manage payable invoice line items, and payable invoice expense line items. AccountingPayableInvoiceEdit Changes
Accounting - Payable Invoice - Hold or Release Payment Hold or release payments in payable invoices. AccountingPayableInvoiceHoldReleasePayment Changes
Accounting - Payable Invoice - Post Post all payable invoices. AccountingPayableInvoicePost Changes
Accounting - Payable Invoice - Read Access View all payable invoices, payable invoice line items, and payable invoice expense line items. AccountingPayableInvoiceReadAccess Changes
Accounting - Payable Invoice - Save Save and clone payable invoices. It also includes permissions to manage payable invoice line items and payable invoice expense line items. AccountingPayableInvoiceSave Changes
Accounting - Payment Autogenerated 2nd level Accounting - Payment AccountingPayment Changes
Accounting - Payment - Cancel Cancel selected checks, electronic payments, and all active payments on a payment proposal. AccountingPaymentCancel Changes
Accounting - Payment - Clear Payment History Clear the payment history. AccountingPaymentClearHistory Changes
Accounting - Payment - Discard Discard all payments. AccountingPaymentDiscard Changes
Accounting - Payment - Pay Pay all types of payments. AccountingPaymentPay Changes
Accounting - Payment - Read Access View all payments. AccountingPaymentReadAccess Changes
Accounting - Payment - Remittances Send remittances for payment details to vendors. AccountingPaymentRemittances Changes
Accounting - Payment - Retrieve and Save Retrieve all transactions and save payments. AccountingPaymentSave Changes
Accounting - Payment Selection Retrieve and select transactions to create a payment. AccountingPaymentSelection Changes
Accounting - Payment Template Autogenerated 2nd level Accounting - Payment Template AccountingPaymentTemplate Changes
Accounting - Payment Template - Delete Delete all payment templates. AccountingPaymentTemplateDelete Changes
Accounting - Payment Template - Edit Edit all payment templates. AccountingPaymentTemplateEdit Changes
Accounting - Payment Template - Read Access View all payment templates. AccountingPaymentTemplateReadAccess Changes
Accounting - Payment Template - Save Save all payment templates. AccountingPaymentTemplateSave Changes
Accounting - Payments Plus Create, cancel, discard, post, match, and view payment proposals. AccountingPaymentsPlus Changes
Accounting - Prepaid Expenses Autogenerated 2nd level Accounting - Prepaid Expenses AccountingPrepaidExpenses Changes
Accounting - Prepaid Expenses - Create Create prepaid expenses journals. AccountingPrepaidExpensesCreate Changes
Accounting - Prepaid Expenses - Read Access View all relevant records for prepaid expenses journals. AccountingPrepaidExpensesReadAccess Changes
Accounting - Profitability Reporting Autogenerated 2nd level Accounting - Profitability Reporting AccountingProfitabilityReporting Changes
Accounting - Profitability Reporting - SubAnalysis Mappings Manage profitability sub-analysis mappings. AccountingProfitabilityReportingSubAnalysisMappings Changes
Accounting - Reporting Balance Create, edit, delete, and view all reporting balances. AccountingReportingBalance Changes
Accounting Integrations Autogenerated 1st level Accounting Integrations FFAIntegrations Changes
Accounting Integrations - FDN Billing Document Autogenerated 2nd level Accounting Integrations - FDN Billing Document FFAIntegrationsERPBillingDocument Changes
Accounting Integrations - FDN Billing Document - Override Exchange Rates Provides edit capability for Accounting currency rate fields on billing document. Note that in addition to this permission set you must also have 'FDN Common Concepts - Billing Documents - Edit' to provide access to the object. FFAIntegrationsERPBillingDocumentOverrideExchangeRates Changes
Accounting Integrations - FDN Billing Document - Override GLA Provides edit capability for Accounting general ledger account field on billing document. Note that in addition to this permission set you must also have 'FDN Common Concepts - Billing Documents - Edit' to provide access to the object. FFAIntegrationsERPBillingDocumentOverrideGLA Changes
Accounting Integrations - FDN Billing Document - Override Period Provides edit capability for Accounting period override field on billing document. Note that in addition to this permission set you must also have 'FDN Common Concepts - Billing Documents - Edit' to provide access to the object. FFAIntegrationsERPBillingDocumentOverridePeriod Changes
Accounting Integrations - FDN Billing Document - Read Access View Accounting fields on Foundations billing document. User must also be assigned FDN Common Concepts - Billing Documents - Read permission to access objects. FFAIntegrationsERPBillingDocumentReadAccess Changes
Accounting Integrations - FDN Billing Document - Retry Post Post Foundations billing documents to Accounting. User must also be assigned FDN Common Concepts - Billing Documents - Edit permission to access objects. FFAIntegrationsERPBillingDocumentRetryPost Changes
Accounting Integrations - FDN Company Edit Accounting company field on Foundations companies. User must also be assigned FDN Common Concepts - Company - Edit permission to access objects. FFAIntegrationsERPCompany Changes
Accounting Integrations - FDN Company - Read Access View Accounting company field on Foundations companies. User must also be assigned FDN Common Concepts - Company - Read permission to access objects. FFAIntegrationsERPCompanyReadAccess Changes
Accounting Integrations - FDN Tax Code Edit Accounting tax code field on Foundations tax codes. User must also be assigned FDN Common Concepts - Tax - Edit permission to access objects. FFAIntegrationsERPTaxCode Changes
Accounting Integrations - FDN Tax Code - Read Access View accounting tax code field on Foundations tax codes. User must also be assigned FDN Common Concepts - Tax - Read permission to access objects. FFAIntegrationsERPTaxCodeReadAccess Changes
Accounting Integrations Read Access Autogenerated 1st level Accounting Integrations Read Access FFAIntegrationsReadAccess Changes
Accounting Lightning App View all FinancialForce Accounting apps. AccountingLightningApp Changes
Accounting Read Access Autogenerated 1st level Accounting Read Access AccountingReadAccess Changes
Accounting and Billing Autogenerated 1st level Accounting and Billing AccountingandBilling Changes
Accounting and Billing - Allocations Autogenerated 2nd level Accounting and Billing - Allocations AccountingandBillingAllocations Changes
Accounting and Billing - Background Posting Autogenerated 2nd level Accounting and Billing - Background Posting AccountingandBillingBackgroundPosting Changes
Accounting and Billing - Background Posting - List View Run background posting from the document list view page. User must also be assigned FDN AsyncApi - Process permissions. AccountingandBillingBackgroundPostingListview Changes
Accounting and Billing - Background Posting - Schedule and Run Schedule and run background posting from the background posting scheduler tab. User must also be assigned FDN AsyncApi - Process permissions. AccountingandBillingBackgroundPostingRunNow Changes
Accounting and Billing - Billing Documents to Sales Invoices or Credit Notes Create sales invoices or sales credit notes from eligible billing documents. Also view the relevant fields on the Billing Document object and perform actions related to the integration. AccountingandBillingBillingDocumentstoSalesInvoicesorCreditNotes Changes
Accounting and Billing - Collections Autogenerated 2nd level Accounting and Billing - Collections AccountingandBillingCollections Changes
Accounting and Billing - Collections - Read Access View all reminders and customer statements. AccountingandBillingCollectionsReadAccess Changes
Accounting and Billing - Collections - Send Customer Statements Send statements for sales invoices to customers. AccountingandBillingCollectionsSendStatements Changes
Accounting and Billing - Collections - Send Email Reminders Send reminders for sales invoices or billing documents listing the invoices due for payment. User must also be assigned FDN Common Concepts - Billing Documents - Read and FDN Common Concepts - Company - Read when sending reminders for billing documents. AccountingandBillingCollectionsSendReminders Changes
Accounting and Billing - Help View Certinia context-sensitive help topics that provide information on related pages and objects. AccountingandBillingHelp Changes
Accounting and Billing - Journal Autogenerated 2nd level Accounting and Billing - Journal AccountingandBillingJournal Changes
Accounting and Billing - Journal - Amend Amend all journals and journal line items. AccountingandBillingJournalAmend Changes
Accounting and Billing - Journal - Cancel Create and post canceling journals. AccountingandBillingJournalCancel Changes
Accounting and Billing - Journal - Discard Discard journals and journal line items. AccountingandBillingJournalDiscard Changes
Accounting and Billing - Journal - Edit Edit journals, manage journal line items, and override currencies in journals. AccountingandBillingJournalEdit Changes
Accounting and Billing - Journal - Post Post all journals. AccountingandBillingJournalPost Changes
Accounting and Billing - Journal - Read Access View all relevant records of journals. AccountingandBillingJournalReadAccess Changes
Accounting and Billing - Journal - Recurring Save recurring journals. To post and save recurring journals simultaneously, you must also assign Accounting and Billing - Journal - Post permission set. AccountingandBillingJournalRecurring Changes
Accounting and Billing - Journal - Reverse Create reversing journals. AccountingandBillingJournalReverse Changes
Accounting and Billing - Journal - Save Save and clone journals. It also includes permissions to manage the journal line items and also load journals using a journal loader. AccountingandBillingJournalSave Changes
Accounting and Billing - Opportunity Autogenerated 2nd level Accounting and Billing - Opportunity AccountingandBillingOpportunity Changes
Accounting and Billing - Opportunity - Create Sales Invoice Create sales invoices and recurring sales invoices from opportunity. It also includes permission to create sales invoices and recurring invoices. AccountingandBillingOpportunityCreateSalesInvoice Changes
Accounting and Billing - Reminder Rule Autogenerated 2nd level Accounting and Billing - Reminder Rule AccountingandBillingReminderRule Changes
Accounting and Billing - Reminder Rule - Create Create and edit all reminder rules. AccountingandBillingReminderRuleCreate Changes
Accounting and Billing - Reminder Rule - Delete Delete all reminder rules. AccountingandBillingReminderRuleDelete Changes
Accounting and Billing - Reminder Rule - Read Access View all relevent records of reminder rules. AccountingandBillingReminderRuleReadAccess Changes
Accounting and Billing - Run Integration Rule Autogenerated 2nd level Accounting and Billing - Run Integration Rule AccountingandBillingRunIntegrationRule Changes
Accounting and Billing - Run Integration Rule - Sales Invoice Create and post sales invoices by running the integration rule. AccountingandBillingRunIntegrationRuleSalesInvoice Changes
Accounting and Billing - Sales Credit Note Autogenerated 2nd level Accounting and Billing - Sales Credit Note AccountingandBillingSalesCreditNote Changes
Accounting and Billing - Sales Credit Note - Amend Amend all sales credit notes and sales credit note line items. AccountingandBillingSalesCreditNoteAmend Changes
Accounting and Billing - Sales Credit Note - Discard Discard sales credit notes and sales credit note line items. AccountingandBillingSalesCreditNoteDiscard Changes
Accounting and Billing - Sales Credit Note - Edit Edit sales credit notes and manage sales credit note line items. AccountingandBillingSalesCreditNoteEdit Changes
Accounting and Billing - Sales Credit Note - Post Post all sales credit notes. AccountingandBillingSalesCreditNotePost Changes
Accounting and Billing - Sales Credit Note - Post and Match Post sales credit notes, match sales credit notes and sales credit note line items. AccountingandBillingSalesCreditNotePostandMatch Changes
Accounting and Billing - Sales Credit Note - Print Print, preview, view or email all sales credit notes and sales credit note line items. AccountingandBillingSalesCreditNotePrint Changes
Accounting and Billing - Sales Credit Note - Read Access View all relavent records for sales credit notes. AccountingandBillingSalesCreditNoteReadAccess Changes
Accounting and Billing - Sales Credit Note - Save Save sales credit notes and sales credit note line items. AccountingandBillingSalesCreditNoteSave Changes
Accounting and Billing - Sales Invoice Autogenerated 2nd level Accounting and Billing - Sales Invoice AccountingandBillingSalesInvoice Changes
Accounting and Billing - Sales Invoice - Amend Amend all sales invoices and sales invoice line items, including payment schedule sales invoices and sales invoice line items. AccountingandBillingSalesInvoiceAmend Changes
Accounting and Billing - Sales Invoice - Convert to Credit Note Convert all sales invoices, payment schedule, income schedule sales invoices, and sales invoice line items into credit note and credit note line items. AccountingandBillingSalesInvoiceCreditNote Changes
Accounting and Billing - Sales Invoice - Discard Discard sales invoice line items, installment line items, and income schedule sales invoice line items. AccountingandBillingSalesInvoiceDiscard Changes
Accounting and Billing - Sales Invoice - Edit Edit sales invoices, payment schedule, and income schedule sales invoices. It also includes permissions to manage sales invoice line items. AccountingandBillingSalesInvoiceEdit Changes
Accounting and Billing - Sales Invoice - Hold or Release Collection Place sales invoices on hold or release for collections. AccountingandBillingSalesInvoiceHoldReleaseCollection Changes
Accounting and Billing - Sales Invoice - Manage Recurring Invoices Save and post recurring invoices. AccountingandBillingSalesInvoiceRecurringInvoiceSaveandPost Changes
Accounting and Billing - Sales Invoice - Post Post all sales invoices, payment schedule, and income schedule sales invoices. AccountingandBillingSalesInvoicePost Changes
Accounting and Billing - Sales Invoice - Print Print or email all sales invoices and sales invoice line items. AccountingandBillingSalesInvoicePrint Changes
Accounting and Billing - Sales Invoice - Read Access View all relevant records for sales invoices. AccountingandBillingSalesInvoiceReadAccess Changes
Accounting and Billing - Sales Invoice - Save Save sales invoices, payment schedule, and income schedule sales invoices. It also includes permissions to manage sales invoice line items. AccountingandBillingSalesInvoiceSave Changes
Accounting and Billing - Sales Invoice - Save Recurring Invoices Save recurring invoices. AccountingandBillingSalesInvoiceRecurringInvoiceSave Changes
Accounting and Billing - Tax Code Autogenerated 2nd level Accounting and Billing - Tax Code AccountingandBillingTaxCode Changes
Accounting and Billing - Tax Code - Calculate Tax for Accounts Payable Calculate tax using Avalara AvaTax for payable invoices and payable credit notes. AccountingandBillingTaxCodeAvalaraPayable Changes
Accounting and Billing - Tax Code - Calculate Tax for Accounts Receivable Calculate tax using Avalara AvaTax for sales invoices and sales credit notes. AccountingandBillingTaxCodeAvalara Changes
Accounting and Billing - Transaction Reconciliation Autogenerated 2nd level Accounting and Billing - Transaction Reconciliation AccountingandBillingTransactionReconciliation Changes
Accounting and Billing - Transaction Reconciliation - Manage Retrieve, save, edit, and delete all transaction reconciliation records. AccountingandBillingTransactionReconciliationSaveandEdit Changes
Accounting and Billing - Transaction Reconciliation - Reconcile and Unreconcile Reconcile and unreconcile all transaction reconciliation records. AccountingandBillingTransactionReconciliationReconcileandUnreconcile Changes
Accounting and Billing - Transactions - Read Access View all relevant records for transactions. AccountingandBillingTransactionsReadAccess Changes
Accounting and Billing - XL Autogenerated 2nd level Accounting and Billing - XL AccountingandBillingXL Changes
Accounting and Billing - XL - Payable Invoices Document Input Create and post payable invoice documents. AccountingandBillingXLPayableInvoiceDocumentInput Changes
Accounting and Billing - XL - Payable Invoices Report Retrieve payable invoices documents and view reports. AccountingandBillingXLPayableInvoiceReport Changes
Accounting and Billing - Year Autogenerated 2nd level Accounting and Billing - Year AccountingandBillingYear Changes
Accounting and Billing - Year - Create Years and Periods Create years and periods from the Accounting Task Launcher. It also includes permissions to calculate financial periods from the Years tab. AccountingandBillingYearCalculatePeriod Changes
Accounting and Billing - Year - Manage Years Manage your financial years. AccountingandBillingYearCreate Changes
Accounting and Billing - Year - Read Access View all relavant records for years and periods. AccountingandBillingYearReadAccess Changes
Accounting and Billing API Manage access to all the API classes required to run specific processes using the FinancialForce Accounting and Billing applications. AccountingandBillingAPI Changes
Accounting and Billing Read Access Autogenerated 1st level Accounting and Billing Read Access AccountingandBillingReadAccess Changes
Analytics and Financial Statements Read Access Accounting Objects and Account Field Permissions AnalyticsandFinancialStatementsReadAccess Changes
Billing Lightning App View all FinancialForce Billing apps. BillingLightningApp Changes
Data Archiving Autogenerated 1st level Data Archiving DataArchiving Changes
Data Archiving - Summarization Journal Autogenerated 2nd level Data Archiving - Summarization Journal DataArchivingSummarizationJournal Changes
Data Archiving - Summarization Journal - Cancel DataArchivingSummarizationJournalCancel Changes
Data Archiving - Summarization Journal - Create DataArchivingSummarizationJournalCreate Changes
Data Archiving - Summarization Journal - Reverse DataArchivingSummarizationJournalReverse Changes
FM Community Autogenerated 1st level FM Community FMCommunity Changes
FM Community - Billing Document FMCommunityBillingDocument Changes

Updates to Permission Set Labels

For information about changes to permission set labels, see the Technical Documentation Pack on the Certinia Community.

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