Asperato Connector Permissions

Changes made to ASP Connector - Billing Document Create Payment

Changes made since the last version

Added permissions

No permissions were added to this permission set for this version

Removed permissions

No permissions were removed from this permission set for this version

Changed permissions

The table lists the permissions Changed for this version

TypeItemOld PermissionNew PermissionOld DescriptionNew Description
Apex Page Permission CreateBillingInvoicePayment Enabled Enabled ASP Integrations - Billing Document Create Payment ASP Connector - Billing Document Create Payment
Object Permission PaymentIntegrationMethod__c Read Read ASP Integrations - Billing Document Create Payment ASP Connector - Billing Document Create Payment
Field Permission PaymentIntegrationMethod__c.PaymentAuthorisation__c Read Read ASP Integrations - Billing Document Create Payment ASP Connector - Billing Document Create Payment
PaymentIntegrationMethod__c.Provider__c Read Read ASP Integrations - Billing Document Create Payment ASP Connector - Billing Document Create Payment
PaymentIntegrationMethod__c.ReceivablesBankAccount__c Read Read ASP Integrations - Billing Document Create Payment ASP Connector - Billing Document Create Payment
Tab Permission PaymentWorker__c Available Available ASP Integrations - Billing Document Create Payment ASP Connector - Billing Document Create Payment
PaymentWorker__c.BillingDocument__c Read Read ASP Integrations - Billing Document Create Payment ASP Connector - Billing Document Create Payment
PaymentWorker__c.ErrorLog__c Read Read ASP Integrations - Billing Document Create Payment ASP Connector - Billing Document Create Payment
PaymentWorker__c.Is_Multiple_Document__c Read Read ASP Integrations - Billing Document Create Payment ASP Connector - Billing Document Create Payment
PaymentWorker__c.Payment_Amount__c Read Read ASP Integrations - Billing Document Create Payment ASP Connector - Billing Document Create Payment
PaymentWorker__c.SalesInvoice__c Read Read ASP Integrations - Billing Document Create Payment ASP Connector - Billing Document Create Payment
ProcessPayment Enabled Enabled ASP Integrations - Billing Document Create Payment ASP Connector - Billing Document Create Payment
asp04__Authorisation__c.Account__c Read Read ASP Integrations - Billing Document Create Payment ASP Connector - Billing Document Create Payment
asp04__Payment__c Read Read ASP Integrations - Billing Document Create Payment ASP Connector - Billing Document Create Payment
asp04__Payment__c.BillingDocument__c Edit, Read Edit, Read ASP Integrations - Billing Document Create Payment ASP Connector - Billing Document Create Payment
asp04__Payment__c.Document_Numbers__c Read Read ASP Integrations - Billing Document Create Payment ASP Connector - Billing Document Create Payment
asp04__Payment__c.SalesInvoice__c Read Read ASP Integrations - Billing Document Create Payment ASP Connector - Billing Document Create Payment
asp04__Payment__c.codaPaymentLineItem__c Read Read ASP Integrations - Billing Document Create Payment ASP Connector - Billing Document Create Payment
asp04__Payment__c.codaPaymentMediaSummary__c Read Read ASP Integrations - Billing Document Create Payment ASP Connector - Billing Document Create Payment
c2g__codaBankAccount__c.AsperatoCustomerID__c Read Read ASP Integrations - Billing Document Create Payment ASP Connector - Billing Document Create Payment
c2g__codaBankAccount__c.AsperatoMerchantGroup__c Read Read ASP Integrations - Billing Document Create Payment ASP Connector - Billing Document Create Payment
c2g__codaTransactionLineItem__c.AsperatoPayoutReference__c Read Read ASP Integrations - Billing Document Create Payment ASP Connector - Billing Document Create Payment
fferpcore__BillingDocument__c.BankAccount__c Edit, Read Edit, Read ASP Integrations - Billing Document Create Payment ASP Connector - Billing Document Create Payment
fferpcore__BillingDocument__c.Make_a_Payment__c Read Read ASP Integrations - Billing Document Create Payment ASP Connector - Billing Document Create Payment
fferpcore__BillingDocument__c.Payment_Link_URL__c Read Read ASP Integrations - Billing Document Create Payment ASP Connector - Billing Document Create Payment
fferpcore__BillingDocument__c.Payment_Link__c Read Read ASP Integrations - Billing Document Create Payment ASP Connector - Billing Document Create Payment
fferpcore__BillingDocument__c.Payment__c Edit, Read Edit, Read ASP Integrations - Billing Document Create Payment ASP Connector - Billing Document Create Payment

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